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For those of you researching for procedures.

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Just FYI - the legal help he is offering is actually a free service provided in Korea. If you're a patient seeking compensation from a hospital for injury/damages from a cosmetic surgical procedure - you can go to 2 KOREAN GOVERNMENT (yes!! ACTUALLY GOVERNMENT FUNDED PROGRAMS!) programs that'll do it for you:

1. Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency: (02) 1670-3545 or www.k-medi.or.kr
2. Korea Consumer Agency: 1372 or www.kca.go.kr

The thing about Jeet is that he advertised himself as a "medical professional" with oh so much research. If you did a little digging as a PF member had done above, you can see that he graduated with a marketing degree. His tactics are super clever:

- use fear tactics by claiming that there's a set price and if you bargain/use promos you're basically doomed to be botched. Clearly, false as the Mindy3231 posted. 4.5mil for a boob augmentation procedure. From one of the hospitals that Jeet has been promoting. That's probably the reason why he didn't accuse the hospital/clinic of not being reputable. Cause he's sending patients there as well.

- say that he's government funded. A bunch of people have told me that he was "backed by the government". When confronted, he dismissed studies done by economists that say that governments give incentives to foreigners so that they'll invest in their country. For someone that had no problem refuting my arguments to dismissing me as "over-emotional" and not addressing my points... He basically wouldn't admit that his "government-funded program" was anything BUT. Getting a lump sum of money =/= continous support from the government.

I'm not saying that we should all be trying to save money. You missed the point of my thread - you only have one face. Why entrust it to someone who sees medical tourists as a source of money? The relationships they have faciliated with clinics are NOT beneficial to you. They're limiting. It's also worth pointing out that paying more doesn't guarentee successful surgery and good results. As well, you can see that a boob job from a reputable clinic is way cheaper than what these agents are saying "standard rates" are.

This thread is to raise awareness for people who are researching. I know when I started (and many others like me), I thought DocFinder Korea was the best thing in existance. Now, I know better.

So why shouldn't I pass along the message?
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A caution about Banobagi - I personally have 3 very close girls I met on here. They have been kind enough to share with me their pictures after talking for months. They have uneven epi, alars, double eyelids and chin. I don't think they're botched considering that their eyes close, nose can still smell and everything. But for the price that they paid for, and the promises the docs made... this was definitely not okay. As well for aftercare they didn't even get to see the nurses. One of them told me a NURSE removed her stitches. Would have been okay, except this one clearly didn't know what she was doing. Tugged and tugged before giving up and telling her to come back another day.
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OMG, that's horrible! Well, thank you for posting.

What I have noticed is that ALL clinics and service have issues. Some are huge, some are small. No matter who refers you or what experience they have had, it will not always match yours. I don't know if we will ever know why that is since it can be a myriad of reasons.

I will say that I would rather go with docfinderkorea for no other reason than they are from the government. I don't have any Korean friends or family to go with me and I would rather use their service than go at it alone, looking for someone to trust when my head is swaddled like a newborn baby. lol
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DocFinder Korea is from the government?? When? Can you link me to where you saw this?
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They are ACCREDITED by the government. I swear I read somewhere that it was linked to the Korean government, but I can't find it right now (I've done a LOT of reading on them, I could have gotten it wrong). I apologize for that.
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It says here that

"DocfinderKorea is a reliable medical tourism company certified by the Korean government. We are an official agency accredited by the government with business license, medical tour certification and insurance. We also maintain a close cooperation scheme with the Medical Dispute Mediation Committee and work hand in hand with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Culture and other government medical tour departments in order to grow to be the best medical tour company."

They're accredited in the sense that they have a business license from the Korean government and abide by rules (like Jeet) and are an legal operation... as opposed to some dingy basement sort of thing. It doesn't mean that they're a government program.

They're a LEGIT business. That's all that it really says!

Hope this clears things up for you!
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Thanks, doll!

I get it. I honestly don't have a choice because I don't have any Korean or Chinese friends to travel with me. I have only read one meh review about DFK and that what happened there won't with me because I don't stand for BS of any kind. My only other choices are to just pick ONE clinic from here without a face to face and hope they take good care of me or to hire someone (again from here) to translate for me and take my chances that way.

I don't equate DFK with Jeet at all. Jeet showed his true colors here. DFK simply runs a legitimate, legal business that fits the requirements I need.
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I'm just going to tell you that DFK is a legal business. So was Jeet's. However, DFK has also treated some of my friends horribly. Everyone I've talked to have had more negative things about him than positives to say. Again, the choice is ultimately yours. I dislike his business practices immensely so I am biased. But I've also talked to people that aren't bloggers hence are not promoting his business. So that might be why there's such a huge discrepancy.

Again, I'm not a fan of agencies myself. But that's my opinion after all and you should form yours as well :smile:
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You have to remember that agencies have special relationships with certain clinics too, so it's highly likely that they will coax/persuade you into getting work done at a certain clinic. There's stories dating back to when I first joined of professional translators not out-right bad mouthing clinics, but planting those little seeds of doubt so you have second thoughts. They also know how vulnerable and overwhelmed people can be during all this and of course will use it to their advantage to persuade.

Going with an official agency always opens a complicated can of worms even if you're aware of their tactics. Are the clinics you're interested in have 0 English speaking staff? imo there isn't really any other major reason to get an agency (some places with korean/chinese only will even get temporary english staff, the price will be reflected on surgery of course but still won't be higher than an agency's commission).

Like babysevenohx I'm also not a fan of agencies but at the end of the day it is your decision. Just please be careful!
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how do you suggest we get information? number 1 and 2 we are all doing. number 3.... seemed like a good idea. I know pictures can be photoshopped, so number 4 is out.

If we can't search online, can't trust people who tell us things, and can't trust the clinics, where does that leave us?
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His account has either been banned/he left because he couldn't continue doing what he has been doing for the past while which includes:
- soliciting PFers via PMs and also clever links to blog posts on his site - to get us all on his website
- using fear tactics to get new customers/grow trust in his own agency
- claiming to have a medical background/"lots of research" but quickly discredited as a quick google search brought up his marketing background (explains why he became so prevalent on here) AS WELL as the hypocrisy behind his posts. He claims to have researched, yet did the very same thing many of are doing on this forum.

I believe that agencies have their uses. If you're lazy and want it quickly done over with. But there's SO many clinics, shouldn't you question why they insist on sending foreigners to a select few? Again, it's your own face. And most people aren't even aware of how agencies' business works.

Here's the facts summarized - once again:
- agents (even translators) can claim 30-40%. This % goes up or down depending on how much the customer pays and how many people you can bring in. Can confirm because I've seen contracts first hand.
- their so called "special relationship" consists of hey I'll bring people to you, in exchange for money. Okay? Okay. Deal. Relationship formed.
- shady shady business practices which include getting you to pay a deposit, than forcing you to book surgery dates right away. You don't have much bargaining power as a result. And you also don't want to lose your deposit right? So what do you do? Most people would do their surgery because the agent holds their monies.
- abandoning you after your surgery - DocFinder Korea is one of the first to come to mind for me

If you end up going with an agency, I strongly urge you to set an amount as to what they will be earning as a part of providing that service to you. Figure out what they're charging you and WHY before confirming your trip. A particular agent charges her clients the cost of transportation for herself (when she's not with you), hotel room fees, etc. when she was hired by girls and a guy that I connected with via Kakao. They had no idea until someone else informed them of it and they than confronted her and got some monies back. Transparency is so key and for many of us surgery is a luxury that we have saved up to buy. I'd rather have that extra money used for skin care/shopping/better accommodations than going to some person that's treating me as an ATM.

You have to remember that at the end of the day, you have to be smart. It's your face, please don't risk anything because you wanted to take the short cut. You have one face only. Take care and read everything with a grain of salt. Don't forget your common sense!!

Babitalk = great places to find promos from all clinics (including the clinics that are super popular on this forum). I strongly urge you all to check it out and see if any promos are running around your dates. You can also use promos to bargain when you walk into the clinic.

Bargaining won't mean you'll be botched (as Jeet seems to love to suggest). It just means you're a smart shopper - it's common practice in SE Asia.

Good luck :smile:
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I feel like government sites are supporting medical tourism. Which after following your threads it seems the recommended prices given out is all so much higher than what we can actually bargain to
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Negotiations for the price are standard in Seoul, so the beginning price is going to be high. It's just like buying a house. Most do not go in offering to pay the asking price. The seller goes high, the buyer goes low and they tend to meet in the middle. The difference here is that the buyer can go elsewhere for their surgery, so they have the upper hand.

And yes, the government encourages medical tourism because it stimulates their economy. Medical tourists pay more for the same surgeries. They pay for hotels, eat out daily, buy beauty brands they can't get at home, pay to see sites that native people do not and get services that are more expensive in their home country.

I am not just getting plastic surgery while in Seoul. I am also having LASIK, getting veneers and skin treatments. Here in LA, the veneers alone would be $4-$5,000. In Seoul, they will cost less than $1500 for the same quality, if not better.
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