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K Couture's guide to facelifting

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Thank you for your reply! :smile: Do you have any recommendations for such a surgeon?

I'm veering to MVP since they seem quite good soft tissue work (I saw you mention you had fat grafts with them). Not sure if they are good for this. Am really really inspired by you as well!
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Hello K!
I am wondering what type of facelift I should do as I am only 19 years old but look like I am 30 something! The problem is that my jaw area is kinda chubby, and I have these small marionette lines forming around my lips already! I have heard of a V-Line lift in Korea as well as in America! When I pull my jaw skin up, my face looks a lot thinner and my chin looks more slim so I am thinking that a V-lift will give the V-line without having to cut my jaw. What do you recommend? Thank you so much!!!
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Absolutely agreed on this especially having personally undergo a full facelift involving smas n zygoma 1.5mths post ops now, can really see the different effect a smas facelift can produce versus other lifting procedures I've done so far. Cheek is less saggy, smile line less n lower face jawline much defined.

I guess the effects also depends on the skill of the surgeons in terms of strength of pull, skin elasticity n underlying bone structure.
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You really want to avoid doing a lift at your age. Not a good idea. Just use filler for the lines (not fg) and some mild laser lipolysis via fine fiber wire.

What's a v lift? v lift is a marketing name. Can u link me where u read about this procedure. Remember all those names you read about: mini lift, v lift, power v lift, weekend lift etc etc all these are marketing terms. Its highly misleading a gimmicky. What you need to determine is what layer of your facial structure is causing the sagging and correct it accordingly.
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So what do you think about facelift at 30?
I had fat graft 2 years ago and 1 year later I somehow gained a lot of weight which I think caused my face to sag. The skin around my eye areas are thinned, so when I smile, I can feel a lot of wrinkles.
I agree with you that the type of facelift depends on your bone structure because the bone structure affect the directional pull that you need.
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Can I send you a picture of myself via messages? I feel as if my face is prematurely sagging, although I believe that maybe a bit of liposuction will help but I heard removing the buccal fat pad will cause other problems later so I'm hesitant to do that. The v lift I am referring to is just the face lift of the jaw area. Here are different types of facelift that I am considering:
The only reason I would like to avoid filler is because it's such a temporary solution and I do not have the money. Trust me when I say that my face looks a lot older than my actual age. Thank you for responding!!
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The marketing terms definitely feel confusing.

I'm mid 30s and so far the clinics I've enquired at for SMAS have recommended me thread lifting instead. e.g. MVP where I also asked about fat grafting. :sad:

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30 is ok as long as you have visible sagging which can objectively be corrected. Very rarely people in their 20s will do a facelift becasuse their tissue condition doesn't require it. Honestly when u hit three zero (30) everything starts drooping and turns to shlt legit lol. Thats how I felt. When i turned 30 I was like looking through old pics and getting depressed hahaha
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maybe your tissues is firm enough to not warrant the facelift. Eh I don't like the thread lift. Ive done it twice and it was so subtle i felt like it was such a waste. If your tissues are thinner however it can help a bit esp around the jowels. Don't expect to see much difference in the facial region. Problem is most asians have thicker skin and hence the effect isnt that good compared to caucasian patients.
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Have you lost the weight and the skin still sagged due to being overstretched?
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LOL those 2 links you sent me, is not even a lift, let alone a facelift. Its facial lipolysis branded as a lift. Its useful if you have to remove facial fat, however it DOES NOT LIFT AT ALL. Hence those procedures are both gimmicks. An actual lift would require elevating and fastening the tissues into its new position. The effectiveness depends on what layer the correction is, how it is done, the suturing etc etc. The true lift is the SMAS lift. Thread lifts are also considered lifts but are only superficial lifts thats why the results isn't good and doesn't last long. However do not be mistaken they are not facelifts.

Those V lift you linked me are even worse because they are not even lifts. Its just a gimmick so people will go: oooooooo affordable non invasive lift and doesn't require big incisions which gives a V shape face. No......shakes head.

If you want to confirm this you should show those 2 links to an actual facelift / anti aging specialist surgeon, from clinics which are not TL or jjprs. Ask them if those procedures described in the links are facelifts.....they will 100 percent tell you its not at all.
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Here's a picture of me! What do you recommend? My skin is still pretty tight as I am young so I don't think I really need a facelift, but I have this sort of pitbull look. So maybe a thread or these laser lifts might be a better fit for me? I'm just not sure what surgery I should be doing in order to create a slim and more defined jaw and chin line.
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I have a similar face shape to yours, also similar concerns! So far I've consulted and been recommended thread lifts, botox etc, and bone work is not feasible.

When I touch my jaw area its like... fleshy not bone. When I bite down it bulges more lol. Do you feel the same thing? I have a feeling that since you're younger you may benefit from the botox injections to reduce the muscle size. I'm personally quite lost whether a MACS or SMAS will help me (not sure if muscle sags).
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honestly there's not even that much fat on your face according to that photo. Your jaw line is actually rather defined as it is. Just use botox to narrow the jaw muscles and you be set girl.

the pit bull look could be due to the distance between your eyes to the lower jaw being a little long. Ppl with tiny eyes give the impression of a longer distance. Ppl with bigger eyes don't usually have this problem. Or it could be due to fleshy saggy tissue but i doubt that since your face is pretty tight and not fatty
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no worries glad it helped. tbh ive seen many facelift patients before and because not many has the conditions or the bone structure like mine, I seriously was not expecting my recovery to be like that. I legit thought I was going to be a lizard monster for the rest of my life. Thank fuk my results were amazing once the swelling and bunching effect started to go down.

Basically my conditions are thin cheek wall tissue (from having 2 buccal fat removals and facial lipo), thick upper mid facial cheek tissue (from a concentric malar lift) and angular cheekbones. So with these conditions it made my healing and the lizard face effect last longer than most ppl. Ive seen ppl who look freaking amazing after day 4/5. I took like 2 weeks to start looking human and 3 to start looking fabulous again haha.
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