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Food for thought. Largest study on breast implant outcomes to date

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Silicone breast implants increase arthritis risk 600%, stillbirth risk 450% and skin cancer risk 400%, study claims

Researchers looked at nearly 100,000 women who had breast implants. The team, from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, says its study is the largest of breast implant outcomes to date and the findings are important to help women choose the implant they feel is right for them.

Women with silicone implants had a risk of arthritis six times higher than the general population

They also had a 4.5-fold increased risk of stillbirth and a risk four times greater of developing melanoma

Compared to women with saline implants, those with silicone implants were almost twice as likely to have scarring around their implant
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I believe it. I was perfectly healthy until my silicone (nose) implant. My hair is now like 50% of what it was before and I had severe health problems such as joint pain, brain fog, and extreme tiredness (causing me to sleep 14+hours a night and losing two jobs as a result). I have to fly to Korea to get it replaced with rib in January for $6500 and I am definitely not happy.
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interesting that there are no increase in miscarriages but increase in stillborn which I presume would be even more devastating.
Also note this is a cancer center doing the study.
My hair had been falling out for decades before menopause and I’m getting arthritis now too. Had silicone implants for over 40 years!!
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Dang. I haven't had ps yet you described my symptoms. I think it is part of aging.
When you said you are not happy, is it because of the nose/rib result or the price? I hope the nose is fine.

@SheOnlyLooks25 Wow I read somewhere you have like a ~35yo silicone nose and now 40yo silicone breasts. Yours are really well made! I'm assuming both doctors now retired (if still alive, lol) but where did you have it done?
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I'm so glad I had my implants removed. I disliked them even though they looked good. They do not last forever and i didn't want to have to have more surgeries to replace them in my old age. I plan to get fat injected for more fullness (some fullness was lost after implant removal unfortunately). Imo the feel of natural breasts w/o implants is so much better than breasts with implants. I could never go back to implants!
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My nose implant is now around 35 years old, both times done in the Philippines. My implant is fine but I want it replaced as I am definitely sure it is the L-shaped implant that is no longer used. I also want to refine my tip, an option that was not available then.
My BA has been done about 4-5 times in Australia. I started when I was 20 but had to have the implants replaced several times over due to encapsulation. The doctors these days tell you massage but it doesn't help if you body treats the implant as a foreign object and keeps rejecting it no matter how often you massage. I need to have mine replaced but I'm going for saline. I had some pain in my left nipple and left armpit several months ago and decided to have my first mammogram. The newer mammograms are more effective for patients with BA. The results came back saying there are minute bits of silicone floating in my breast. I think I have what they call a silent rupture as my implants are now too old and need replacing.
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@SheOnlyLooks25 Does this newer mammogram not squeeze the breast? I had a mammo this year and can't imagine those with implants not exploding when 2 flat irons squeezed mine to flatten it. Sooo painful.

Is tip plasty less dangerous and less involved. Like, I'd heard people die from rhinoplasty.
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People do NOT die from rhino but rather General Anaesthetic. Those ppl usually have an underlying heart condition that they have not disclosed OR that they were not aware of!

All ops have risks!!!

There are newer Ultrasound and Mammograms which no longer squeeze to the point of being the procedure being painful, Thank God.
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What about fillers?
There was a SG blogger who had fillers injected instead of fats.
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Even more concerning is the link between Allergan textured silicone breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma! This article came out yesterday and I too was swapped with Allergan textured silicone implants back in February 2012 for the banned pip implants. The 2 ladies in the article got lymphoma cancer 3 and 4 years post allergan textured silicone implants. The theory may be that the substance used to make a textured surface may be causing inflammation, infection, seroma then cancer.

I contacted my UK plastic surgeon and have an appointment December 6. I am looking at mid January as the earliest when he can take them out and no more implants for me after trying 4 types! I got a quote from another clinic at £8500-£9000! I think I will wait to see what my original surgeon quotes. Like @catelet I will try fat grafting in korea maybe at Fresh if I get mastopexy and my size is unacceptably too small post implant removal. Sigh.

I googled the symptoms of bia-alcl and they are swelling due to seroma fluid, breast pain, breast rash or swollen lymph nodes. So far I have none of this but am a ticking timebomb again as am at 6 years and 9 months. Wish I could get these out sooner than January. This breast implant associated cancer is usually diagnosed late at stage 3 and 4 and may need chemo and radiation. At stage 4 the 5 year survival rate is 65%. First I had the trilucent soya implant cancer in rats scare and was in a panic to figure out how to get them removed while hearing they were then banned, then came hydrogel and that leaked and also got banned, then came pip with its toxic mattress filler and now this textured allergan. I would say ladies only try your own fat transfer graft to breasts as the first case of bia-alcl was reported in a saline breast implant!
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Yes I posted this concern months ago someone in PF shot me down saying it’s rare. Well Aust has had 2 deaths and has a small population. NZ an even smaller country also had 2. I bet you would hate to be one of the two! Several in UK.
Thank God I didn’t have funds to get textured implants (which I would’ve as they are touted to prevent encapsulation). Even if there’s no family history of lymphoma you can get it off the textured implants.
Individuals with breast implants have a risk of developing breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or BIA-ALCL. BIA-ALCL is not breast cancer—it is a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer of the immune system). In most cases, BIA-ALCL is found in the scar tissue and fluid near the implant, but in some cases, it can spread throughout the body. Precise risks are difficult to determine due to lack of information about how many patients have received breast implants in the US and worldwide.

In 2011, the FDA identified a possible association between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).

At that time, the FDA knew of so few cases of ALCL that it was not possible to determine what factors increased a patient’s risk. In a report summarizing the Agency's findings, we emphasized the need to gather additional information to better characterize ALCL in individuals (cis- and trans-gender women and men) with breast implants.

Over time, we have strengthened our understanding of this condition. In 2016, the World Health Organization[​IMG]designated breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) as a T-cell lymphoma that can develop following breast implants. The exact number of cases remains difficult to determine due to significant limitations in world-wide reporting and lack of global breast implant sales data. At this time, most data suggest that BIA-ALCL occurs more frequently following implantation of breast implants with textured surfaces rather than those with smooth surfaces.
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Fillers are temporary and costly over time. However if you feel this is good enough for you, go for it. I have seen some excellent work but I have to say it's best on ppl with a bump on their nose that sort of thing. The fillers are usually done to correct an imperfection on a European nose. As for building height on an Asian nose, hmmm not so outstanding and certainly it cannot give you a slimmer elegant tip.
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