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What is the best way to save for plastic surgery?

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Just think of it as simple math, more money in vs. out.

You know your situation and factors better than anyone else.

For example, I don’t have many expenses. My job allows me to pick up overtime. This allowed me to save up quick.

If your job doesn’t allow you the opportunity to pick up more hours, look into a side hustle. Waitressing, bartending, dog walking, tutoring, etc.

If that’s not an option look at your total expenses, see what’s necessary and what you can forego and set aside money each paycheck towards your goal of surgery.

Good luck!

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I'd figure out the total cost for flight, hotel, food, surgery, etc - then open up a savings account and direct deposit X amount of funds into that account. It'll give you a pretty realistic view of what's achievable and what's actually in your budget.
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It depends on your current situation, and what you're doing with your money. It also depends on the surgeries, how much they cost and how many you're wanting to do.
Budget. Take out more money for less important things, and make a savings account.
There are different types of savings accounts that have interest added onto them. This doesn't help significantly but it'll help you in the long run. There's even calculators around the internet that can figure out how much you'd save up in the next couple of years if you put a certain amount into your savings every month.

Here are a couple that I found:

http://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html (not too sure if this one would really help but I hope it does)

Personally me but I'm going to work 20 hours a week at a decent paying job (college doesn't want people to work more than 24 hours) and be wise with the way I spend it on utilities, food, etc.
You could save a lot more than you think if you spend less than what you "want" to spend. And yes "want", because there are a lot of things that you may want (like extra snacks, eating out, really expensive clothes, lots of makeup, etc.), but you don't need.
If your parents support you on this then maybe they can also help you, don't expect them to do so much for you though. They can probably help with saving up for things like plane tickets, hotel, food, etc.
Be practical with your money and you should reach your goal.
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I agree with @purrrina I opened up a savings account when I was a senior year in high school. Now, I'm a senior in college. Make sure you don't take it out unless you absolutely need it like for an emergency. It's all about managing your money right. It's easier said than done, but it can be done. You add a little here and there and eventually you saved up enough. I'm not gonna lie, having a good job helps a lot. I finally saved up enough to get the procedures i want.
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Budget, budget, budget. Short of winning the lotto, there's no magical way you'll suddenly have $10k-$15k to cover the surgery, flight, accommodation, spending money, food, etc.
Even before PS, I used a budgeting app, YNAB, to track all my income and expenses (food, condo fees, car insurance, property tax, spending money, etc..) so that I knew where every dollar was going. With my budgeting app, I created a savings category that I contributed to each month.
You don't have to use a budgeting app but being aware of your monthly income and expenses will help you save towards a goal.
Good luck!
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Lol some of these replies are just ridiculously unhelpful, as if OP can just magically get a good job and become the CEO of Microsoft. This is hard to answer without knowing your personal situation. Obviously you'll need a source of income first and foremost, however little it might be.

Some people have suggested budgeting and using apps, which can be a great option, but personally that has never worked out for me. It's all in the mindset, in my opinion. For example, do I want to get a Starbucks every morning before work or do I want a nice pair of tits? The answer is easy for me. A Starbucks costs about $5, will be gone in about 15 minutes, and if you're purchasing one every morning before work, that's about $1250 a year ($5 x 250 work days). That's $1250 worth of urine in one year. Is that worth it? With all the other things that can be considered unnecessary, like eating out, shopping, going out, etc., those things can add up. Whenever I'm tempted to buy something unnecessary, I see it as an opportunity cost so I refrain myself from spending on useless things.

A savings account is a good start too. I'm not a huge fan of it, because the money is just sitting there when it can be invested and growing. But it is good for keeping your money safe. To try to get even more out of my savings, I'm putting some of my saved up money into an investment account. I work in the industry so I know what I'm doing, but before resorting to this option you should invest wisely with caution and understand all the risks of it.

I don't make much money myself, I know how to manage it and I have a good amount saved up already. I'm also in a fortunate enough position where I don't have many bills to pay. Every month I have a pretty good idea of how much my expenses will be, so I immediately take out a grand from paychecks and stick into my savings account, and leave the rest for my expenses and miscellaneous stuff until I get paid again the next month (and I usually have leftovers from the previous month, at which point you can save or spend). I'm frugal over the little things, so I'm able to afford myself bigger and nicer purchases. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is be patient. It can be difficult, but with time everything will pay off so hang in there. I hope this was somewhat helpful and that it all works out for you.
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It can be very easy to save up when you have no other expenses. I am living with my mom who pays for all the necessities. So all the money I make is going towards my plastic surgery, I don't spend any of it. I basically don't buy anything at all, never go out, and am overall very minimalist. Also every time I get some money for Christmas or my birthday, I don't spend it and add it to my plastic surgery funds. I haven't spent a cent of my money since December 2015 and that won't change until I go to Korea to improve my face. So yeah, basically know what's most important for you, and forget about material goods that will only bring ephemeral happiness.
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Figure out how much $ you will need, then start saving! The earlier the better. I decided I would like to get surgery done basically 1-2 years ago. Since then, I've made small, safe investments, got a part-time job lol, and dug through my basement to find things to sell on eBay.
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The same problem Im facing...Ive been on this forum for years now...I'm becoming so old now for PS ... really depressing... I still got stuck on being ugly... poor, and ugly...lol I dunno what I have done in my previous life why I have very difficult current life. sigh.
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