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Injections to melt fat under chin?

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Has anyone here ever gotten injections to melt fat under the chin before?

Did they work? / Where did you get yours?

I'm interested in getting this done either in Korea or in the US, and I'd love to hear where others have done it and how it went. Thanks! :smile:
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Don't use injectons. The two that are commonly used is Miso therepy and lipodissolve. Miso barely works and requires several treatments while lipodissolve...over in the west many specialists refuse to use it because of the damage it can cause. The problem with lipodissolve is there is no control over how much or what it dissolves. Theres been cases of lipodissolve burning through the soft tissue. Another issue is unevenness from the injection. A third issue is unknown length of swelling.
Back in 2012 I went to a plastic surgeon near monash university (cant remember his name but he is israeli) who was one of the few practitioners still using lipo dissolve. I wanted it to help with facial symmetry by dissolving some of the uneven fatty deposits in my cheeks. What he told me is if i did undergo it, there will be an unknown period of swelling and redness which can range from 1 week to 6 months, because the substance is unpredictable and different people react differently to it. So obviously i opted against it.
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Thanks for chiming in, K Couture! Wow, lipodissolve sounds scary, and Miso sounds like a waste of money. Do you know which one of the two (or neither) "E-Laser" in Korea is? I did a consultation with the dermatologist at Dream upstairs, and she suggested "E-Laser" injections under the chin for my case to reduce the fat. Not sure E-Laser is just another name for either Miso or Lipodissolve in Korea or something else altogether.

Also, have you or anyone heard of / tried Kybella injections for double chin fat? It just got approved by the FDA in the US last year: http://www.elle.com/beauty/makeup-skin-care/news/a29833/kybella-chin-injections/ and also http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm444978.htm
I wonder if Kybella is the same thing or something new worth trying!
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Kybella actually has FDA approval so it's not the same thing as lipodissolve. But given the cost and need for multiple treatments, I don't think it's a better option than lipo which has stood the test of time.

BTW there's a girl whose currently vlogging about her lipo procedure done at ID, you can check it out here:
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I don't know of any injections, just lipo. Why not get lipo and move the fat to your face somewhere! I know they do that well in Korea. Also the US, just maybe more expensive
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I requested lipo / Acculift for my chin initially, but several surgeons I consulted with said my case is not severe enough to warrant lipo and refused to perform lipo on me. 2 of them suggested either thermage for skin tightening and/or injections to melt the fat. Therefore, I'm looking into those 2 options. Any recommendations, tips, or experiences on laser skin tightening and/or fat melting injections under the chin would be much appreciated!
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Hi MoonBeam3! I am in my early to mid 30s. I've always had fat under my chin, though, unfortunately, even after losing weight and during my skinniest periods in my teens and 20s (the rest of my body is quite skinny), so it's sadly not going away on its own. I believe Acculift is just another name for the minimally invasive lipo / laser-assisted lipo. There should be no threads involved. (A lot of Korean clinics seem to refer to it as Acculift... there may be another name in Western countries). Similarly, one of the clinics here refers to the fat melting injections as E-Laser, but other clinics seem to refer to it as something else... and it's called something else in Western countries altogether. It can be tricky figuring out what's what! To this day, I still have not figured out what "E-laser" fat melting injections translates to in Western countries.
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They said thermage would melt the fat in addition to tightening the skin? I've heard fat loss could be an unwanted side effect of getting thermage if you just wanted tightening, this would confirm it can indeed cause fat loss.

Another option you should look into is CoolSculpt.
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Hi Gats! I had asked if Thermage would be sufficient in correcting my problem on its own, and they mentioned it would work best in conjunction with E-Laser. I haven't seen any convincing before or afters for either of those procedures yet, though...but then again, I've only consulted with 1 clinic on these procedures in Korea. I didn't end up doing them in Korea because the dermatologist mentioned that both would take several treatments over a length of time (ie: need to come back every few weeks), and I only have enough time for 1 treatment before I fly back to my home country. Not sure if there's a different kind of 1-time treatment that would work, or if it's best to do these 2 near where one lives.

Thanks for the tip on CoolSculpt - I'll look into it!
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Im also interested in getting it done since i want to tighten the neck/jaw area and make the jaw more defined and diminish the double chin. is there really many fat melting injections to choose in korea? what's the side effects?
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Its neither. Ive used E Laser before and its very meh. When I did my omega lift Dr Jo used e laser in the upper mid face. It worked decently there. However, note that this region has thinner skin, thinner tissues, less fatty deposits. My friends have tried it to side cheeks and under chin with very very minimal results.

Never heard of Kybella. Since its fairly new better let others guinea pig it hehe
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I did thermage recently didnt notice any fat loss. For tightening tho I believe Ulthera is better. I did a combination of both. For me it didnt work on the mid face because my tissues there were too compacted due to the mid face lift many years ago. But it made some slight improvements in the lower jowels
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Good to know. Aha, actually, it looks like it was ulthera + e-laser that the Dream dermatologist recommended.

I'm not sure what the difference is between Thermage and Ulthera, though.

If neither has much effect, then I may just save my money on those and try consulting with some other skin clinics for other treatment ideas. Thanks for the info!
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