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Hi all,

Since enough of us either gets Botox regularly or is interested in trying it out, I figured I’d start a post with some information I found on the different brands. I’m from the US so I am only familiar with what’s available here so please feel free to share info on the brands available in your home country and your experiences with them. I’ll share my experiences at the end of this post.

What is botulinum toxin? Botulinum toxin or commonly known as Botox is an injectable neurotoxin treatment that blocks nerve impulses to the muscles causing them to relax. Results will typically last anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

Common uses for botulinum toxin:

Forehead creases

Glabellar lines (a.k.a. 11 lines, frown lines or the lines between your eyebrows when you scrunch your face)

Wrinkles around the eyes

Brow lift

Masseter muscles to reduce teeth grinding/clenching

What is the difference between botulinum toxin and fillers? Botulinum toxin reduces muscle activity whereas fillers are used to add volume to areas that have thinned due to aging.

FDA approved botulinum toxins:

Botox – The OG of the group, made by the company Allergan. Good for targeting smaller areas since the formula contains bigger molecules therefore less chances of spreading. It may take 3-7 days to start seeing results.

Dysport – Formula contains smaller molecules compared to botox so it has a larger area of spreading which makes it beneficial for big muscles since it can be addressed with fewer injections. It may take 2-3 days to start seeing results. You will need more units of Dysport to achieve same result as botox since the dilution is different. (One unit of Botox = 2.5 Units of Dysport)

Xeomin- Pure botulinum toxin, free from complexing proteins so there is less chance of resistance or allergic reaction. (One unit of Botox = one unit of Xeomin)

 If you are in South Korea…..

Meditoxin – Made by the company Medytox and Allergan licensed them. At the moment you can only find this brand in South Korea. This formula spreads so you will need fewer injections and cost effective.


My experience:

I use Botox for my forehead creases, glabellar lines and masseter muscles. I personally like the meditoxin brand for my masseter muscles because it requires less pricks to achieve the same results plus it costs me a fraction of what my US doctor charges for the Allergan Botox. As for the forehead and glabellar lines, I use the Allergan Botox and I found that I start to regain some movement in the area at around the 1.5 month mark because I can’t help myself from making facial expressions! I typically go for touch ups around the 3-4 month mark. I’m hesitant to use Dysport for my forehead in fear that I might end up with droopy eyelids from one wrong prick but I might try it next for the masseter muscles.

Edited by yumicookie
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