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Lasik/lasek surgery in Seoul anyone has done?

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Hello, everyone. I am planning to go for lasik surgery in Seoul in this July. I am really sick of wearing glasses, If anyone had experience of getting lasik/lasek surgery in Korea, please share your experience, I am not sure which hospital i shall go. And about the average price etc, Please anyone share your experience how choose hospital and after surgery recovery, restrictions post surgery like watch TV, computer and etc. Thanks a lot
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@hanna123z I dont have exerpience with lasik in korea, however I did get it in america about 2 months ago. You'll need to make sure that you have a hotel room booked very close to the clinic you get your surgery done and then make sure to take a sleeping pill and sleep for as long as you can. Your eyes will be burning, stinging, and watery soon after the procedure. You'll also want to wear sunglasses outside (always) and even inside if it's too bright for your eyes. I wore sunglasses indoors for almost a week. But you should be able to be out and about the next day, however your eyes will be a bit dry and sensitive. They'll give you a lot of different eyedrops to use daily.
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If you haven't already found them during your research, I'd recommend looking up "korea lasik" on youtube as there's quite a few video diaries there of people who traveled there for it. Korea also does a procedure called Smile which hasn't been cleared in the US yet, you'll see that procedure mentioned in some of the hits.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I had lasik done in a clinic called GS Clinic. I'm not sure if they have a website or have an English translator, but the place is right near one of the Gangnam Station exits, somewhere opposite the Daiso. It's a bit more on the pricier side when it comes to Korean lasik costs, but it is your eyes. Want to be extra careful.

Edit: I had done this probably 4 or 5 years ago. The operation took like 15 minutes but there was a really extensive candidacy checking system where you do like a billion eye tests. Painless and eyes were red for a couple of days but nothing that sunglasses won't hide.
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I had LASEK done last month in Gangnam. My clinic was called Glory Eye Clnic (made my consultation appt thru FaceBook).

I now have 20/20 4k vision. After doing all the exams, I qualified for both LASIK and LASEK but the doctor highly recommended LASEK as it is safer.

I am happy with my choice and my results! Cheers!
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Hey. I have contacted that clinic about implantable contactable lenses but decided against it as it increases the risk of cataracts. They quoted 1.3m without the price of eye drops.

How many days were you in pain after lasek? I’m quite scared because I will be going alone and would have to stock up food for a few days. Did you buy bottled water?
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I read many many manyy people's lasek experiences on reddit and blog posts about the "excruciating" pain!

I think I'm one of the lucky ones but I experienced very little pain throughout the first 4 days even though Dr. Kim said I WOULD experience pain.

The first day: my surgery was at 5pm. I rested for about 10 minutes in the clinic, took the pills they gave me and left. I actually walked around gangnam with my mom after the surgery. We went to daiso, muji and had dinner. My eyes would go from focused and clear to blurry, on repeat. I was able to use my phone to googlemaps the subway route back to my airbnb.

The second day: Woke up not being able to read anything from my phone. It was just way too blurry. I felt pain 3 times that day. Each time it lasted about 1 minute and all 3 times it was in my left eye. There were tears streaming down that one eye and it was like I had an eyelash lost somewhere in there but in reality there was none. That was just what it felt like. Irritating but manageable. I went out after 2-3pm.

Third day: woke up quite sensitive to the sunlight coming through my windows this day so finally decided to stay home. Still can't really use my phone because its still blurry.

Fourth day: Was able to somewhat use my phone this day, went out after 3-4pm to myeongdong. no pain. no sensitivity. was a ok.

Fifth day: went back to glory eye clinic to get out my protective lenses. was given new prescription of eye drops. Was able to use my phone this day.

I would say it'll be smart to buy bottled water and food ahead of time but its totally not that bad, you'd be able to walk there even after surgery. Where ever your hotel or airbnb may be, there WILL be a convenience store within 500 meters distance from you. That's Seoul.

Also, I never used sunglasses during these first five days because 2 weeks prior I had just gotten rhinoplasty.

I just used a bucket hat, currently very fashionable in Seoul haha:

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I personally don't remember having any pain or major discomfort after getting the surgery done.
Sometimes I had feelings of itchiness but it went away with three different types of prescription eyedrops 3 times a day or my eyes would become teary if the light indoors or outdoors was too bright. (But no pain)

The most hnnng part of the surgery was that I needed sunglasses for a week because the whites of my eyes were almost completely red and it made me look like a demon and because the daylight would be too bright for my eyes.
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Wow thanks for your post! That’s hella informative. Wow you had rhino 2 weeks earlier? Nice! Where did you do rhino at? Initially I wanted to have rhino a day after my lasek, but decided to against it. I’ll come back to Korea in a few months time.

You are a lucky thing, barely any pain for lasek! Who was your doctor at Seoul glory eye and did you also pay 1.3m? Did they make you go back for a checkup the day after your surgery. Yeah that hat is totally awesome, I’ll be rocking something similar to that. Thanks for the rec.
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Nice to hear your experience. How months ago did you do your surgery? Are your eyes still dry?
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