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V Line Surgery at the Face Dental

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I'm on the same boat as you. Not sure if you still need this info but I consulted with GNG for nose and fc, MVP for eyes, and TFD for face as well.

TFD said they use intubation, so I'd get the fc done first and then the rhinoplasty a week afterward. Eyes are just sedation + local, so there's no need to worry about that-I can get that procedure done first easily. The order should probably be eyes, face, nose, but I'm nervous about the facial swelling as well and GNG hasn't gotten back to me about whether or not the swelling will make it very difficult to do the rhinoplasty. One thing I do recommend is that you get all your consultations done first and tell every clinic what you're planning to do so they can take your expected results into consideration. It would help if the face clinic "photoshops" your face into expected facial proportions and then give you a copy of the photo or allow you to take a picture in order to show the nose doctor your projected final outcome.

If you can do nose and fc at the same time, that's best, if not just uncomfortable due to breathing. GNG's your best bet in that case!
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Honestly I'm an idiot because I didn't even take pictures of my scans :sad:

Tbh I shaved really little so it doesn't look like there's much of a difference anyway.

It's one month post op, most of the feeling in my face has returned except for the right side of my chin which is slowly getting better everyday.

Right now I'm worried that maybe I was too conservative because my face is still a little bigger than I want.. But I know there's still a lot of swelling left so I'll just be patient.

Stitches have dissolved, no complications so far. My chin looks great. My mandible is almost perfect.. Just need a little more time :'(
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Thank you! Until I get the surgeries, I am always in need for more information and opinions. I would like to be able to get all three done at the same place - would probably be easiest and cheapest that way. But at the most, I can do two separate place. Like you said, I'm probably gonna do nose and fc together - I have been thinking either View or GNG. Since eyes is only local, I guess it isn't a big deal. So you really think it will be okay to get my eyes done first, and then perhaps nose and fc right away? Will it be difficult to perform rhinoplasty with swollen eyes? Especially since I want to get epicanthoplasty revision and doing my nose might tug on the inner corners? In the end, where did you pick?
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You should wait a few days to a week before going through another surgery. This is due to general comfort and whether or not you're on pain meds. You do NOT want to be under GA when blood thinners (most pain meds) are still in your system lol that's a recipe for disaster! As long as the doctors have seen your face pre-eyes op, they should have a good idea of what to do with your face, as it's really only the eye area that swells after DES.
I'm not sure where to pick yet, as GNG is still a bit out of my price range. However, I'm probably going to MVP for my ptosis and lateral, then TFD for genioplasty/slight chin shaving and GNG for nose. This is.....idealistically haha. If not, I'll try my best to reasonably negotiate/save up for GNG in case I change my mind. I'm taking out a loan for these surgeries due to timing and urgency of my deviated septum and so I want to minimize costs if it I can. I've always loved TFD's results though ;~( When are you planning on going to Korea?
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Thank you again! I guess I can always stay a bit longer, as long as I get them all done in one trip.

Really? I thought GNG's prices were pretty good compared to a lot of other clinics mentioned here. People keep mentioning MVP for eyes, but I found their eyes a bit too natural looking? I mean natural is good, but I want really big eyes. I am still saving money now as I will need a lot for so many surgeries (my nose is going to be particularly complicated). Maybe by then things will have changed, as doctors seem to change clinics sometimes.
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GNG's prices are actually GREAT considering they have so many care services for foreigners! I just personally need to take out a loan anyway and have fallen in love with TFD along with GNG ;~( I'm thinking I may just be very firm with my aesthetic preferences regarding my face and bite the bullet for GNG to make everything easier, since I practically have 100% confidence in them anyway. If I go to GNG, I'll be tempted to do my fat graft too (I have minor long face syndrome so I was planning on getting dermal fillers haha) so I really have to think about it! I'm going to consult with TFD and GNG first. GNG uses a program to show you projected outcome of your face right? I'd hope so but I forgot.

MVP's eyes are nice but are actually a bit too obvious for me haha goes to show personal preference makes a huge difference! For example, "after" photos can be unreliable but GNG tends to like a "natural v line" look while I prefer a rounder look-Think Irene from RV (link to an example, she's the one with the long silver earrings.) She has a soft v line in certain angles, but it's just very natural looking. You can bet I'm bringing a LOT of photos (both self photoshopped and referenced from other people) for my nose and chin because I have a very specific aesthetic I'm NOT going for lmao.

Anyway, I heard Dr. Seo is good at ptosis! I would go back to Teuim since my experience was so positive but I know Dr. Kwon doesn't prefer to do lateral if it's not needed. I like bright and round but natural looking eyes. I'm going for ptosis to fix my sleepiness and lateral for aesthetic preference, but I don't want that circle shaped "dolly" eyes look (which is why I got my primary DES at Teuim and STILL regret not doing the ptosis along with it lmao.)

If you by any chance can go April of 2018 lmk because I'm going then haha ^^
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  • 3 weeks later...
It's pretty symmetrical yes :smile: I don't know about 100% but it's good enough for me, because I know nothing ever comes out perfectly. My final results won't be ready until 5 more months!

It's almost 2 months post op, the feeling in my face is mostly back to normal. Swelling has gone down and I finally have an egg shape :smile: it's still not exactly to my liking though so I'll have to wait a little more.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanted to pop in and add a little to this thread, since TPF has been such an amazing help in the past few years of lurking.

My two top pics for v line/fc were EverM and The Face Dental, mainly because they specialize in those areas and seemed to be very reasonable as far as set prices go (not huge differences and haggling), and expectations. Also, I liked how I could talk about possible braces and veneers with them all together.

I ended up going with dr Lee at TFD for v-line, and had my surgery 2 days ago. EverM did not have availability on the dates I was in Korea and it was harder to overcome language barriers so I only ended up consulting with TFD in Korea. I have an overbite, crowding, upper and lower jaw asymmetry, and tooth alignment asymmetry. Only a few of my front teeth touch so because of this I had consulted with other drs in US/Canada, who recommended against any sx and suggested another try at braces, which would not address the visual jaw/chin/center of smile asymmetry.
Dr. Lee took scans and showed me the asymmetry I was trying to correct, as well as a wider jaw line, and longer chin. He said to fully correct my bite and asymmetry I would need 2-jaw with braces but the recovery is too long for me. For v-line, he said my artery and nerves sit very low on my jaw so he cannot take off too much, which was fine as I wanted a conservative and natural result. Also, most of the width on my lower jaw was caused by a strong masseter muscle that contouring alone would not fix. He recommended the bone contouring and re-placement on my chin to reduce length, a small amount of bone contouring along my jaw line, and electrocoagulation of the muscle to reduce volume.
I agreed for the price of 6.5mil won, which included hospital stay and aftercare. I realize it is higher than other people have paid but honestly I enjoyed their service and ability to provide english consultation. Dr. Lee has excellent english himself so that made everything a lot easier.

The pain so far has been very bearable, maybe a 2/10. Felt similar to having complicated wisdom extraction, but far more swelling. The worst parts were coming off the general anesthesia and breathing difficulty. My sinuses were acting up and attributed to swelling the first day. Because of this, I stayed an extra night in their clinic, and so glad I did because it got to the point where I was calling the nurse help button because I couldn’t breathe. The nurse suctioned my sinuses and trachea then inserted a breathing tube for the rest of my stay, suctioning the fluid buildup every couple hours. Honestly, I have no idea what I would have done if I didn’t stay overnight there as I am alone in Korea and panicked when I felt the fluid building up without an ability to cough or swallow. Of course panicking/crying makes it far worse but the nurse (who was a sweetheart and spoke english) calmed me down a lot.

To the people who want to have rhino and v-line/jaw contouring simultaneously, please consider that you may have complications like I did and they would need to use a tracheal tube if the swelling and fluid buildup gets bad since they may not be able to use a nasal tube like they did on me. When I had rhino a few years ago, I also had a lot of fluid buildup and swelling but luckily I could always breathe through my mouth. I can’t imagine my experience if I had done rhino and v line together.

I will update everyone as I recover and finish my followups with TFD.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Those are just the prices that I was quoted. Aren't T-osteotomy, jaw angle resection and jaw cortex thickness shaving a part of V-line surgery? Because if so, is sounds like the price was reduced, not increased.
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It an all in one pricing according to Dr. Lee? I was just confused since I see people mentioning being quoted 4.4m krw for vline (not sure if its just one part or the entire thing).

I really like him though and don't really intend to haggle.
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