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Posts posted by crazygirl1

  1. mkryu, do you sleep predominantly on your right side? Maybe you are getting pillow wrinkles and acne from your pillow.
    I stopped using a pillow cuz of that, and also to encourage myself to sleep more on my back because that way you won't get as many wrinkles.

  2. You know it does look like he has an implant! Or it can be makeup applied to the side of the nose. But there is something there...

  3. Brad Pitt, the hottest guy on tv right now, has uneven nostrils:
    We are so hard on ourselves in trying to look perfect, believing that this is achievable, from what we see on tv or movies. But most people don't know that what is projected on screen is far from reality, and is often fluffed up to look "perfect". The purpose is to brand the celebrity, or for people to want to look like a celebrity, which creates a demand. This demand drives most of the fashion and beauty industries. Most kids fall victim to this marketing ploy because they don't know better-even adults don't think about it much, with their insecurities masked by thinking that they must look flawless.
  4. I find that most actors don't have perfect noses.
    At least the ones on tv or in western movies.
    Some actresses have actually screwed up their noses by doing rhinoplasty. Some have ended up with uneven nostrils, or really over reduced noses.
    Although a lot are still pretty afterwards, like Terry Hatcher, Vanessa Ferlito, Farah Fawcett. Rosario Dawson's nose isn't symmetrical, and she kind of has a lazy eye, but she's still beautiful.
  5. Jpor I regret having surgery too.
    Apparently, the doctor took off a few mm of cartilage at the side of the tip, and somehow did a suture thing to define my tip in the middle.
    I don't see any difference, but from day 12 I kept pressing on one side of my nose because I thought it looked crooked so I was trying to make it straighter, and I was pressing where there was cartilage taken off (I didn't know that there was at the time cuz the doc didn't tell me anything) and now I have this slight indentation of my fingerprint on that side of my nose!!! It hurts and I know that part is not completely healed yet but even though most people don't see it, I see it, and it is just a burning reminder of why I shouldn't even have had any "plastic" surgery to begin with! I only had to correct my enlarged turbinates, but I knew that the surgeon would not do that unless I had other stuff done also.
    In addition, the whole surgery was traumatic. The surgeon wouldn't even talk to me before surgery when I had questions and I was even considering asking him if he would only do my turbinates, but he was on the phone and asked his nurses to stick the IV with the anesthetic and drugs into me before I even had the chance, and when he came he only asked me to sign a consent form...
    It was so traumatic.
    Afterwards, I was so afraid that my nose would turn out screwed up. I was so scared of that during the recovery process because it looked more crooked when I was healing.
    Now, I am almost 2 months post op and it pretty much looks like my old nose again. Except for that dent on one side where I pressed it!!!

  6. Good luck and all the best aussie nose! Keep us updated on how you are doing. We're rooting for you.

  7. Sliverlight-you are not stuck with your nose. You give other people so much power over you. You can always make something up that makes sense in order to control the "gossip". Like, that you had to fix your deviated septum, that you broke your nose...mkryu has good ideas!Besides, people who gossip or judge you when they don't know you are just idiots. Your own well being is way more important. You really should be happy with yourself, and then when you are, who cares about the miserable losers who flap their mouths?

  8. http://www.rhinoplasty4you.com/paloma.htm

    I posted this link earlier, but I thought more people would like to read about Paloma's experiences. I found it on the rhinoplasty4you forum.
    Her surgery was botched, and she became disfigured. Yet she held on and kept going with life. She maintained a great gpa in university, got a really good job, and then fixed her nose with a really good surgeon afterwards. She was very very depressed, but she was so strong and courageous.
  9. Can we see some pictures of what you are talking about? If your eyes are almond shaped and wide, they don't sound that bad.

  10. You can express yourself here, onetreehill. I find that it helps the healing process, both physically and psychologically.
    If you want to share your pics, you can blank out the rest of your face since you only got your nose done.

  11. Um... what are dome sutures? What is a collumelar strut?
    I've seen these terms on surgery websites, but I didn't understand them. It would be great if I can though.

  12. Dear OneTreeHill:

    I can understand that you are feeling very afraid and helpless right now. However, you are only 2 weeks post op, and everything is supposed to be swollen and huge. You won't be stuck like this. I didn't get an implant, but the tip did fall considerably after a month and a half. Since you have an implant, it may take longer. When you're swollen, it pushes everything up and out, and your whole nose looks weird. My tip still feels hard now, because it is swollen, and I'm 7 weeks post op. Why don't you wait a bit before taking the implant out? Give yourself 6 more weeks to see how things progress.

  13. I was almost suicidal post op.
    It didn't help that the surgeon was a jerk. I asked him what he did on me after the surgery and he told me that he didn't give surgery lessons to his patients.
    I kept asking and he finally told me a few days ago, but I think because other medical students were watching, he said "but I told you already!" in a really rude voice. He didn't, first of all, and even if he did, so what? It's his job to be attentive to his patients.
    Some surgeons/doctors have no social skills. It's really quite sad.
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