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Posts posted by rememberme123

  1. Anyone considering Dr Fukuta from Japan for ur nose jobs?

    I really like his results.. and i am seeking a narrower and slimmer frontal view of my nose.

    Check out:





    If anyone is interested, pls feel free to private message me.. and it would be great if we can keep in touch! :smile: Thank you so much.
  2. Heya.. I have recieved your email and replied it.. but I am wondering if it still lies in ur junk mail this time round. I might use another email address to email u then if that's the case. :smile:

    Anyway, just to ask forumers here for ur valuable opinion...

    What do you all think of Dr Ronald Gruber and Dr Rizk? Do check out http://www.rhinoplasty-nyc.com/ for dr rizk's results.

    I am seeking a narrower version of my nose.. from front view and i am wondering anyone in this forum is considering US surgeons for the same purpose..
  3. Hi quad8s! :smile:

    It seems like we have exactly similar concerns.. My bridge is okay but i am not happy with the lower bottom half of my nose (alar and tip width). I am also considering the US surgeons.. but not the 3 whom u have mentioned as they do not appeal to me particularly.

    I have been stuck in this research phase for 3 years, sigh...

    Oh yea, i dont really agree with the methodology of dr kotler and dr charles lee. i think using L-shaped implant will only serve to make the tip more bulbous. Also, if u wanna make the tip less voluminous.. the graft to be used shudnt project the tip as it would make the tip even more voluminous. Instead, a shield graft should be used to make the nasal skin stretch more over the modified tip cartilage structure..

    Anyway, would you like to keep in contact via email? I tried to PM u my email address but it seems like u do not have the PM function yet (due to inadequate posts).. it would be great if we can exchange information about prospective surgeons and update each other about our progress..

    You can email me at x (this is not my personal email address but i would reply u with my personal email address when i receive ur mail)..

    Yep, thanks a million! hope to hear from u :biggrin:
  4. Heya.. just wanna share a study that i happen to chance upon about symmetry.. quite a brief one.

    It was said that "symmetry only seems to be a rather weak indicator for attractiveness. Often it is even difficult to distinguish between the original and the perfectly symmetrical version, because irregularities in shape are rather insignificant. "

    So i guess symmetry is not really THAT important unless if you have a crooked feature or something?

  5. Heya asian90210, are you intending to get your nose done by Dr Kimberly Lee or have you had surgery experience with her?

    Thanks in advance for replying :smile:

  6. Heya..! You can ask john1 for advice.. he had alar reduction done with dr lee.. if i am not wrong.. you could read earlier posts in this forum about dr charles lee.. he seems really good with alar reduction. Not too sure about the other procedures to the nose though.

    Probably you could look into Dr Anil Shah? Just a suggestion.

  7. Does anyone have any experience/ comments about seeing Dr Samieh Rizk for an asian rhinoplasty? Can anyone please be kind enough to give your truthful comments / personal experience (if you have) with him?

    I am still in the phase of research oforsurgeons cos I can only get my nose done next year... Dr Rizk is one of my shortlisted surgeons but I am not too sure about him.

    Thanks... his website is http://www.drsamrizk.com/ <- you can view his asian before and after photos in his website.. some of his photos look too good to be true though. sorry if this is offending.. but do you think it could be photoshopped? or am i thinking too much?

    Any help is greatly appreciated... thanks! :biggrin:
  8. I am browsing through some before and after photos of rhinoplasty patients.. and.. i found this..

    Rhinoplasty Before & After PhotosAugust 12, 2009

    Before frontal view: rhinoplastysurgeonnyc.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/rhino_ba2_before.jpg

    After frontal view: http://rhinoplastysurgeonnyc.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/rhino_ba2_after.jpg?w=200

    Before side view: http://rhinoplastysurgeonnyc.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/rhino_ba2b_before.jpg?w=200

    After side view: http://rhinoplastysurgeonnyc.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/rhino_ba2b_after.jpg?w=200

    Female patient from London who came specifically to New York seeking Dr. Rizk&#8217;s signature 3-Dimensional High Definition Rhinoplasty technique. She had a Rhinoplasty with nostril reduction and is shown here 1 month post-operatively.

    You might think that the before and after are two different people.. but they are not.. check out http://rhinoplastysurgeonnyc.wordpress.com/category/rhinoplasty-before-after/
    and see the photos side by side..

    I am seriously very impressed with the above work (though I am a Chinese).
    How is the above transformation even technically possible?

    The width of the nose is reduced by half...?! Are you going to cut out the entire lower half of your nose and pushed the alar inwards by half of the inital width..?

    Anyone knows?

    It looks too good to be true! what do you all think?
  9. Heya.. :smile: Thanks for sharing with us the pictures.. Maybe you can post the url of where you got these pictures..? I can read chinese (i think some of the forumers here can too)
    .. so i can possibly find out who the surgeon is.. and share with everyone here..

    Thanks a million!
  10. Hello! May I know which doctors in taiwan and korea are you considering?

    I am thinking of going to taiwan to get my nose done.. and i have shortlisted a few surgeons, still in my decision making process.. :smile:
  11. Hello..

    May I ask if anyone has had surgery experience with Dr Kao (Gao) or Dr Hsu from Taiwan.. would really appreciate it if anyone who is contemplating surgery with the 2 of them or have had surgery with the above 2 doctors could either PM me or reply in this forum..

    Thanks alot and you would really be helping me a great deal if you could keep in touch with me. Thanks alot.. and hopefully we could help each other in the course of getting a nose job. :smile:
  12. Heya.. sorry but i would just like to voice out my opinion..

    i really don't think the results for the surgery below is good.. as the nose looks unnatural.. the nose looks like a tube with wings.. and there's two unnatural looking ridge/lines at the the nose tip..

    just voicing out what i think.. no offence yea!

  13. Hello.. so how's your nose? Has the bridge deswell? :biggrin:

  14. Hey Flame, have you made any payment?

    Maybe you can talk to Dr Shah's nurse and ask if you could see any real life examples of Dr Shah's patients.. If i am not wrong, nurses could possibly make some arrangement to talk or see doctor's past patients.. provided that the patients do no mind.

    Just tell them your concerns.. and I think they would know where you're coming from?

    Some patients whose photos are posted online.. maybe you can ask if you could see them or talk to them in person?
    Chances are slim.. but worth trying. it'd be even better if the nurses in the clinic have actually had surgery done by the surgeon.. and do not mind sharing.

    Anyway, I have spoken to Dr Shah via email and I think he's really knowledgeable and good.. :smile: And patient in replying my endless list of questions....

    Do keep us updated yea.. all the best.

  15. Hello!!
    I have narrowed my choice to Dr Shah, Dr Sam Rizk, probably Dr Nassif and Dr Jung from Korea..

    Currently, I am researching on Taiwan's surgeons... Has anyone heard of Dr Ryan Hsu or Dr Kao with respect to nose job?
    Or has act. undergone a surgery with these 2 doctors.. can you all please help me out and give me a reply...? Thanks alot!! Any help is appreciated... can post on this forum.. or feel free to PM me. Thanks.
  16. LOL! I thought it has to do with alar wing.. or something..
    turns out to be that my command of english needs some improvement.
    Anyway, hope you're recovering well from ur surgery and really glad to hear that you're happy with your results! :biggrin:

  17. Heya John1... have been watching the forum silently as i was considering rizk and dr shah too.. though i live in asia..

    I don't really understand what do you mean by "wing it" for alarplasty? Do you mind explaining to me...? Thanks.

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