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patient DIED yesterday at MVP.... warnnnnnnnning

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My gosh, that’s criminal...
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OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!! Me too, I had several procedures done there! I can't believe that this has happened. WTF???

Also, that link has been removed already. I don't even understand any of the Korean in the other news report, so I'm just relying on what you people are translating.

Just. So. Stunned. :shocked:
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I am shocked at this news as well. I had my eyelid surgery done there and had a generally good experience with them, so I can't believe this would happen. :sad:

Really sad for the patient who died. RIP...

How will MVP's reputation be affected after this?! Will it end up being like Grand or GNG - avoided by people?
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Gosh, this is the main reason why I have been holding back getting a surgery. I get really excited about a clinic and then I hear news like this. A girl dead because not of the operation itself but anestheasia (besides the fact that I'm afraid of my face and eyes being getting botched) I was considering this clinic as well. But now I'm doubting every clinic. I had contact with View through Kakoa and they seemed really nice. But View is just as popular and big as MVP. And from what I've read the big ones will eventually always fall and get negative reviews. Although I'm very glad this blog exist. Because now we can warn each other for clinics like this.

I'm so sorry for the girl who died.... if only the doctors had more respect for her and were more competent....
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I'll certainly ask about it when I eventually have consultations in SK. For my initial surgery in Australia, the anaesthesiologist called me a few days beforehand and asked me a series of questions and told me how to prepare, and what I should and shouldn't do. And then I talked to him again on the day, before the surgery. Like he was a very prominent part of it all. This? This is just so sad. ETA: They all looked useless though. I can't stomach seeing the doctor fold his arms and do nothing. They had no emergency equipment? No emergency facilities? I guess that's another thing we all need to be more scrupulous in checking. Just horrible.
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Tragic. Is the clinic going to get temporarily shutdown while they investigate? Their emergency response was grossly negligent. Also you know everyone at that clinic is rattled now because of this, I wouldn't want them operating on me in that mental state.

For Korean ps, what is the usual protocol when it comes to the patient and the anaesthesiologist? Is there usually any interaction at all before surgery or consultation?

This is a reminder to us that our research should not just involve aesthetic results but questioning them on what they do in cases of emergency. It's not enough to say they never had one, rare reactions to anesthesia could happen, the question is what they'll do IF it happens.

This 2014 article mentions the following: In data provided to Rep. Choi Dong-ik of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP), 77 percent out of 1,100 clinics performing cosmetic surgery were not equipped with defibrillators or ventilators, which are mandatory devices for first aid. Only 1.2 percent of such clinics in Gangnam have emergency equipment.

Since there are no clear regulations requiring plastic surgery clinics to have this, some doctors do not make the necessary preparations to deal with emergencies, increasing the risk of fatalities during procedures, doctors said.

Given their response, I'd say MVP was not prepared at all for this. I'll make sure to ask about whether clinics I'm researching have a defibrillator and ventilator in the operating room for emergencies, sounds like most will not though.
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So shocking indeed. According to MissOrange , it was a male 20year old college student.
Naver is all abuzz with this. He had trouble at 4:40p and was not moved to a university hospital till 6p. According to the family lawyer, he arrived at the hospital 100 minutes after arrhythmia and 911 had arrived within 60minutes of cardiopulmonary arrest. Cctv also caught nurse nurse laughing during the one-hand cpr and another one grooming her hair into a ponytail.
Defib was not used or properly used.

It is so sad and unbelievable.
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What???? Is this some kind of joke? That doctor and those nurse's licenses should be canceled asap!!!! I cannot seriously believe that such kind of awful people also exists in this world.
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