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I think you will be happy after you have spoken with him. Speak to him, if he's the right for you, you will know.
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Always negotiate the price, don't feel bad it's just business.
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I heard that he speaks with patient directly during online consultant. That’s really good service!
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I feel that it’s really good to have such doctors around to care for your needs and check in regularly! Thumbs up for TDF!
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I've planned to go for double jaw consultation on coming Feb.
i've asked around 4 or 5 dental clinics,among them TFD offer the most fair price.
But still over my budget. LOL
so i'm thinking to negotiate more with them during f2f consultation.
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Im also considering TFD how was your surgery? Did you like the results?
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Think you should message Dr Lee, start there and see how you feel about the advice he gives you. Before we faced timed, I sent really clear photo's of every angle, get a friend to do them, then send to him. He will give you good advice, he did a computer imagine of the possible outcome. He was very honest in terms of expectations, I am older 57 and he highlighted I will have sagging, which I knew about. I wasn't worried as I knew I would have a face lift after the jaw surgery, probably about 3 months later. I'm planning to do that in Europe, Prague actually. I didn't find Korea very cheap for plastic surgery, they are the experts when it comes to jaw surgery as so many koreans have over shot jaw issues. The more research I did, i discovered they weren't very competitive as Europe, not including the UK in that, rediculious prices here, bit like USA, they charge what they want and not the best by any means. I talked to Dr Lee about Prague, he said he had read many good things about it, he was quite interested and even told me, better than coming to Korea especially travelling etc... so, let me give you some good advice but bearing on mind I truly think everyone's experience is different, now I've been through it I can't get that across more. I went alone over Xmas, I used my holiday as a way of recovery, it one just one Xmas, many more to enjoy. My grown-up children were very supportive. I left UK on 12th Dec and returned 27th, so along time alone in an overseas country, I'm pretty independent. Not sure why but I felt totally safe with this man, if you face time him or meet him, you'll probably get it. I went for my first FTF consultation on the 14th, my surgery was booked for the 15th. They are very professional, I had blood tests, heart monitor and photos before and after. Most of the staff could speak basic English, if they couldn't explain they used Google translate which worked fine. He speaks good English though. Just before going to surgery, I felt really alone and quite frightened but clearly wasn't going to turn back. When I woke up, I was in a lot of pain and thought what have I done! It was pretty terrible. The pain was terrible but you have to keep this in perspective, some don't feel any pain at this stage, as I said at the beginning everyone one is different. My only complaint about the experience is they don't give you strong enough pain killers. I asked for more, they said I would have to pay which I did, shame they don't factor this in the price as it wasn't loads. I paid an extra 28,000 won for more pain relief. The next 4 hours are pretty grim, you can't speak, breathing is difficult, your scared to cough as your throat is really sore from the pipe they put down your throat for anesthesia, the after affect of the anesthesia is probably worst than the jaw surgery. I had read a bit about this but wasn't quite prepared how bad it actually was. I had blood in my throat, up my nose and it felt like my throat had been cut. The nurse kept telling me to inhale deeply to get rid of the anesthesia in my lungs, I just did what they said and it probably was the best thing. I left late that afternoon which actually if I'm honest was probably too soon, ok if you have someone with you. The next three days were ok, I didn't have loads of pain although I took Iberfropen every four hour for the first two days after that only if I needed something but actually the pain wasn't so bad. The swelling got to it's peak about 48 hours after, I had hardly any bruising strangely, and my swelling wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Having said that my face is still swollen and it's 4th Jan, I'm back in work and not looking too bad. Cheeks are still puffy, can't open my mouth too wide but it's really early days still. Stitches have desolved, thank goodness. Have to be careful what I'm eating but life is pretty much normal apart from swelling which will take time to go down. Can't really give you a verdict yet due to the swelling but I'm hopefull. Wow, wasn't going to go into so much detail bug hope it helps
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for posting your experience. What did you have done, how long did you have to stay in Korea, and what was the total cost of your surgery?
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@Deewills Thank you for sharing your experience. May I ask when you negotiate prices, is it directly with Dr Lee or with the consultant? I’m not sure TFD has consultant because dr Lee answered my queries directly on kakao.
I feel a bit awkward if I have to negotiate directly with the doctor
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Yes I negotiated with him, he's fine about it, my original price was 8.8 million, I asked if he would accept 8 mill bearing in mind that price was already good. He said yes. I think he works hard, not only does he perform operations but he's very much on hand to do message, vedio calls but that's what I personally liked about the TFD, it's all personal. I didn't have to talk to some sales oriented person, before I arrived I'd already met him, ok on video but pretty much the same as meeting live.
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Thank you for your reply~ dr Lee seems very friendly and professional. It’s rare that a surgeon doesn’t use any consultants. He gave me prices for individual procedures, it seems I will have to swallow my embarrassment to ask if he gives discount for multiple procedures done together
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