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Eyelid surgery recovery?

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Hey Guys-
I was wondering if those who has had eyelid surgery in the past can share their recovery process.. what kind of stages were there (swelling, bruising) and how long did it take to heal?
I had my eyelid surgery 3 weeks ago and I'm kind of freaking out because I have to admit, I didn't take the BEST care for it.. kind of careless so now my eyes still look kind of bruise/colored and also the scar in the inner corner of my eye doesn't look like it's healing "well". The swelling has gone down but it is still there, and my incision line is still red as ever.
Anyone can offer their experience? -_-
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It depends on whether they also had an internal sutures or not. I looked really bruised for a month post my double eyelid surgery. I kept taking vitamin c and collagen tablets. It seems to help. I had issues with my inner eye too, because i kept rubbing it in my sleep. Have you asked the surgeons? Does the area feel warm to touch?
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Yeah I wasn't rubbing but was def touching it last week because allergy season kicked in and I didnt have meds. And no it's not warm at all, feels normal temp. The inner corner just look kinda "beat".. not sure if a keloid scar is forming.. I hope not!
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I dont think it will be keloid scar. It will take weeks and months for it to form. I'm not saying its impossible. But at this stage it might be too early to tell. But it could be some residual swelling. My eyes looked like sasuages for a while when i got it. I also had a small bump in my inner corner. They said its the sutures dissolving. Which in my case turned out to be true.

You cant really see it in the photo.... but my left eye had a small red bump too. This was 1month post operative. Im 4 years post op now and have no regrets lol.

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Hey, I actually got it done here in the U.S in California :smile: If you're interested, I can send over her info.

True.. the inner corner looks a teensy bit better today so I'm hopeful. However, it still looks pretty discolored/slightly bruise color for some reason.. I think because I started wearing false eyelashes/eyeliner way too early. Like 1.5 - 2 weeks after.. =/
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