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K Couture's guide to facelifting

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Also interesting fact is according to western surgeons, (Korean surgeons don't really mention this) the cells grafted into your face if prone to expansion via weight gain, say you gain like 10 kg or whatever, there will be more fat distributed to the facial region where the cells have been grafted.

So just to be clear its like ummmm. You use the fat cells from your thighs right? And historically when you gain weight the first place where you get fatter is your thighs. Then you shovethe thigh fat into your face. You see where im going with this lol.....
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oh yeh this is acually really horrible. Its been like -12 , - 8, -5, -7, one lucky day of 2 degrees then - 7 again. I can't deal lol
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Thank girl, I think so too. The sagging already shows by my marionette lines, was so depressed to find a cure but then now I just let it be. I think Im gonna lose the weight and then if I cant bear the sagging I will search for a facelift doc. The thing which sounds most scary to me is the sideburn hair loss.

I agree. Been searching like crazy after my face began to sag and it says the same too. The only reason I could think of is when I gain weight, it shows on my face because of the fat graft, extracted from my thigh. I didnt gain fat on my face before, hardly. My mom and aunties dont have sagging problem, yes they have loose skin but it doesnt look sag, and not visible, their skin still in pretty good condition so its kinda shocking when it occured to me.
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Hello, I m 42 years old and gg to Korea in January.

I m troubled over my big round face and also like a facelift. Which clinic is best for SMAS facelift ?
I was quoted horrendous price and I need help pls. Do pm me. Tks a lot
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you for sharing. Have all your senses come back? I've heard that loss of sense happens near the incision area. I'm not 30 yet but I received facial contouring years ago and have excessive skin on cheeks and jaws which makes me to consider mini-face lift...
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Thank you for this. Very informative and so detailed. As someone who had cheekbone and jaw reduction-I'm so conflicted if I should revised my cheekbones or bypass all that and get a facelift along with fat grafting. It's tough to decide which is the best method that will yield a more aesthetically appealing result. I wonder if anyone was able to address skin laxity with a facelift after fc surgery or if actually made things worse.
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the point of a face lift is to address skin laxity so it will never make things worse. In fact, it is quite common for surgeons to do a 2 part program for patients who are older or have bad skin elasticity, whereby 3-6 months following the facial contouring, the patient returns for a facelift to reverse the sagging produced from the facial contouring. Usually id advise using different surgeons if anyone wants to go this route because a facial contouring surgeon is not an anti aging specialist and vice versa. Its also not usually common to have 2 amazing facial contouring and anti aging surgeon at the same clinic/ hospital so i feel its more ideal to use different surgeons for it.

So yes a facelift will improve any side effects you have from the lift so as long as its tissue related. In your case if you are happy with your width and facial shape but can't stand the sagging that came with it, i would totally opt for the lift. I too did a lift after my zygoma reduction and after that everyone was complimenting how much younger i look and how much smaller my face got. I didnt really sag much from my zygoma reduction as i only wanted a subtle change as i do like the angular look and wasnt fond of the korean egg face, hence my facial contouring surgeon made note not to resect too much bone. anyways i digress. Long story short, for older ppl fc + lifting is a beautiful combination but if done at the same time results wont be as accurate. Should be spaced out 3-6 months apart. the longer the better actually
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Hi KCouture! Thank you so much for this post and all your replies. I had a few questions for you...

1. I'm trying to research all these different options for facial surgeries (facelifts, acculift, lipo, power v, etc etc) and I'm so confused as to what each surgery is for and who its best suited for. For example, I had never heard of SMAS tissue! Do you have any tips for my research? This forum is such a great asset for Qs but searching for specific things often brings up so many results, and sometimes I get confused by the layout of RealSelf.

2. I still don't fully understand what you wrote about SMAS tissue and the SMAS procedure (going to research that next) - so my question may be redundant: How do you feel about facial liposuction? Lower cheek and chin, specifically.

I know that a lot of people say that you want to have cheeks for when you get older and your face hollows out, but I'm 25 and my face is HUUUUUGE. (I tried to attach a picture but it kept saying it was too big so here's a link: https://image.ibb.co/jrd0Ky/IMG_1034.jpg) I thought the power v lift would be good for my face, as my lower cheeks (right next to my chin) have "thick" fat and when I touch my jaw beneath it (or "pull up" my fat) I have the jaw I want. I just don't want so much cheeks! And the chin because I have a bit of a double chin and I think losing it will improve my profile view.

Something I'm concerned about is loose skin. I read a woman's experience with TLPS on RealSelf (linked below) - this was for the v-line jaw surgery (chin revision, zygoma, jaw reduction) but it still worried me as this wasn't something I thought of. I'm having a hard time finding info for Korean clinics that perform cheek/chin lipo, it seems to be all about facelifts, acculifts, and power v's (which I thought was cheek/chin lipo + acculift?).

I've read that in younger patients who do facial lipo, their skin can usually 'bounce back' but older patients may get sagging skin if they don't do a facelift as well. My worry is that my cheeks are so big that they won't be able to bounce back and I'll be left with saggy skin on my cheeks and/or chin!

I thought I wanted a power v (cheek/chin lipo + acculift), rhinoplasty, veneers (not relevant but thought I'd share), a forehead reduction, arm lipo, and a breast augmentation with areola reconstruction, but I'm back to square 1 on how to help fix my lower face. ):

I will definitely go to consults and ask these Qs directly but I'm not planning to go to Korea until Nov at the earliest and Google hasn't been much help (maybe it's the way I'm phrasing my Qs) so if you have any knowledge that would be amazing. I want to be really prepared when I go so I can advocate for myself and what I want!
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Ooh also just to add on to this^^^

I've lost about 40 pounds since my highest weight, and although I've put back on a bit of it ~10-15 (in the process of losing it again!), my cheeks have remained. Even at my lowest of 120ish I had cheeks. Slightly less on the sides but.... still in need of help.
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Thanks K couture. Your posts have been very informative and educating. I would love to be able to widen my left cheekbone back out-I think my surgeon might have overestimated how much bone to resect- I've seen many girls Ct scan and most don't have an open gap like mine. I'm still dealing with this dilemma on wheather to just leave my cheekbone alone or risk another surgery. I've recieve dao many opinions for different surgeons.

I remember you mentioning having Abbas jaw reduction surgery done at ysnhee hospital. Did you ever end up getting jaw angle implants or did you just leave it as is?

Could you also recommend ansurgeon for facelift? I consulted one of the best facelift surgeon but he cost 30k for a full facelift:/
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Does anyone have recommendations for anti-aging specialists?

I'm having a hard time finding someone who specializes in anti-aging and does forehead reduction. I was speaking with Cooki and they thought I meant a forehead implant D:
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