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Breast Augmentation Consultation Experiences with Several Hospitals

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I consulted with a variety of clinics for primary breast augmentation. Here were my experiences:

1) Jayjun - Dr Shin, the English translator and Korean speaking consultant met with me in October. Initially, I wanted to do my breast surgery with Dr. Shin and I had put down a deposit. However, after requesting a second consultation in January, I felt that his style and technique was not suited to what I was looking for. The Korean consultant during the second time I met with Jayjun provided me with almost a 50% discount, essentially giving me a fantastic deal that matches what Korean locals would get for breast augmentation. I also did a blood test through Jayjun which was fairly pricey (in preparation for the surgery which I didn't go through with) but they kindly released the results for me which I was able to use for my final choice hospital.

The English consultant is wonderful and we became friends on Kakao. She is extremely helpful in so many ways.

Dr Shin speaks English but seems like he is very busy and cannot provide a lot of time for thorough consultations, however he is detailed oriented. Each time I met him he took measurements of my IMF, intra nipple space, etc. Overall though, he tends to be reserved and does not communicate much unless asked specific questions.

He recommended anatomical (tear drop) granular textured implants for me and seemed like he did not care too much if it was an IMF incision or armpit incision. He didn't spend significant time explaining the advantages of the implant choice for me and why.

2) With - Very clean bright clinic. I met with the Chinese consultant who was kind and friendly. I was taken to see the breast specialist who is apparently very famous and has been on tv plastic surgery make over shows many times.

The Dr. measured my breasts (IMG, intra nipple space, nipple to IMF) and didn't really speak much unless asked questions directly. In this case, I would suggest patients come prepared with a list a questions. I asked him to show me some before and after cases similar to me, which he did but he did not seem too enthusiastic about doing so. However, he was polite and answered the questions I did have. I believe he recommended a round implant, micro textured for me as I have a full A cup and enough breast tissue to expand around an implant. This was an important point for me as it showed he had the experience to recognize the qualities of my case as a patient.

The Chinese consultant noted that I was consulting with many hospitals, and cut to the chase when it came to price. She provided me with a lower end foreigner price which I was very happy with.

3) Fresh - I came to fresh with the intention to ask about fat transfer to breasts. The english consultant is such a wonderful girl, friendly and responsive on kakao. Dr Hong speaks some english but spoke mainly through the consultant. The examination was quick and he offered his insight, noting my chest wall is wide and breast tissue expandable.

The consultant provided an overview of expectations for fat transfer, strongly suggesting that a second top up of fat be conducted if I want more significant results. She mentioned that at best 1/2 cup change would be visible after one round of lipo transfer.

The price was quite high for lipo transfer and I ultimately chose not to do it and opt for implants, since I didn't want to commit to coming back to Seoul a second time for lipo transfer round 2.

4) Mool Bang Wool - The clinic I chose to do my surgery with... for a detailed review, please check my post history. I'm not sure if I can hyperlink the post here? #

5) DA - I've consulted in the past with DA with Katie the English consultant was still working there. Several of my friends have done surgery with DA so I have a fairly good idea about price ranges with this hospital. I was quoted a higher than average price for breast augmentation via kakao, but was told that this price is negotiable in person. I met with Dr. Ku the breast specialist and the English consultant, and Korean house manager. The actual consultation was extremely quick and Dr. Ku seemed quite disengaged.

The final price offered to me was .... 3.5 times the original higher than average quote given to me via kakao. Let's just say that I can usually buy an entry level BMW with what they wanted me to pay.... Overall, a fairly negative experience. When I mentioned that the price is not what I would be willing to pay, they basically showed me the door.

6) Park Jin Seok - Dr Park is a breast specialist and runs his own clinic in apgujeong. He speaks English but his staff do not. However, I can speak conversational Korean so I was able to manage my appointment fine. He is clearly a specialist in this area, and also recommended a round implant over an anatomical one. He also was one of the first doctors to suggest that the motiva chip implant is just bait because the warranty cover 5 years only, and the rate of rupture/capsular contracture is *so* low within that five year period that it isn't worth the additional cost.

He was the only doctor the suggested placing the implant under the fascia for a more natural feel, however, he expressed the cons of this method as well. In the end, I chose not to go with him as I wanted a different surgical technique.

7) JW - I met with Dr. Seul and Brian, the english consultant. Dr. Seul really impressed me with his knowledge and thorough explanation of breast augmentation techniques. He showed me cases on his computer that he felt matched mine and was very detailed in his explanation, despite the fact he was already late for another operation.

He recommended micro textured implants (motiva or bella gel) with a round shape, citing the same reasons as some of the other doctors above. I would have really liked to have gone with him if the final quote was more reasonable and didn't cost more than a fully loaded Honda fit. I also would've preferred a different implant option which JW didn't offer. Also it was very obvious that Dr. Seul does many operations a day and so I felt that the patient attention would not be there and I prefer small hospitals where doctors do fewer ops a day.
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