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Food for thought. Largest study on breast implant outcomes to date

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Omg I awoke to more Daily Mail revelations! Banned in France!!! Then why do we women in the UK have to suffer yet again? https://dailym.ai/2DKTVmy

Thank you @Hautelady for the nbc news update. Really helpful and detailed. Panorama is airing a special tonight on textured breast implants and alcl. 9 more full days and counting to see my surgeon. Seems I need an en bloc removal with capsule. To think I have been here so many times before with each banned implant announcement. I never saw what they took out. I guess in the uk they just dispose of the implants in theatre.

I was told by the clinic not to worry and that the daily mail was creating sensational stories. Although I was also told my surgeon had stopped using the allergans I have! More worried as France is taking it seriously just like they did with pips and sent out invites to all French ladies with pips to get scanned for rupture or leaks immediately. Here the nhs delays and refusals to scan meant many ladies paid to get them out privately but I also came across ladies who couldn't afford to pay for explant so are waiting for leak or rupture to get them out on the NHS. I had scans and one showed a leak so my original surgeon exchanged the 10 year old pips for these textured allergans for free except for the £1.6k private hospital fee. I am hoping to receive a quote today for explant. Not going to wait for a scan to show a leak. Will have to pay more for explant without a leak but hoping the price will take into account this implant is now banned in France and causing me great anxiety.

This is what all ladies going for BA have to consider...approved implants ending up banned, cost of explant, anxiety, and each replacement repeating the cycle. Sigh. I cannot recommend breast implants to anyone and regret getting implants. If I had been warned or had known my future, I would never have agreed to breast implants.

Good points @SheOnlyLooks25 we don't move our breasts like we do our face so fg should last longer! Thank you for supporting me through this living nightmare. Hoping it will help readers out there think twice before rushing into breast augmentation with implants and maybe there are some out there in my same boat yet again.
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For ladies who are adament in getting plastic surgeries despite knowing all those risks, their mentality is either YOLO or it will never happen to me.
That was exactly running through my head when I went for my liposuction. But of course, when we become older, its either we heck-care about it (since we are going to die soon) and went ahead with plastic surgeries or we value our life more and decided to not do any ps or go for explant.

But its always good to be empowered with these knowledge so that we can head to the doctors asap when we sense something amiss.
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MissO not sure if FB link below will work. I’ve turned off computer and logged on via phone.
Suddenly, women like Jamee Cook had evidence suggesting their suffering might be linked to their breast implants. An emergency room paramedic, Cook had quit her job because of a vague but persistent array of health problems that stretched over a decade, including exhaustion, migraines, trouble focusing and an autoimmune disorder diagnosis.

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Thank you @SheOnlyLooks25! Yes the link worked. Seems the Panorama special aired last night so I watched it on catch up tv. Imagine over 414 reported cases of bia-lymphoma!!! The number keeps rising! I have joined the largest fb support group on breast implants...breast implant illness and healing by Nicole. For Brits, I would suggest also joining the closed fb group UK Breast Implant Illness and Healing Support Group. They have a list of recommended plastic surgeons by cities across the UK specialising in en bloc explant with pathology and the cheapest is with Guy Sterne in Birmingham who is at £4.1k. David Floyd looks good in London for en bloc explant but with lift it is £9k or £5k without lift. Ladies are posting almost daily of when they are either booked for explant or have just got explant! It is like wildfire with ladies across the world working together to share information on illness symptoms and who to go to for successful explants. The support in these groups are overwhelming and completely nonjudgemental, and I think will help me get to December 6 and then the next long hurdle to the op date itself. And then the trauma of the holy cr*p moment and then healing and then exploring fat transfer. It is a long journey I did not anticipate after deciding I had completed my 2 year rejuvenation journey from age 50-52. To think, I was referred to ER for PSVT tachycardia and spent hours in ER with no cause found, an inconclusive colonoscopy for bleeding PR which still happens off and on gushes of blood that I now ignore and assume is from inflammation of the bowel wall, blurred vision with persistent dry eyes for several months now, optician referred me for suspected glaucoma for disc changes and glaucoma clinic did my pressures throughout the day, no cause found for the change in disc size, etc. I can't wait to see if explant clears up all these ailments?! I have a feeling my body is trying to tell me something like perhaps, get rid of the silicone implants!

I feel sorry for the young ladies with mentor or allergan implants as their journey has just begun. Both mentor and allergan made textured silicone implants. How many young ladies know whether theirs is textured or not and even smooth has also been linked to ALCL. Silicone implants were avoided in the 1990s due to the problems with leakage or rupture and silicone nodules and lumps travelling throughout the lymphatics but it seems to have made a comeback and now bii (breast implant illness) is being reported globally.
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Plastic surgeons who are doing BA should inform their prospective patients about the risks of breast implants or breast implants illness.
However, if the surgeons are in denial simply because it affects their profits, then it is definitely wrong of those plastic surgeons.
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Yes... I urge everyone thinking of getting breast implants to read up on breast implant illness before going through with it. Or even those who have breast implants, whether or not you suffer from any symptoms due to breast implant illness, it is good to be aware of what it is and be more wary of how your body is reacting to your implants as some symptoms take weeks, months, years and even decades to appear. Breast implant illness is a real thing and women are finally opening up about it.
As someone who is extremely flat chested (can't even fill a double A cup) I've always had insecurities about my breasts. Early this year I was quite serious on getting a breast augmentation, almost booking a consultation despite having already read up on the experiences of breast implant illness from many other women. At first I had the mentality that it would not happen to me. After reading more into it and watching videos about it on YouTube, there was no way I was going to go through with it. Ladies, we do many things for the sake of vanity because we want to look like the best version of ourselves. But we need to keep in mind that our physical beauty means nothing when you are in constant pain and your body is shutting down.
I have come to terms with the size of my breasts. Though I wish I was blessed with bigger breasts, I am thankful to be healthy. As someone who has had plastic surgery, I understand the need to improve ourselves but please research more about putting any implant or foreign material/objects into your body. I am by no means bashing those with breast implants. I wish those who already have had the procedure done to never ever experience any negative symptoms but please make yourselves aware of the risks and possibilities.
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Hi @Purplep, believe me big boobs are over-rated. I got married with small boobs in a padded push up bra. I am looking forward to being A/B cup as I am fed up of being an implant victim. Clothes never fit properly on my short frame and when you are married, no one cares about your cleavage. lol.

Look into fat transfer to go from AA to B. That's what I will be doing after explant while I eat lots of chinese food to gain as much fat back to fill out my chest.
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Hi Miss Orange,

Have you found any breast implant removal and fat transfer clinics in Korea?

I am interested in getting mine removed and replaced with fat!
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Hi @Peachy Sky, I debated whether to fly to korea but this op is under GA and needs en bloc removal so best done in my own country and then get fg in korea later. After my GA experience in Korea at DA clinic I am terrified of GA in korea.

For Brits, it looks like they are choosing Dr Guy Sterne in Birmingham for £4013 or Dr David Floyd in London for over £5k for en bloc removal. Both were also featured in Tatler. Dr Floyd's op list is full until end of January. I need to enquire about Guy's op availability. In the meanwhile this wait to see my original surgeon is killing me. The nurse promised to ring back with a price yesterday but never did and there have been no replies to my 3 emails! Then there is Dr Amir N for £4750 who has an op space on December 14 which I am so tempted to take. Shall I? I really don't know what to do. I want them out like yesterday. I think I have bii....sharp needle pains in back, dry blurry eyes x 6 months now, palpitations, tight right breast, hair loss, disabling right hip pain I thought was due to statin, memory problems I thought was due to statin, blood pr I thought was due to alcohol irritation of the gut wall, heartburn I thought was due to stress, optic disc changes (no cause found), thickened carotid arteries (high LPA), and am under the NHS glaucoma clinic, lipid clinic and now GI clinic scheduled for gastroscopy next Wednesday..
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MissO you're forgetting you are getting older and some of those symptoms are just due to age, wear and tear. However if you do have those nasty implants and can afford to have them out, I would do it. Even the statins are a no-no for a lot of people.
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