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Oh~~~ I think we are on same wavelength. Frankly, the main purpose I'm visiting here is to learn English. Especially, this thread is on the PS subject line and as I'm working in the same field.. I need to learn how to talk about ps in English correctly. I always envy Singaporeans becoz they can speak 2 more language since they were born. Ah... suddenly another story, you mentioned about that MVP Chinese girl who can speak Korean fluent... I know what you mean. Maybe, exactly she is ethnic Koreans living in China (朝鮮族. get it?). But I don't recommend you learn Korean from them. Becoz they speak in dialect hardly in Korean ear. Of course I understand what they are saying but uh... grammer is good but the problem is the way they talk and faulty pronounciation.
Whatever... most Koreans cannot speak English, but I'm a computer engineer and all textbook is written in English at old times when I was student engineer in university. Funny thing is.. you learnt gangster words... I learnt English conversation from 'Prison break and bigbang theory drama'. So, my speak way is ve~ry~ polite and kind~ (damn it kidding sorry~. coz of this I'm learning English 'again' now -_-;;; seriously) You'd better change the way, learning another language.

Edited for grammer :smile:
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Thank you very much Elena for your job. I'll copy your edited sentence to study. Thanks again.
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I'm sorry for hear that dear
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Thanks so much for your helpful input! I'm considering getting plastic surgery in Korea soon, so should I hire an interpreter and have him/her communicate with the clinic I want before flying over? Because then, I won't have to rely on the clinic's own interpreter and I can "disguise" myself as a local...
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Interpreter is really better than fooled by promoter. Do u wanna small tip? See this.

First... hire interpreter. Freelancer price is 80~130usd, Translate company outbounding price is around 150usd.

Second... Make a deal with them like this.. (must be frenly with them. keep in your mind.)

"I got a 4000usd quotation for my nose job but, if you introduce me as your old fren and make this price down,

then I'll give you half amount money of that discount.

If she does doing really good job then your surgery price will be 4000 to 2500usd. Zhen de.

Believe me no one refuse that. Becoz that's a extra money from your discount price.

Their reward is getting bigger as much as you get discount. Isn't it?

If you really thanks for my tip then correct my broken English.

p.s : How can you disguise yourself local? Can you spk Korean very well?
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Hello! I saw that you didn't mention October as a Korean plastic surgery clinic peak time. Does that mean October would be an okay time to get surgeries done?
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Having an interpreter is really better than being fooled by a promoter. Do you want a few small tips? See below.

First: hire an interpreter. The price for a freelancer is 80~130usd. For a translator from a company, the price is around 150usd.

Second: make a deal with them like thus - (keep in mind that you must be friendly with them)

"I got a 4000 USD quotation for my nose job, but if you introduce me as your old friend and manage to bring this price down, then I'll give you half the amount of that discount."

If the translator does doing really good job then your surgery price will go from 4000 to 2500 USD. Really.

Believe me, no one will refuse that, because that's extra money from your discounted price.

Their reward is getting bigger as you get discounts. Isn't it?

If you really want to thank me for my tips, then correct my broken English.

p.s : How can you disguise yourself local? Can you speak Korean very well?

[Edited for grammar.]
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Thank you for your Correction first, and Yes. Oct is not peak time. Very good to have a surgery.
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I got a hundreds question from some of you foreign friends through my kakao in thoes weeks and I'm wondering...

Exctly 34 people, they asked me almost same questions, Korean ps price.. good dr or clinic.. hotel.. Korea woman's

trendy clothes, hot entertainer.. song or drama.. bla bla.. It was wide variety but, what amazing thing is...

5. All Korea ps clinic number is not 10.

Do you guys know there is over 1,300 business reported ps clinic in Korea? I didn't include illegal clinic yet.

Gangnam, this stupid area where I'm living.. There's more than small and huge 300 clinics for plastic surgery even in

the gangnam district where is well known as the meca for the beauty.

If I look all around then I can see 40 clinic on the spot. Sound likes joke? No, it's true.

This is not boast I'm living in plastic clinic planet. The point is...

Why... 34 peoples, that all of them asked me just 9~10 clinics name and considering of that only??

In consideration of my poor English, I'm gonna talk about this again with detail.

If my 10 Korean frenz ask me about good clinic or hospital then that all number is over 30s each differently.

Of cos I know there is big gap of numbers about clinic information between you foreigners and my Korean frenz.

But if that all foreign questioners asked me about each 3~4clinic then understandable.

Imagine, 34 peoples asked me about almost same clinics in 1300 number names. Not funny? ^^ kkkkk.

Forgive me this is not laughing at you, just wondering how could y'all found only that clinic names? Do I name it?

You know Grand.. Wonjin.. The face.. Banobagi.. GnG.. Braun.. MVP..Top class.. Cinderella.. some more bla bla...

so limited in scope.

This is not all Korea ps clinics in Seoul. The worst thing is some of above-mentioned clinic is notorious even in Koreans.

I think this is same with... uh... I'm Korean conservative guy, no interesting about pizza and just know two pizza names

potato and galic ones but there is hundreds of brand-name pizza in the world.

Correct ma? kkkkk ^^

Anyway... for this, I'll give you guys some small tip here.

Google is huge search engine in the world but you know what, some country have their own specific SE.

China's baidu, Russia's yandex, Japan's yahoo japan, Korea's 'Naver'.

Googling result is not showing all this each country's information.

Even I'm computer engineer but I cannot find all SK ps clinic in Google you know?

So... If you find real all Korea ps clinic then,

Go to 'naver(dot)com' (afraid for purse filtering system)

and type '성형외과'(plastic surgery clinic) or '강남성형외과'(Gangnam plastic surgery clinic).

This is a basic way to find normal ps clinic.

From now... Let's figure this out more detail. Copy and search with this each word below.

매몰법 Non Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery
부분절개법 Partial Incision Double Eyelid Surgery
절개법 Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery
상안검 Upper blepharoplasty
하안검 Lower blepharoplasty
눈썹밑거상술 sub-brow lift ( dermis )
앞트임 / 뒷트임 Epicanthoplasty / Lateral canthotomy
밑트임 Lower Eyelid Lowering
눈밑지방제거 Eye Bag Removal
눈밑지방재배치 Eye Bag Fat Repositioning
눈매교정 / 안검하수 Ptosis correction
눈재수술 Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery

코성형 Nose Augmentation
코끝성형 Nose Tip
콧대성형 Nose Bridge
휜코교정 Deviated Nose Correction
매부리교정 Hooked Nose Reshaping
콧날개축소 Bulbous Nose Reduction
코재수술 Revisional Nose Surgery

광대축소술 Cheekbone Reduction
사각턱수술 Square Jaw Reduction
V라인 V - line Surgery
무턱성형 Genioplasty - Silicone
귀족수술 Paranasal Augmentation
고양이수술 Nasal Base Augmentation
이마확대술 Forehead Augmentation - Silicone
이마축소술 Forehead Reduction

가슴성형 Breast Augmentation
라운드가슴성형 Breast Augmentation - round type
물방울가슴성형 Breast Augmentation - teardrop type - Allergan
지방이식 가슴확대 Breast Augmentation with Fat Graft
가슴거상술 Breast Ptosis Correction
가슴축소술 Breast Reduction
함몰유두교정술 Inverted Nipple Correction
유두축소술 Nipple Reduction
여성형유방 Gynecomastia Correction (severe case)

지방이식 Fat Graft - 1 part
복부지방흡입 Liposuction - abdomen
허벅지지방흡입 Liposuction - thigh
옆구리지방흡입 Liposuction - flank
팔지방흡입 Liposuction - arm
종아리성형 Liposuction - calf
등지방흡입 Liposuction - back
부유방제거 Liposuction - accessory breast

보톡스 사각턱 Botox Injection - Square jaw
보톡스 얼굴주름 Botox Injection - facial wrinkle 1 part
보톡스 종아리 Botox Injection - Calf

물광주사 Shining Aqua Injection
리쥬란힐러 REJURAN filler

헤어라인 Hair transplantation for Hairline lowering
모발이식 Hair transplantation
흉터성형 Scar Revision / cm
질성형술 Vaginoplasty
소음순성형술 Labia Minora Cosmetic Surgery
입술축소 Lip Reduction

This is almost enough. I skipped some specific name.(Even Korean is not using one)

Actually this writing is not easy to English amateur lah. -_-;;; (sigh...)

Anyway Ok, assuming you type this, and now move to next.

Don't click "1page's clinic name". Again, Don't click "1page's clinic name". The reason is very simple.

Do you know how much does it need cost or try by incredible marketing engineer to put any korea ps clinic's name on

Naver 1page result? FYI, as I said... I'm computer engineer and did it in few years.

This 1 page result is not making by their good reputation or 'Dr's skill' do you know?

Few 10k money or engineer skill (if clinic paid money a lot~) is effecting that result.

This is not just engineer talk. All Korean is knowing this. -_-;;;

Click 2nd page link and start research.

First website main page is Korean but you can find Lang-shift link easily in any ps clinic website like uh...

'Language : English' or 'America national flag' maybe?

And enjoy over thousands clinic information yourself guys. -_-;;;

I say this out of kindness for you again, don't need worry about language. You really can find foreign language link.

Real problem is... you don't know how many clinics we have.. and how can you find that all, from start.

If there is no language shift link or not easy to find it then take it as they don't deserve get foreign patients.

Be cool. -_-)/

Chapter 7 will be next..

P.S : Above something make me looks like condescending jerk (Actually I am a bit but not serious)

but I didn't meant it just learnt English from gangster movie like prison break or breakig bad. Damn it.

And anyone can ask me about Korea and ps through my kakao but keep this first.

Consider I'm English begginer and even you are asking me but I always take this as my English class you know.

So... don't use too high level specific words when you are asking to me.

My English level is uh.... 5years old America kid? -_-? (all right, baby baby.)

How do I know 'thoracotom... what??' (still don't know even I have checked Korean dictionary) kkkkk.
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Thank you for this, it was beyond helpful. There was a thread like this here before, with the procedures' names in Korean, but after purse renovated they turned into gibberish.

Again thanks!:smile:
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  • 1 month later...
Good morning Mr. Andy Park. I am Jenna Chew from Malaysia. You might not know me, but I have heard plenty of stories about you. And I am quite surprised that you have made a comeback to the Singapore community again after leaving in such a haste a few years ago.

Like many others in the forum, I am very grateful for all your insights that you have selflessly shared with us these past days. WIthout these valuable information, many of us would have easily been scammed by these unscrupulous agents and brokers. How terrible these low life can go just to earn a couple of quick bucks!

I believe you have briefly mentioned that you have trained promoters and marketeers previously. Did you mention that you were one of the few people who have pioneered this venture in Singapore and Malaysia? You should not be so humble, my friend. You have previously set up 2 marketing companies, one in Singapore and one in Malaysia for your previous employment. And you set them up to manipulate both their sales, so ultimately, even the agents, nor the clinic you were working for, manage to profit as much as you. Oh yes, when I referred to profit, I didnt only meant financially.

You see, Mr. Andy Park has a glorious history of complicated relationships with women. What makes his employment in the plastic surgery trade more enjoyable was the fact that he got to be very close with attractive ladies - from nurses, to marketing executives, to patients. Many of them have a run in with Mr. Andy trying to force himself on them each time he happens to have a glass or two. His previous employers including well known doctors can be a good reference to his tendencies.

And speaking of tendencies, those ladies who have succumb to his advances over time, some also ended up in hospital when they confront him of his cheating nature - financially and emotionally. Nobody should lie about such things, especially when one has a police record in Korea.

Now, I understand perhaps you have changed over a new leaf and you sincerely want to help innocent prospective patients when they want to come to Korea. You said you are a computer engineer that has worked in plastic surgery trade for more than a decade with a big heart that only wishes to help people. But I have another theory. One story that you might find rather familiar.

You got your agents from Singapore and Malaysia to bring in tonnes of customers from their regions, with the previously mentioned method. 30% marked up and arranged surgery and travel package. When the patients reached, you blatantly offered more discounts to the patients for no reason, setting the customers and agents on bad term. Customers now feel cheated, and felt save by you - like how these members of the forum are feeling right now. Then, you got your doctor to do these multiple surgeries from these bulk patients at a cut price. The surgeon barely earned anything, but he listened to you thinking it is good for future business. So you repeat this process with the same group of patient over time while your agent and doctor earned nothing. You didnt care about how these surgeries turned out. The patients had nowhere to turned to when the surgeries didnt turn out the way it is. They couldn't go back to the agents because they are no longer on talking term. But you were also nowhere to be found. In the epitomy of a korean plastic surgery ponzi scheme tactic, you managed to reap millions of dividend (in USD no less), and leave the mess for the surgeon and the brokers to clean up while you laugh your way to the bank. For those who are unsure who is telling the lie, we can check with Mr. Andy Park how a industrious computer engineer that be a muli-millionaire in Korea.

Now, it is apparent that Mr. Andy has decided to reinnovate himself and cozy up to the Singapore market once again as he recounts the glorious days that he managed to rip off his agents and customers. A computer engineer with a decade of plastic surgery trade experience here to only learn English. What a convenient lie. The only reason people have failed to see the dirty side of you is because you distract them by uncovering dirt elsewhere.

In summary, Mr. Andy is just another agent who has managed to reinnovate himself. Only difference, I think a decent agent would much deserve the 30% commission much like a property or insurance agent if they fulfill their responsibility dutifully. Not to mention being upfront and honest about it. Secondly, if Mr. Andy is very enthusiastic about helping you in more than the aesthetic medical aspect of your life, this is because he is quite interested to get to know you physically. So, I wave these words of caution and hope that it helps those who heeds them.

Last but not least, Mr. Andy, I am not going anywhere. If you wish, I await your lawyer letter for any possible defamation. But bear in mind, your millions have not been taxed. And some of the ladies that you have acquainted might love to speak up in the courtroom along side me too. I wish you the best and hope you try your luck somewhere else.
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