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Asia Clinic-Thailand (They destroyed my face)

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Well to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with Justbeethical sharing her opinion. Just because her opinion differs doesn't make it a wrong one. All she is doing is spreading awareness of the risks and side effects of what can happen with cheekbone reduction, especially choosing it as a cosmetic procedure like she has. She's not even talking about jaw reduction, which most of the reviews on here are positive when done right. On the other hand with cheekbone reduction, what she is saying makes perfect sense.. I'm by no means a facial expert or doctor but can understand how the face will automatically look 'deflated' after de-swelling. Your facial tissue/muscles are attached to it after all.
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I was talking from a general standpoint, a lot of people on here already know the cons of having any type of facial contouring.

My jaw contouring was only an example by how facial contouring isn't all "bad". It can do good to some and if it is done right.

I wasn't disagreeing with her whatsoever. I was telling her that most people already know this.

I then explained to the others why she got banned, she wasn't being silenced for spreading awareness. Even the moderator stated why. You don't give your personal information on this forum and you don't make multiple accounts to get your point across.

Again, I'm sorry if I seemed like a jacka**.
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Well we all know why she got banned so yes, she shouldn't have made a second account and thought she was being banned because of spreading awareness.
What I don't get is why you feel the need to attack her on her original post about cheekbone reduction. Yes, a lot of people know about the cons.. so she can't add onto that? She's expressing her opinion, through first hand experience. You have your opinion as well.
And bringing up the jaw contouring is irrelevant because her whole post is about cheekbone reduction. Sure, it's all apart of facial contouring surgery but you can't bring up point B to prove someone's opinion on point A. That's what I was getting at.
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I wasn't trying to "attack" her, but fair point.

I'll leave it at that. My reason has already been explained.
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Seems like you had a problem with her telling the downsides of cheekbone reduction, saying most people know it already so she should not say it, I disagree with you there. There is a risk to every plastic surgery procedure, this shouldn't be a forum were everyone just discusses the pros only and not the cons.

Also I don't see an issue with she her giving her own email out as it's no different than people giving their kakao id out so people can contact them directly, should they get banned? If she was posting abusive messages with a second account, I trust the mods acted fairly with the ban.
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I didn't have a problem with her, I know that every surgery has its cons but let's not forget the pros, right?
And if you READ the rules sharing emails is not allowed as you will get spammed, and there's nothing they can do about it. If you want to share that type of info you directly message the person. That's all.
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Hmm I don't see that in the rules: # I understand the rule that bans posting another person's personal information for malicious reasons, but her posting her own email is harmless. At the worst spam bots will email her but I don't think that's a reason to ban her, that doesn't make sense. There's kakao spammers, I don't think people posting their kakao IDs should be banned for exposing themselves to spammers.
Yes, indeed, as per the rules:
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  • 11 months later...
My condolences go to you.
This same sort of thing happened to me in Phillipines. The world over MOST plastic surgeons are non-plastic surgeons.

Even the very few people who have trained in plastic surgery in university in thailand still do not have adequote training or have students perform the surgery for them. (False Pride, Ego, Greed).
Go through Papras Phillipines or look for a government accredited facility in South Korea.
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  • 2 months later...
After doing some research and reading how this clinic is the best in Thailand for plastic surgery, I considered buying a flight from Australia to get my nose job which I've been aching to have for a very long time. I contacted the clinic prior to sending through photos of myself, the desired look and a description of my current situation with my nose. It will be my 3rd operation and so they decided to overcharge me because of that.

I was charged even more after arriving there and having my consultation with Nat and Dr. Tanongsak Panyawirunroj who apparently is known for working with his international patients yet can barely speak any english. It was difficult to get what I wanted across to him which I think is really poor if he wants to work with international patients. His assistant who is very reassuring yet doesn't know anything about the operation was useless. Anyway; after all this back and forth about what I want, complications and all that - I finally have my nose operation.... Very disappointing.

It looks nothing like what I asked for or even close. It was crooked, very dipped and I specifically requested for that not to happen. I honestly don't know what I was looking at. I was in so much shock I was pretending to like it just to stop my lid from flying off! I paid a lot of money for this and it honestly looked like nothing much went into this. I was just another patient to him. So i went home after that and I didn't even get to see him after- he knew I flew from another country to see him but no nothing just a bag of pills which I thought was way too excessive if you asked me. like 5 bags of pills for what? A whole years supply!?

Bottom like - DO NOT GO TO ASIA COSMETIC HOSPITAL! It's a trick. You walk into his palace - and its over the top think - you will see know one knows WTF they are doing!

I have been corresponding with NAT about the procedure from Aus for almost a year and when I get there she was nowhere to be found. I was palmed off to some random. As long as she gets her pay check that's all that matters to her.

DO NOT GO THERE - honestly do not risk your beautiful faces to these people. There are so many other clinics outside of Thailand who have done better! I'm going to another clinic in another country and I am so glad I feel they are actually listening to me!


Thanks for reading. :smile:
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First and foremost.

There is no actual proper aesthetic, reconstructive and plastic surgery board in Thailand.

I warn travellers to avoid going to thailand for plastic surgery, at all costs.

The surgeons there do not undertake proper surgical training.

Your options for cosmetic tourism in Asia are as follows:

A PAPRAS certified surgeon in The Phillipines - Medium Risk.

A Government Accredited Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea. - Low Risk.

Choose Wisely.
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