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hi there,

I have been looking to get ps done for a long time (since 2016) now. After examining my facial features for years, I concluded that I want rhinoplasty as well as facial contouring. I am not ugly by any means, but I KNOW that if I get a nose job and a slimmer face shape I will go from a 6 to an 8!!

My problem is that I am very bad at figuring out what is exactly is off about my facial features. I am not very aesthetically intelligent(?) meaning that if I see something that is not pleasing to the eye, I know it’s not pretty but I can’t figure out exactly why.

A lot of you on the forum are very good at analyzing faces and facial features. I was hoping that some of you could help me identify what exactly is off in terms of facial symmetry or aesthetic about my face, so that when I go to have a consultation I don’t get bribed into getting more procedures than necessary

I hope I am not breaking any forum rules, but if I am I will gladly delete this post!!

Also if you are willing to help, I will PM photos ^^

Thank you all, have a great day!
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Pm me a pic and I will help. Also when you do the consult, ask what they recommend. If they recommend things that you obviously don't need or want, do not go there. Consult several clinics, you should see a pattern in what is recommended most and it should be the solution to your areas of concern. Also research the different procedures and exactly what is done and what the outcomes are.
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You don't have to analyze your face line yourself but when you do the consultation with the clinic they might suggest you surgeries if you have any photos your ideal face shape. I also have no idea what should I do even I don't like my face line but when I do the consultation they recommend me and after surgery I really satisfied with. If you don't make any decision I can let you know my places for f/c and rhino as well. If you need, reply or PM me!
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