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Posts posted by crazygirl1

  1. I noticed this morning when I woke up that one side of my nose is higher than the other. I think it is because I no longer sleep exclusively on my back, so the side I slept on the most is swollen more due to gravity. I sure hope it doesn't stay like that though. Don't get me wrong, I didn't sleep ON my nose (a mistake I had made after I broke my nose years ago to try to "straigten" it back to the opposite side of the bump even though it was already straight).
    P.S. I was told by the doc that after week one I can pretty much sleep any way I want, though I waited until week 3, when the pain was less, to sleep on either side.
    Now it is almost week 7.
  2. Vannyvan I just saw your photos. You're beautiful already.
    Don't do anything stupid to yourself. Really. Love yourself. I know you're only 19 and you still need to get to know yourself, but truthfully, you're gorgeous, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    You have a nice nose, and beautiful grey eyes! Are you mixed?
    Anyway, leave your face alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. [Vannyvan....WHAT ARE YOU DOING???????????????
    You don't have a good feeling about this place. So DON'T STEP FOOT INTO THAT SKETCHY CLINIC!!!!!!!
    It's not worth it girl. Sure, you lose your deposit. That's money, but money comes and goes. Your nose however can't take such a risk. You're even considering redoing it already! I can't believe you are not even thinking. Please, don't make such a mistake that you can possibly regret for the rest of your life.
    Take care.

    quote=vannyvan10;8463224]wow. your so right. when i had called she sounded very convencing.. i told her i was originally suppose to go to doctor charles lee in LA, but she told me that their place is the BEST.. "people all over the world come".. wow im pissed. .. i even ask her if they have any before and after pics and they said they have a whole book that i can come see when i get there..i had went to their website which had TWO after and before pictures.. And you cant even tell what they did because the picture is so small and their face is caked with makeup..and i DO NOT want my face/nose to turn out like the lady hanh phuoc..

    well doctor phi cut the flare of my mom's nose which came out rlly good .. hopefully he'll be good at giving me a nose bridge and tip..

    ^thats me sohp year..
    I dont think my nose is that bad but i hate my nose. i want a more define tip and higher bridge for a 3-d feature. now im affraid ill have to get a revision.. im only 19! cant afford another nose job

    Does anyone know if those vietnamese celebrity gotten their nose at hanh phuoc? like celebrities on paris by night or something. if theres a website about a review of hanh phuoc or a vietnamese celebrity hating their nose at hanh phuoc please send me the link please

    I have no choice but to go to hanh phuoc..WISH ME LUCK! pray for me :sad:

    and Congrats on your new noise asainfox! i hope i will have a happy ending like you![/quote]
  4. AsianFox, maybe you should just go to a doctor where you live (assuming you're in North America) and they can fix it for you?

  5. OK, I thought I'd give you guys an update. So I went to see another plastic surgeon whom I've seen before and who was and is very nice. I don't feel comfortable at all with the guy who did my PS so I wanted a second opinion.
    The surgeon I saw today asked me why did I want to change my nose in the first place? It was nice.
    Anyway, he did notice a dent at the side of my nose, examined my nose, and said that once the swelling subsides, my nose should go back to normal. If it doesn't I can go back to see him in 6 months.
    He also told me that the surgeon that did my surgery was not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons so therefore he is not a real plastic surgeon!!!
    He is an ENT surgeon, but not a plastic surgeon!
    Anyway, I started crying, but he reassured me.
    He told me not to touch my nose anymore, because that would make it worse. The flattened part which I pressed on should go back up.
    I still can't believe that I was such an idiot to waste money, do some surgery that didn't even make that big of a difference, and with a nonboard certified plastic surgeon at that.
  6. Thank you mkryu. I want to cry. Yes, I did press on the sides of my nose. Now one side looks weird. I didn't get it done with Dr. Lee, but I've contacted the PS for him to see me.
    A lot of the swelling has gone done now, so I"m worried. I haven't touched my nose for a few weeks now, so hopefully it will go back to normal. :sad:

  7. asin, if you are worried you should contact your plastic surgeon. You don't want to wait until the last minute for this sort of thing. It will also calm you down a bit if you find out more information.
    Let us know how it goes.

  8. I have a sort of dent on the side of my nose. I was sort of pressing on my nose to help with the swelling but I think I made it worse on one side, and now I have a slight bruise above my nostril where I was pressing it, and there is a dent the size of my fingerpad which was pressing it!!! I am such an idiot...do you think this will go away??? I think there was a bit of cartilage taken from above my nostrils on both sides to define the tip. What should I do?
  9. Asian Fox, the funny thing is, I never got my eyes done. I think one day I just woke up and noticed one eye has an extra fold than the other. It actually looks weird when I notice it, but it's not caused by surgery, which is what I meant by natural.
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