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Best clinic + procedure for facial fat removal?

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Hi All -- My face is fat. Like, really, really fat. I'm actually not fat at all body-wise, but I have the face of a 300 pounder. I've already had chin lipo once and the fat just came right back after two years :-/ Plus, now it's not just my chin. My entire face is fat -- fat cheeks, fat jowls, fat nasolabial folds, etc.

What should I do? Get buccal fat removal? Acculift? Facial liposuction? Any clinic recommendations? (Should I just go to the cheapest? Facial fat removal isn't something people can screw up too badly on, right?) How much should I expect to pay for this? I've read on other threads that the prices should be 1.5-2 mill won, but I assume I am a special case because I need full face lipo?
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Hey. I'm the same. You can get liposuction of everywhere on face and under chin. So far I know of Fresh PS and BK clinics for this. I'm going to go to BK in a few weeks for a consultation for lipo on my mid face anyway. Still researching. 3 months ago I did lipo of jaw line and double chin at Fresh PS. I notice a good difference with that so far. Tho under my chin where fat was removed I can see the tendons but I believe(hope) this is normal in recovery..I can only see them when I stretch my neck to look upwards. It takes 6 months - 1 year for complete recovery. I'll keep you posted on all.
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I did like Fresh's pictures, but they quoted me literally 2x as much as everywhere else, so they're off my list. In addition, I read some of their "reviews" on this site as well as on RealSelf, and I was really sketched out by the obviously clinic-written reviews (they were written in broken English) attached to the pictures of um, visibly white people (who claimed to be American). If their ethics aren't up to par, I don't want to risk it no matter how nice the photos may be.

I am considering BK, Banobagi, Regen and Wonjin. I've gone to Wonjin and had a poor result the first time and an excellent result the second, so I'm kind of mixed on them.
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I'm researching this as well! Can you explain your history with Wonjin? Did you have chin lipo there 2x?

I don't think I've heard of BK... what has been your experience with them so far? How about Regen? I was speaking to Regen about another procedure but hadn't asked about facial surgery.

I spoke with KCouture yesterday on Kakao, and she said that the most obvious differences with facial fat go: buccal fat pad removal > liposuction > acculift. I think it also depends where the fat is, and if you will have sagging skin afterwards. She said, "But note that all causes premature aging, with buccal being the most, then lipo. [The] more fat you remove, the more collagen is [lost], the faster the aging." <- in terms of sagging

How old are you? The older you are the more likely that you skin won't "bounce back." I'm 25 but I've had fat lower cheeks (buccal pads) all my life so I'm concerned my skin won't "rebound" if I get them removed. I do NOT want sagging skin! The way to fix sagging skin is a lift. I talked with MVP via email and they suggested doing buccal fat pad removal (rather than cheek and chin lipo) and then "lifting." I asked for clarification on what they meant by "lifting" because I wasn't sure if they meant a face lift or something. (On lifts, KCouture said: "If they say a skin lift then don't bother it doesn't last long. Thread lift also doesn't last long. [The] only true lift is a SMAS lift." I recommend you read her post detailing face lifts!)

Also I wanted to respond to what you said above: "Facial fat removal isn't something people can screw up too badly on, right?" I wouldn't look at it that way, only because facial fat is sooo sensitive. If too much is removed you could look gaunt and prematurely aged, or if too much is removed your skin could sag. I've also read that buccal fat pad removal needs to be eased out carefully because there are potential complications with nerve damage.

I totally know what you mean about just wanted all the fat removed because i have a very round face as well, but I feel like it's better to do it conservatively, wait till swelling goes down, and then tweak as needed - rather than OVER-removing fat and then being forced to do facelifts or fat placement back into your face.

I'm really trying to find someone who specializes in this. I'm not sure - would fat removal in the face fall under facial contouring? If anyone knows please let me know! Any doctor rec's for it are welcome as well.
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I'm 34. I don't have significant sagging yet but I'm not worried about having too thin of skin. My face is so fat (and my skin is so thick) that I literally have the face of someone 2-3x my weight. I am just trying to figure out what will make the most dramatic difference. I can't afford to drop 2-3 grand on something to not even be noticeable in the end.

If buccal fat removal will make the most noticeable difference, I will probably just get it here in the U.S. and save myself the plane ticket.

Are there significant advantages to Acculift over face liposuction or buccal fat removal? I am thinking I won't even go to Korea unless Acculift (which is not common here) is the best way to go.
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I haven't gotten the procedure, but I've been doing a LOT of research on it since I want to have something done about my cheeks as well!

Buccal vs lipo vs acculift depends on the placement of fat. If that fat is in the "hollows of your cheeks" - if you hold fat there, removing the pads will be a big different. Originally I thought this was where my fat was, and from some of my pictures, people think "oh, chubby face - buccal fat." But my fat is actually in my LOWER cheeks next to the sides of my mouth. Therefore, buccal fat pad removal won't do anything for the fat there. So instead, I'm looking for facial lipo now.

Something I didn't realize is: if you get the fat in your face removed, you have a high risk for sagging skin - even if you don't have any now. Because once the fat is removed, if your skin doesn't "bounce back" (shrink to fit your new face) it will remain stretched. (So, you could have buccal in the US, but you'd need to consult after if you have sagging skin.)

I've always had a fat face, since I was a kid. I've lost weight, and it doesn't go away. And, I have thick skin. So even though I'm 25, I'm looking into having a midface SMAS lift after, because I do NOT want to deal with sagging skin after fat removal! That defeats the purpose of fat removal because saggy skin will look just as bad / age me.

Something to note is: if you remove too much fat from your cheeks, it can prematurely age you. So sometimes people go through fat removal + facelift, and then have to do fat grafts after to put fat in other parts of your face to balance it out and keep a young look. To me, this is worth it. I'm 25 and either look 15 or 35 because of my round face and unprominent jawline. I will deal with issues of "premature aging" down the road if it comes to that.

As for Acculift, here is an article detailing it: https://www.medicalopedia.org/4630/is-an-acculift-procedure-a-facelift-alternative-without-incisions/
"The AccuLift procedure is a one-time 30-minute procedure to rejuvenate the face and address areas of lower facial aging, including under the chin and along the jawline.
An AccuLift procedure is performed using an AccuSculpt laser to reduce jowling and contour the chin area in an outpatient, minimally invasive manner. The goal of the procedure is restoring a more youthful neckline and jaw. It is performed under local anesthesia with a few small needle punctures, through which the AccuSculpt laser fiber is inserted. When the laser energy reaches fatty tissue in the treatment areas, that fat is broken up and goes from a solid to a partial liquid state (emulsion). This fat is then removed through a small liposuction procedure."

According to KCouture, it is the least effective (noticeable) way of removing facial fat. She said the results go: buccal > lipo > acculift.
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@phoebebuffey from what you’ve read, is there any certainty of which procedures have less chance of sagging? I do not have a huge fatty face but small bone structure and after v-line my cheek fat is noticeable. The fat is all around my cheeks from mid face to near jawline but I would be fine with just removal of my lower cheeks, or a small change all over.
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I don't think it matters which procedure you use, because all removes fat. The only difference is the effectiveness of removing fat - and the area. Buccal will remove mid-cheek fat, lipo will remove lower/front cheeks (jowls) and around jaw or chin, acculift is like laser lipo I believe so not as precise as regular lipo.

The things that will determine if you're saggy or not are age/skin. I'm going to talk to the doctors once I go there for their opinion, because I'd like to avoid a facelift if I don't need one. Uvom's consultant said that I probably wouldn't need a facelift because I'm young enough that my skin will (hopefully!) tighten. (:
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