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Life After V Line Surgery

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Hi chigirl

Sad and sorry to hear your story on your ps journey.
Can you pm to me what happened and the results. It will make my decision on ps
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Hey girl, sorry to hear about your sagging! I hope you are happier if you got the facelift. I totally share your opinion on fc now. I have been doing a lot of acupuncture and massage and it's helping a lot, so I'm going to avoid the accu and other lifts like you suggested. Thanks for your advice!
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A QUESTION TO THOSE WITH KNOWLEDGE: If you have v-line surgery will after some years the masseter muscle become bigger than it was before to cover for the loss of bone? In other words, is botox needed for the rest of your life after v-line?
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I don't think fc affects the muscle unless it's part of the surgery (I've heard they can remove part of the muscle), at least for me it didn't! One member here said she needed injections after surgery, but only because the muscle was big to begin with and her face didn't look slim enough.
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One example of muscle overgrowth would be the youtuber-blogger Wengie..

I have read this member's experience, I know:smile:

I just went through your posts and saw that you need facial contouring revision? Do you have any doctors in mind?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a question is the dream clinic a good option for v-line? or just for rhino? I'm looking for a vline and rhino surgery and at first i opted for ID but after read some experiences... i've decided looking for another clinic
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I personally can't say, I haven't read any Korean reviews on them yet..

But you did well for dropping ID out of your list. Before you choose a clinic I advice you to read all the posts here, even the threads that talk about procedures that don't interest you, and if you can, afterwards try to find korean reviews.
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I see. I found out that members is have dislike or anti ID, being black listed. :graucho: Woah..

If i have rounder and wide face, did v-line surgery are necessary ? If square jaw are need this to get v shape ? ;) All of the clinics that i have consult with are recommend to get v-line surgery. I don't know is i good or not. I kind of worried will be caused saggy and other problems.
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Well I am not a doctor neither have I seen your face, but yeah generally you have to change the bone structure to have a distinct v-line. But maybe your masseter muscle is overgrown giving your face a wide appearance, in that case you need botox, have you tried it? Or if you have a lot of facial fat then a facial liposuction method is used.

If you get bone resection surgeries sagging will come inevitably with it, or jowling, if not immediately then at some point definately, sooner than it would normally. Also removing fat might lead to premature aging as well, we should be adding fat to our face not removing it..

You cannot have the cake and eat it too :/
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My face is chubby, rounder and wider. I have square jaw, so during consultation with several clinics i've recommend to get v-line surgery. I was asked if i need rhinoplasty and ptosis correction to corrected the eyes that is look sleepy but she instead was pointed my face that is look that wide and square jaw looks masculine.

I don't know if v-line surgery is necessary. Botox is not last long, i wasn't interested with botox. Did you ever got facial contouring surgery like v-line surgery ? If it's please tell me about it. :graucho:
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Botox doesn't last long, I know, but I mean, are you sure that the bone is your problem and not the muscle? If yes, then I suppose that you might need the v-line. As for the chubby part have you tried losing some weight? Fat makes the face wider and more square, at least in my case it does:P

I haven't got v-line surgery yet, I am not sure I need it, my face is not wide, I just like a pointier chin and smaller jaw, but for these I am not willing to sacrifice the face I already have for sagging and all the other side effects. So I have to consult with the doctors first, see what they suggest and then decide..
That's why I'm getting it in 2 years from now to have a lot of time for research :smile:
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Okay, i got what you explain about. I think it's for the bone because i was assumed that i have that much of fat and looks chubby. But then the consultant during consultation was explain to me that v-line is recommend for my square jaw that is make me look tough and masculine. So, perhaps is not fat but the bone. I have rounder and wider face. :graucho: It's typical of southeast asian. Korean are prefer smaller face and on their beauty standard consider as pretty girl so that's why they are pointed on my face shape.

I don't know if it's necessary, i don't want pointy jaw. I prefer natural, soft and smooth that is not that too sharp like v shape. But, the consultant still said that i need to look for her recommendation. Unfortunately, doctor are not send emails. :sad:

Also cheekbone reduction, i don't know if need lipo on the face but i was recommend fat graft as well on the cheek which i don't know about it. She said that i was wrong think that i have chubby face caused fat but it's caused my face is big and wide. I have sunken part on my face so fat graft was recommended. I send my photos, so that's why a lot of consultant still recommend me to get this kind of procedures.

I am still not decided yet, i need to make sure that i will choose to get this or not. Because my main concern is the eyes and nose, but i was recommended to get v-line, cheekbone reduction and fat graft.

I do believe that it's not for everyone, so i would like to know if i am candidate for this or not. But, thanks for reply and help. :biggrin: I've heard that v-line and cheekbone reduction are caused saggy and premature aging. :sweatdrop:
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If your cheekbones don't bother you don't get them reduced!! But don't really trust the consultants, they are just salesmen, it is not neccesary for them to have a medical degree. You have to hear what the doctor will say, an honest one though haha. But you have to decide whether or not you want to undergo this procedure by yourself not because a consultant said so. I suppose you focus on your eyes and nose which seem to bother you more. Think about it before you go to Korea, please don't rush your decisions:smile:

I am also going to get fat graft for sunken sheeks, I have seen good results from it and I also have seen that it could conceal in some extent a ''not so good'' by korean standarts bone structure.But I don't know if you like the full face:amuse: I suggest you do more research on it!

But honestly, I wouldn't trust a clinic that doesn't reply to my messages. What happens if something goes wrong? Will they abandon me and not care about me?

Which clinics did you consult with? I suppose it was just e-mail consultation?!
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You got what i'm think for, yes i have do research for the longest time but for the eyes and nose surgery and not for the facial contouring surgery. So, for like three months have been do research regards facial contouring surgery. I re-think my decision so i don't take it as a rush and wait until i'm completly ready for the surgery specially for facial contouring surgery. :graucho: The consultant are tried to help but the final decision are on you, because she still explain that it's purely based on photos that i've send to her.

I do believe that i need to get face-to-face consultation with doctor. The consultant was said that i need to visit the clinic for consultation as well, also have CT Scan. I was recommend to get full face fat graft. ;)

I'm never trust anyone beside doctor that is expert because they know more about their specialisties. I have no medical background so still not decided and do research about what to expect from facial contouring surgery. :biggrin:
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Haha I edited my post but you are so fast that you answered my pre-edited one :P I was asking which clinic did you consult with?
And also be careful with clinics that don't answer e-mails, they might have a poor aftercare as well..
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