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Posts posted by crazygirl1

  1. Solus, what's wrong with your nose? I'm not saying that you have issues, but most of the time chicks don't like guys who are insecure, shallow, immature, etc. Maybe it's not your nose that you can't attract the opposite sex. Maybe it's something else. Like BO or something. I don't know. Just don't get so fixated on your nose!
  2. Hi, I'd suggest that you wait. If your nose isn't broken or crooked, then just leave it for now until you're a bit older. You may like your nose more in a year or something. At least wait until you're in your twenties and then see how you feel about your nose then. I don't think you'd want to flatten your nose anyway. Who wants a flatter (Asian) nose?
  3. RedBenz I hope you feel better very soon. Just rest up and take it easy...Drink cool water to help your throat and keep hydrated. Sleep lots.

  4. Vivibee i don't know about the hotel room. I just went home afterwards (I got a ride because I felt SOOO sleepy). I'm sure hotels have a freezer compartment in the fridge.
  5. Vivibee I've stopped using vitamin C and now I'm just using vaseline. It works great and hopefully the chapped/dry wrinkly part near my nose will go back to normal.
    Did you know that wrinkle CREAMS are essentially really expensive, fancy moisturizers? And the strongest moisturizer I know is vaseline (petroleum jelly). If you put lots of vaseline on before you sleep you can prevent wrinkles you get from sleeping. Sure you won't be getting "vitamins, minerals" or whatever, but as for moisture and protection, it's great.

  6. Vivibee, are your nasolabial lines many little lines, or do you have longer lines? Also, how deep are they?
    I think the combination of winter dryness and using Cellex c serum dried out that area near my nose. I've always noticed that the area near my nose goes in a bit so more cellex c sits there and during the winter that area dried up but I ignored it and now I have little lines there. I am not going to use cellex c anymore but will just moisturize the area, hoping that it will go back to normal.
    I've been reading up on vitamin c serums/creams and how if they already come oxidized, you can be actually hurting your skin than helping it, because you'll be essentially adding a free radical to your skin. Vit C is not stable and often it may already have been oxidized inside the bottle. You can usually tell if the liquid turns from clear to brownish but since some companies (like cellex c) add an amber dye to the liquid, you can't even tell if it's already been oxidized. Also, I don't know about other vit c serums or creams but vit c cellex c serum stings a bit when you put it on your face, which isn't so pleasant. It stings like a ***** when your skin is dry.
  7. Princessgal, I'm glad you didn't go through with it and that you saw through that plastic surgeon's motivations. Obviously, a lot of people got scammed.
    The economy is pretty bad these days all over the world, so plastic surgeons can be just as desperate.
    Good for you on being vigilant, and I hope that you really think twice about even doing anything to your nose. I'm sure it is fine and that tweaking it isn't worth all this trouble!

  8. i do have a tendency for hyperpigmentation, but that's after i have inflamed, damaged skin, e.g. from acne and burns. i know of a few asian women who get chemical peels and it doesn't seem like they get hyperpigmentation from it. you can tell when someone's had a chemical peel cause their skin looks very tight, smooth, shiny and poreless, and often have a red glow at first. after a skin peel, it is critical that you do not get any sun, because that will lead to blotches.[/quote]

    Asin, how did you burn your skin? From a chemical peel, or from a sunburn?

    What kind of chemical peels can Asian women get? Smooth, shiny and poreless skin with a glow sounds great! I was thinking about getting a peel to see if I can get rid of the little lines around my mouth. I hear that chemical peels stimulate collagen production.

    Nissy, about 10 years ago I had erbium yag laser treatment for two small acne scars on my cheek. I don't know if it was worth it because afterwards I noticed the hyperpigmentation more. They get you to use hydroquinone in order to inhibit melanin production a few weeks prior to laser treatment to prevent hyperpigmentation, but you still get hyperpigmentation which takes a while to fade. You'd need to wear sunscreen a lot in order to prevent those spots from getting darker.
  9. MkRyu:
    Asian skin has a tendency for hyperpigmentation. Laser treatment, skin peels, etc. should all be used as a last resort for Asian skin. Otherwise you get dark blotches.
    Caucasians can do peels quite easily because they have light pigment.

  10. The dermatologist told me that Retin A should not be used on Asian skin for wrinkles. I think it makes you more sensitive to the sunlight and hyperpigmentation.
    I'm almost 30. I am going to try to use sunscreen everyday. My skin isn't bad. I'm just a perfectionist.
    I find that wearing wrap-around sunglasses everytime you go outside really helps to protect the delicate skin around your eyes, and therefore protect against wrinkles.
    I'm using Vitamin C cellex C serum regularly.
    Do you find that the topical vitamin c serum helps? Apparently you can see a difference in 3 or 4 months.

  11. Thanks mkryu. I don't have folds (yet). I have little lines. I've heard of cheek muscle exercises which help to hold up the skin so that folds don't form. Yet when I do them, they make the little lines look more pronounced (like after you cry or sleep on your side you see more lines).
    I'm using Cellex C serum. Does anyone have experience with that? Apparently doctors don't believe that Retin A should be used on Asian skin for lines/wrinkles, and many recommend a vitamin C product to apply topically.

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