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Got my revision eyelid surgery! YESS

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Hey Guys!
Soo.. I literally just got my revision eyelid surgery on Monday and I am SO excited. I had it done a few years back in VN and it was a botched job.. so I've been wanting to fix it for the longest time. And I actually decided to get it done here in the US instead of Kr. Let's just say.. it was the quickest decision ever. I live in the east coast but found a doc in CA.. had a skype consult.. then another phone consult.. and paid my deposit for surgery a month after LOL. I had a lot of confidence in my doctor and it felt like a right decision so I went ahead and did it.
I want to share my experience on here because this forum has really helped me, and I also just want to keep track of my own progress as well.

Day of Surgery - I met up with my doc (f2f, finally) at 2 pm for a final f2f consult and go over any last minute questions, and by 3 pm I was already changing into my surgery gown in the next room. I was supposed to be under oral sedation with local anesthesia so they gave me 2 valium to start but since it wasn't hitting me, they had to up the doses. LOL. They asked if I drank a lot of alcohol.. umm yess. :biggrin: I remember laying on the table while they took out some fat from my thigh for my eyes lol and I was like is that my fat?? "Yes" they replied lol. And then by 3:30 pm I was kind of knocked out. I remember the doctor waking me up around 5 pm, telling me to open/close my eyes numerous times. I felt a few pinches, and they had to give me a bit more local. And finally by 5:30 pm, the surgery was finished. Surprisingly, I felt pretty good.. went to go eat right after since I didn't eat anything all day and went shopping as well LOL. No pain at all, just a little hazy leaving the office but by the time I got to the restaurant, I was good.

Day 1 after surgery - The incision site was swollen and puffy, but everything else on my face was fine. I was expecting to be swollen but I wasn't. I also did not sleep with my head elevated as they suggested :x I was still feeling pretty good.. but also was pissed off at my bf so I actually took the car and drove myself out to lunch and got my nails done and stuff LOL.

Day 2 after surgery - Ok so eye area is a bit swollen now, especially between the eyes and under my eyes. I just looked puffy all day. But I have been eating A LOT of pineapples and icing the area. My eyes also look half way open when I try to open all the way. The incision site also looks way more puffy than before. Also went out for korean bbq for dinner so dunno if the smoke from that had anything to do with it..

Day 3 after surgery (today) - Woke up with the same swollen feeling, under eye and in between however the incision site looks to be healing much better. Eyes look more open now. This morning was a struggle because my vision was blurry (maybe from dry eyes?) and I couldn't do any work from home lol. Iced it all day and ate more pineapples.. by night time (now), the swelling has gone down significantly in between my eyes but the bottom eyes are still a bit swollen.

So.. as you can see, I'm not taking THAT great care of myself post-op LOL aside from eating pineapples, continuously putting on the ointment they gave, and icing it whenever I can. Otherwise, I still go about my daily activities normally with little to no bed rest at all, LOL. I guess I'm pretty crazy like that.. but so far I have no experienced any pain or discomfort (didn't even need tylenol). The reason why I chose to get my eyes done last minute (after much research on Korea) were variety of reasons:
1. I had a previous botched job that will take a very skilled doc with the right aesthetics and knowledge to fix and give me what I want.
2. Even though I am Asian, I was looking to have my eyes look as "western" as much as possible. My doc was Asian and she understood the asian anatomy, but also understands what kind of western look would be suitable. I didn't feel like Korea would understand that specific aesthetic.
3. I am looking to get my rhino done as well and was going do that at the same time. But after careful thought, I wanted to get my eyes done first so it's not an all at once, drastic change LOL. Gotta ease my way in LOL.

So in summary:
I got: ptosis correction, revision eyelid, fat transfer to eyelids, and epi surgery! Yup, my eyes are pretty special needing all that lol -_- And I must say.. surgery here is very straight forward and fast. As I said, I arrived at the office at 2 pm and was already on my way home by 5:30 pm. It's not like Korea where I feel like the after care is very thorough and a bit longer but that's OK by me. I just see it as being quick and efficient :smile:

I've taken some pics on my phone and would be more than happy to share. Also lmk if you would like me to continue to update my progress?
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