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I used to a hospital coordinator in Korea. If you have any questions, please ask me for the answers.

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I don't know about H plastic surgery. However, this is not to say that plastic surgery is not capable.
And which do you want to have the reconstruction done?
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There are many big and famous hospitals in Seoul. I'll introduce three hospitals first.

Dream Plastic Surgery is popular plastic surgery hospital in Apgujeong.
Many Korean celebrities, especially k-pop stars, are making plastic surgeries.

Id plastic surgery is a large plastic surgery hospital. He is also doing a lot of marketing in Korea, and has had a lot of eye surgery and facial contour surgery.

101 Plastic Surgery is famous for Rhinoplasty Surgery.

I recommend Dream Plastic Surgery.
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I was with you until you brought up ID. They have one of the worst reputations for a death, using shadow and part time doctors and botching people. They even lie on their website and say they have a 20 year record of no nerve damage, blood clots or death. No, no, no.
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Hey girl, we’re on the same page. Suggesting Dream.... mmm another promoter I guess.
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Before someone says that one person can't be a promoter for more than one clinic, we've already discovered that they have representatives who will answer the Kakao, FB and emails for more than one clinic. I myself have evidence of this in IG messages.

I can't comment on Dream. Feel free to do so.
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In my opinion, which can depend on the conditions of your body, your age is a bit dangerous to carry out a facial contouring. Why don't you just carry out facelifts and fat transfer? Facelifts and fat fat transfer can be operated safely in many Korean hospitals. What I'm writing here is not always right, so think carefully before you make any decisions.
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Hi EvaCandy!
In my opinion, which can depend on the conditions of your body, your age is a bit dangerous to carry out a facial contouring. Why don't you just carry out facelifts and fat transfer? Facelifts and fat fat transfer can be operated safely in many Korean hospitals. What im writing here is not always right, so think carefully before you make any decisions.
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Jany, Thanks a lot for your honest response. May I ask why you believe that Facial contouring might be dangerous for someone my age? By being dangerous do you mean there is a risk that I may die or only a risk that the outcome might not be favorable or predictable? Is there an age limit for facial contouring? At what age we should stop thinking about FC? I don't have much skin laxity right now so I am not a candidate for full facelift. I am pretty lean and may not have enough fat either. Still I would like to have the names of the best and safest plastic surgery hospitals/clinics/ doctors who perform facial contouring. ID hospital has done a facial contouring on Pixie Fox and I wasn't impressed with their work. also there are so much bad reviews on them. Also which hospital/clinic do you recommend for lateral canthoplasty? How about fat graft? I am looking for a doctor who can analyze my face and make a suggestion on what exactly I'd need to achieve my ideal image.
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Exactly LOL .... there goes her reputation down on the drain.
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Hi Jany,

Which hospitals did you work for, what was your impression of them, and why did you leave?

Which hospitals have a reputation among industry professionals as being prone to scandals and accidents?
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I worked at 101 Plastic Surgery and Dream Plastic Surgery.
I used to work for 101 and Dream plastic surgery hospitals and I quit to work for other interested area.

There are many hospitals where they recommned too many surgeries, yet there are also many accidents or issues.
I really cannot say the exact name of hospitals, but 101 and Dream plastic surgery hospitals are the best.

People are saying that I'm advertising because of saying certain hospital names, but how can I recomment any other hospitals that I never worked for?

Recommending other hospitals that I really don't know about is being not resposible for what I'm saying.

I can tell you what kind of surgeries 101 and Dream can do best if you want to know.
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Hi Jany, does Dr. Paik from PS 101 do rhino for caucasian patients or mostly for Asian patients? And what is his complete name?
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I think the problem is in the original thread starter you said you said you would answer questions about plastic surgery hospitals... not just 101 Plastic and Dream. You should have made that more clear then people wouldn't be so skeptical of you.

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