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V Line Surgery at the Face Dental

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Wow, that's a lot of question in one :smile:

I suppose the order you mention could work, but again best to confirm with a or some clinics since they surely will have experience with your question. Getting a few opinions will help you form your own.

Many medium and larger clinics will have specialists for each of the areas if you research Korean PS. In my research I found that the clinics with comparatively more positive than negative reviews on are for eyes DA, MVP, Eve, Item, JK, Opera, Wannabe, for Nose 101 PS, Girin, GNG, April31, Migo, the Line, for FC EverM, GNG, April31, Opera, The Face dental, View. You could research these and make your own shortlist.

As for popular with locals and not expensive. That's the golden question right :smile: I can't read Korean (but working on a solution..) but if you are looking for local reviews you can try to Naver and do your research there. Pricing is rather difficult to answer as it depends on the clinic and will differ per person unfortunately.

Hope this helps and good luck researching!
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The only reason why I got to do two surgeries after the other was because DES and Ptosis were under LA, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to :sad: be sure to talk to both doctors first! Because they had to plan out my meds and coordinate accordingly as well.

Imo GNG is great for noses and Jaws! They were my second choice after TFD.
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Yeah, I guess I'll have to wait and see what the clinics say before deciding - the only thing for certain is that I will be getting all three done on the same trip. Your list of clinics that are good for each part coincide with what I have read so far on this forum (although I'm probably gonna cross out the expensive ones like JK, April31, and DA). GNG is at the top of my list for nose and fc, but their eye surgery results suck, haha.

I can read Korean but most of the time, I don't know what it means :sad:. I do wonder why prices are different for each person, even if two different people get the same amount of procedures done. Thank you!
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I just hope the doctors/clinics don't get offended by me not doing all the procedures with them, and as a result, put less effort into my surgery (maybe I am overthinking things, but that's what I always do, I'm overly paranoid about things going wrong).

Yes! GNG looks amazing! Hopefully it's still good by the time I get my surgeries!
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I know omg I'm kind of scared about that. The consultant from one of the clinics told me to not be upset if I have some sagging after acculift bc she had recommended thread lift as well. I wouldn't need thread lift bc I didn't need it in the first place before my fat graft. But I think part of it is that she thinks I need it bc their standard of beauty is no sagging at all but I don't mind slight marionette lines bc it didn't bother me that much before?
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Hehe they didn't get offended, but they were interested to see what clinics were popular internationally and the clinics I've short listed :smile:
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Day 5: swelling is still awful but it's gotten better! I think I've busted one of my stitches but I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow so we'll probably get it fixed. I can chew soft foods but I prefer not to because it's still difficult right now. Lots of snot and bloody boogers...didn't really expect that at all.
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Yeah, some Korean clinics can be quite pushy. You definitely should not let a clinic persuade you to do more procedures than you want/need.
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That's good! Hopefully the places I choose will be the same because I really think it is hard to find one clinic that is good for the whole face.
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Well I did research the popular English PS forums for a long time, so not really a coincidence I guess :smile:

As for pricing, don't know why but I could attempt to guess, as a consultant at clinic is basically a sales jobs with sales targets I can imagine they will "adjust" their pricing based on their needs and the patient they are facing. And if you are a Noob and happen to run into a "bad" consultant, well...

Now don't get me wrong here, nothing wrong with them doing their job and some consultants do have your best interest in mind, just not everyone.... Which why it s recommended to have F2F consults first before deciding, so you can form your own view on a clinic and everything related to it.

As for foreigner pricing...sigh....it just a common thing and most foreigners you read about will surely pay more than a local, with a few exceptions here and there. This I guess is just a common phenomenon if an industry is not regulated and/or nontransparent and Korean clinics have both issues unfortunately. Best advise most give here is to research so you know what you want and what the "market price" is. Lot of work, but surely worth it since well it is our faces we're talking about.

Good luck.
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Thank you, I'll need it!

I really didn't know much about plastic surgery clinics in Seoul until I started reading this forum early last year. It has been very helpful - especially with regards to clinics/factories that must be avoided, of which I may have otherwise considered as they are the first ones that pop up when I do a quick google search. My first time getting ps was in 2014 for my eyes, I paid almost $5000 and the results aren't that good, so now I need a revision for that too. Didn't know anything about anything at the time, so I chose a terrible clinic and doctor.

I have always sucked at negotiating prices - mainly because I always worry about offending or annoying people. But this time I refuse to be taken advantage of, there are so many clinics I can go to so if I get a ridiculous price, I can always find somewhere else. I won't put down a deposit like last time, I'll decide where to go after the consultations, as you said. From what I've read, often the most expensive clinics aren't even the best ones.

I completely understand why locals get charged less, and I don't expect to get the same price. But I don't want to be charged like 3 times more. A little bit more is fine.
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I actually negotiated with MVP. Just stay firm and say you refuse to go over your budget. I even almost left the building (it wasn't an act though, I really didn't have enough money) so they gave me a small discount haha. I didn't bother trying to haggle with TFD though because their price was already so low.

Imo I would never pay over 2k do fix my eyes! I'm sorry for what happened to you in the past :sad:
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Thank you for the advice :smile: It is getting better yes!

It's day 6 now, I had some laser deswelling treatments. It was super relaxing and I fell asleep Hehe. Not sure if it helped but it didn't hurt or take very long.
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Most of us can relate to this, since when you're new to Korean PS it is common to google and go to the clinics on page 1 with the best looking website and pictures..... not recommended!

In my research a tip that PS goers have shared a couple of times is that you get quotes of several clinics and then use the lowest quote to get back to the clinic you're interested in to negotiate. Some have been successful with this bargaining approach, so you can try it out. It is actually a bit practical psychology called anchoring.
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Ok, I will do that. There are so many procedures I want to get done at once, haha, so I really will need a discount. It's tempting to pick a clinic that has shockingly low prices, even though I know I shouldn't base my decision off something like that.

Yeah, the price for my eye surgery (although I did get epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, and ptosis correction along with my DES - none of which turned out that well), was ridiculous. I'm sad because I know it'll be more complicated and expensive to fix it. I really hope my rhinoplasty and fc will turn out well the first time, I really don't want anymore revisions for the rest of my life.
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