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Experience with Local Pricing vs. Foreigner Pricing?

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I'm sorry - I didn't do my rhinoplasty at Dream, after consulting there I didn't feel like it was the right clinic for me.

I was replying to Kathey since I mentioned one of my friends who went to Dream was charged extra for ear cartilage harvesting for her primary rhinoplasty and she already paid 4.2M. I was clarifying which Dream clinic she went to. I've never heard of such a thing before, clinics usually charge for donor material and not harvesting your own tissues.
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oh... ok.

Can share where you did your rhino? Liked it?
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I almost don't want to say, I consulted at a lot of clinics but I end up choosing a small clinic near Dream and the doctor is amazing. But since it's a small clinic they can't really handle a large volume of people. He does these crazy long 3 hour consultations where he examines your nose, takes pictures of you from all angles, then take pictures of you talking and smiling so he can show you how your facial muscles are affecting your nose and how it can cause deviation. I use the right side of my face a lot more for chewing and talking so my nose curves to the right, though my septum is almost perfectly straight. He also makes you draw on your own profile to see what your ideal nose is, and then he draws what he thinks is ideal for you and you meet somewhere in the middle. Afterwards he photo shopped my picture to give me an idea of what the final results may look like. I brought lots of nose pics to show him but after we started talking about my face and nose and what's ideal for me - it wasn't even needed.

He only does 1 surgery a day so booking him is very difficult. He see's his patients every day after surgery until you leave for home to personally clean your nose, change your dressing and nose massages to help with swelling. He only allows his nurses to hand him the tools. If he feels like you're not healing well enough he will make you stay in his office for an hour on an IV vitamin drip with nutrients, sometimes antibiotics too.

I wanted to have my bridge/radix augmented along with boulbus tip reduction, tiplasty for projection and alarplasty too. He insisted on doing my alars a week after my main rhino surgery since my alars were not even to begin with and he did not want to risk any asymmetry. All the other doctors I consulted with told me it's no problem to do everything together. So I felt his attention to detail is quite meticulous, though my nose was not happy with me at all for making it go through 2 operations in 1 week period.

I am now officially 1 week and 1 day post op from alars, everything is looking good so far even though I am swollen, I am very pleased with the results so far. It's like half my nose is gone! :biggrin:
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LOL! 2 nose ops in 1 week period? wa.. haven't heal can tell you don't like it already?? can do so fast?

Share unit number can? Maybe will drop by and take a look.

This Dr did open or closed rhino?
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I'm sorry? I said I like my nose? I can definitely tell that the shape and nostril size changed dramatically, it fits my face much nicer now since my nose is no longer so wide and flat. Profile drastically changed.

It looks a little big from the swelling right now but given how nice the shape is, once the swelling goes down it will be even nicer. Even with the swelling it's nicer than my original nose :biggrin:

It was open rhino, there is no way that I could have achieved the results I wanted through closed. I have no scars anywhere and my whole kakao group was shocked. I have the faintest line that you can't even really see in pictures up close on my collumella.
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"So I felt his attention to detail is quite meticulous, though my nose was not happy with me at all for making it go through 2 operations in 1 week period." nose was not happy with you going thru 2 ops in a week?

Wa... still so secretive even unit number also don't wanna share... :pokey:
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Yes my tip was already swollen from my main rhinoplasty surgery, after having alarplasty the swelling got worse.

My nose was healed well enough for alarplasty after 7 days, they removed my collumella stitches by day 5 and you do not have to do anything to the inside of the nose to perform alarplasty. If I wasn't ready for it the doctor would have pushed back my surgery date and he told me that from the beginning.

And no, I do not feel comfortable sharing the clinic name since someone that went to the clinic was already accused of promoting it on this forum. I have no idea what a unit number is.
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Hi PeanutButterJel,

The clinic Mindy went to for her rhino has already been mentioned in this forum and it can even be found on the first page of "Asian Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures".

I'm pretty sure you didn't read most of the threads here since you just joined this forum not long ago. The website of the clinic has already been posted so you can get more than just the unit number of the clinic. And, you're welcome.
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That's good feedback, I like them, and so far so good. I'm going to be at TL again this week. They might be able to break it down better for me and wrap my brain around it.

But to answer your question, clinics need to register with the ministry of health for a license to treat and service foreign patients. In order to get the license, you must have certain amounts of capital, and extended insurance coverage for malpractice, especially for international patients. To get the license you must also have your facilities up to a certain par.

They also pay VAT, but this is usually passed onto the patient, and if the income is foreign sourced then there is additional taxes for that at the end of the year.

That's why that price got me scratching my head, I would double check your receipt because that would mean the clinic paid the VAT out of pocket, which leaves them with even less, again not impossible, but that seems really exceptional.

Just my 2 cents:

In Korea there are only aprox 1,500+ board certified plastic surgeons, but there 15,000 doctors performing plastic surgery. That means 9 out of 10 surgeons, are not technically plastic surgeons, so a word of caution is clinics that are running super rock bottom deals and are off the radar, a lot of times, it's because they're desperate for patients and might not be real plastic surgeons.
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Thanks Luzie but there's a lot of threads in "Asian Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures".

do you happen to remember what's the title of the particular thread?

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Hi Jeet,


2 tab 整形外科专门的 医院搜索 shows all the licensed clinic & doctors in Korea.

4th tab 外国患者诊疗 自行认证 名单 shows all the clinic & doctors licensed to treat foreigners in Korea.


Under the medical service act

Clinics who want to treat foreigners not only has to get licence from the ministry of health, certain amount of capital, they also must have insurance, facilities that must be able to handle emergencies.

I can't remember where I read that they have to submit how much they are charging the foreign patients. That's probably why many are not registering as they overcharge the patients.

Forgot to add. In Singapore Dr who are trained as a plastic & reconstructive surgeon pays around SGD10,000 for insurance. Those who are trained as General Practitioner pays SGD32,000 for insurance.

So that explains the vast number of difference of doctors in Korea who are board certified.
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Yep, I know I work in the Korean medical beauty tour industry ;)

My startup is essentially trying to achieve this kind of transparency, and help english speaking patients make more informed decisions by organizing and curating clinics and hopefully it can be powered by smart consumers who like to help and contribute.

That site was created by three plastic surgery boards in response to the high number of botched procedures, especially by Chinese patients who had work done by non-plastic surgeons. But there is a legal loop hole in Korea. You can still perform plastic surgery if you're just an MD, you just can't say you're a plastic surgeon. And the clinic can be registered, if the main doc is a plastic surgeon, but other docs working there don't have to be.

If doctors are on that site, then it that means they are legally allowed to say they are plastic surgeons and gone through all the training and residency, which is not easy in Korea and requires a lot of time and study.

I also got those figures from a presentation I saw Dr. Yoon of Migo give at a Medical Conference earlier this year, who was representing the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons as their Director of Legal External Affairs. That claim is also published here.

Yeah, I know about all those insurances and protocols because I had to jump through all those hoops to get one those licenses (google image search of what it looks like), which is the one everyone in the industry needs to even be allowed to talk to foreign patients about treatments.

Quack clinics and doctors are not registering because they don't want to follow the rules because they are either not qualified to do so, or out of greed and pocketing more money. Plain and simple. These rules are in place to protect patients, and make them choose better. But if people want to go off the beaten path on babitalk, kakao groups and forum threads, etc... it's their body and choice.
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