Hi everyone,
I have gotten my procedures done at Luho and posted a very extensive 2 week diary. I will not be sharing B&A photos, and prices stated in this thread are accurate to what I paid. I will state that I most likely got these prices because I was able to communicate with the consultant (who is the person you initially negotiate with) in full Korean, and my nose and eyes were relatively straight forward.
As you can see, I was initially looking to do my nose and eyes at separate clinics. However, I was thrown off by JT's consultants as they were pushy and not willing to negotiate, and after reading more of Dr. Kim (Luho)'s reviews and seeing more B&As, I thought they were a bit more diverse whereas I personally thought JT's noses seemed to follow a certain style. However, I think both of them do lovely noses so I am not saying one clinic is better than the other, but rather that Luho's aesthetics aligned better with mine.
Thanks for following me through this journey!