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Hi, I am planning to have surgery at this clinic, I have done all my research and feel Dr Lee is the best option for me, he has quoted these prices for the following:
genioplasty :4,400,000 krw and jaw reduction: 4,400,000 krw... are these fair quotes or am I paying over the top? Thank you for any advice offered.
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hii i'm also interested in v line surgery. but my face is a bit square and i want an oval face with bit pointed chin. i notice people said tfd do natural results, but i would like to change my face shape and i wonder if they can
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In my opinion, they are fair prices in terms of what other big clinics quote to foreigners. Cinderella quoted me 17,000,000 - 18,000,000 mil for v-line + zygoma. View quoted me 6,000,000 for each FC procedure (zygoma, mandible reduction, and genioplasty) ~ 18,000,000. Obviously there may be cheaper clinics, but I do believe TFD is very fair and you are not paying over top. They also offer 10% discount if you pay with cash (as do other clinics).
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ok the price is right, but i wanna know if their results can change my face shape or not because i don't want to look the same but neither doll like
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For my experience at view, you can get at least 20% discount. Just need to negotiate with them as the initial quote they factored in agent commission as they weren’t sure if you are coming as individually or with agent
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Thank you, that is good to know! This is going to sound so dumb, but I feel so bad negotiating, especially when they've been so nice and quote me something reasonable. But I will definitely try to negotiate because I'm poor lol. What did you say when negotiating, and did you negotiate during the online consultation or in person?
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I was responding to the OP about the prices lol.

I think someone responded already on a different post, but it's based on a case to case basis. They take a CT scan during the f2f consultation and determine what they can cut off without damaging your nerves.

Personally, when I was initially looking at the before and after photos of The Face Dental, I thought that some of them were too natural (other people mentioned that it was too natural too, which was off putting at first). But there have been others who mentioned that they had great results, and what I really love about TFD is that they don't photoshop or filter their photos. I think clinics that filter and photoshop (basically every clinic) their before and afters give the illusion that the results are dramatic when really it may not be.
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I've just return from having surgery with TFD clinic, really glad I went with Dr Lee, he actually really cares about his patient's. I'm still swollen to can't see the full results yet, 16 days post op, so early days. I'm happy to answer any questions.
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I will negotiate with their consultant online first. After my F2F consultation then I will negotiate further. Because then they will be able to access how much discount can they give further. Sometimes like small surgeries they can give free as a package.
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Well I knew it was a very fair price in the end as I had negotiated with Regen to get my price down and I had a lot of prices from other clinics. I wanted to arrange surgery before I left, I couldn't just arrive not knowing what clinic or surgeon was doing my surgery. I know for most of you go without booking but for me it was out of the question and I think I made the right decision. It made the whole experience so much better for me. I was given a price of 8,400,0000, I asked if they would be happy with 8,000,0000, they agreed. Also you get 10% tax refund at the airport.
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You just answered my question is how
Thought it was 4,400,000 krw for two procedures so its about 4,400,000krw for each facial contouring procedure I'm interested in double jaw surgery, with vline, maybe zygoma not too sure
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You can talk to Dr Lee direct on Messenger, he will face time you which is really good, that's when I decide I wanted to go with him, you get to see him and feel his character, I felt he was very sincere. If you go on their FB and connect via messenger he will answer you the same day. Tell him you have spoken to Debbie Williams. I had my surgery on 15th Dec. Price was;
genioplasty :4,400,000 krw and jaw reduction: 4,400,000 krw...
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