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REGEN V-Line Review - Not sure what to think :(

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They are before/after x-rays. He cut the chin from what I can see. But the sizing/shape doesn't look much different to me.
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Ah i see.

Yeah now looking back at it the chin is still the same shape. I think you look good afterwards. But if your concern is the chin,then i agree he didnt do much.

I hope it resolves! Like others say, botox won't change your actual chin bone shape. But hopefully the swelling goes down and at least will be an improvement.

Hopefully they can fix it!
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It seems he used the ''Inverted V'' technique to reduce the chin, which is supposedly safer to avoid the nerves, but if you see all the photos from this technique, the afters are always rounder, eggline chins, and not really pointy. Braun, uses this technique as well, TL can too, along with many other clinics. Thank you for sharing your experience. I too want a small pointy chin and your review just made me sure I want the T osteotomy, so I will be choosing more carefully.

Wishing you the best
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If this is the case, Dr Oh should have been clear that his methods wouldn’t produce the look I wanted instead of confidently claiming it was possible.

I hope you have better luck!
(I included pictures of the requests I made with the English consultant. I also verbalized my request several times during our meeting and showed him a photoshopped picture of my request.)
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Yes you are right. On the other hand, you look sooo beautiful! :heart: You don't even need anything else done, I need to get my cheekbones done and many more:shocked:

So, now, what do you intend to do? Revision?
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You're very sweet! Thank you.

I'm going to wait the 6 months and see if the swelling changes anything. If it doesn't (and my gut is telling me there won't be any significant changes) I'm going to request a revision for a middle cut (to reduce width of the chin and bring it inward more.)
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  • 4 weeks later...

A lot of the numbness that came directly after surgery is disappearing slowly. I sense feeling in my chin again but the gums are still quite numb.

Mouth movement has improved a lot. My smile is becoming less and less weird and mouth movements are becoming less strained. I can open my mouth at about two/two and a half fingers now and I can whistle again.

Swelling under the chin and neck area has improved but I’m hoping it tightens up more. The muscle and salivatory glands there have been more noticeable since surgery but I don’t think it’s a double chin.

Chin is still square :sad: once again that was my only area of concern. Not the jaw.
It still hasn’t changed shape (and in fact has gotten more square with subtle deswelling)
I’m praying it’ll improve with time.

I should mention that I’ve spoken to two clinics about revision. Cookie and TL. TL has a chance to see my x-rays and told me it was possible to sculpt a softer/smaller chin.
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I appreciate the compliments. I have no doubts about my beauty- overall I think everything but my chin is very balanced. :smile: What specifically are you confused about and maybe I can help? I came to Dr. Oh at Regen with a specific request to adjust my chin shape (from square to slightly rounder/softer/v-shaped) and so far- I'm not seeing results. I also promised to give an honest review so I have to continue to update this - and I'm being as honest as possible. My needs haven't been met yet!
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I mean, do u think there is something wrong with your chin?

Do u want it to be more pointy?

I think the shape is cute actually.
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I included a photo of what I have (top) and what I wanted. Similar photos were given to Oh as I figured a mini- v line would solve things.Again, the chin is masculine and pretty similar to my pre-op chin. I’m really glad you like it but it’s not what I wanted.

Edit: Also, if the swelling goes down and things remain the same, can this truly be considered v-line? I keep jokingly mentioning u-line but it seems to be ringing true lol I don't want a pointy chin - just something more feminine.
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I think it's a little too early to judge your results and without cts might be quite difficult to say... do you have them btw? I think it's better to wait at least a couple of months when most of swelling would be gone and the result would be more clear
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Oh I see, u mean the pic of u in gray jumper (bottom one) was photoshopped? I hardly noticed sorry I thought its the same pic that was posted twice.

Maybe wait a bit more until the swelling fully subside.
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Ohh MissOrange, thank you for this. Hopefully my next surgeon pays a bit more attention to the pictures I provide. And also here's to hoping things sort themselves out by 3-6 months.
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