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Posts posted by rememberme123

  1. i haven had any experience with dr lam but he seems impressive and he does know what he's doing.. too bad i live in singapore and i can't get him to be my surgeon... maybe u can have a consultation with him to gauge whether he's good?

    i think it's most important that ur comfortable and confident in the surgeon operating on you.. if you are doubtful about Dr Lee, think u should find another doctor..
  2. I consulted my surgeon a few days back and he commented L-shaped implant is not advisable as it is more prone to shifting as compared to I shaped since L-shaped implant extends all the way to our collumela and any movement on the collumela would increase the risk of mobility of implant. Also, L-shaped implant may lead to higher chance of extrusion.. that's wad he said..

    Anyway,thanks for the replies to my questions in previous posts.. just wanna comment that i think this forum is really warm... everyone is just so helpful & responsive as compared to other forums i've been to..!

    i will be getting my rhinoplasty later this year.. either may or august when i can have ample time to take a break from school. (i still have to wait SUPER long.. i have been waiting for 2 years! LOL) Anyway, my doctor actually recommended I-shaped implant and some tip work with nasal cartilage...

    My concern is mainly my round and bulbous tip..so i'd definitely be getting some tip work. However, i am not sure whether to actually get an implant to increase my bridge height.. i think my bridge is not exactly flat, but not very high either.. just moderate.. i am in a dilemma now.. i am not sure whether to get an implant... i am afraid just tip work alone would not result in a observable improvement in the overall appearance of my nose (having a refined tip w/o enuff bridge height might look weird?).. but i am also afraid getting an implant would lead to a drastic change to the appearance of my nose..

    AH! i am contradicting myself (not sure what to do...!), but just want to get advice from people around here.. what do u all think? anyone just did only tip work to their nose? or do u all know anyone who has done only tip work? how does it look? in addition, if i just want to increase my height by say.. 1-2mm.. do u think it's worth it to get an implant.. any experience?

  3. hey.. thanx for the reply! i'm sorry if i couldn't help out with some of the questions raised here as I haven't actually undergone rhinoplasty b4...

    I am actually offered 2 options for anesthesia for my primary rhinoplasty.. either local anesthesia (LA) with some sleeping pills or general anesthesia (GA) ... general anesthesia actually cost more.. but my concern is mainly which anesthesia is better if i would like to minimize discomfort and pain during the surgery? by the way, my surgery is estimated to last 4 hours...

    For general anesthesia.. is it the case whereby you would be put to sleep and be totally unconscious during the surgery.. so the next moment you know.. you would actually be bandaged up on ur nose? so ZERO pain? there's no injection stinging pain right?

    How about local anesthetic...? It cost less for me.. but i'd just like to know if there'd still be some pain for this form of numbing (like the injection)? My rhinoplasty actually consists of tip work (adding and removal of some cartilage) and insertion of implant to bridge so if i could actually sense/ feel without pain what he is doing all these while.. wouldn't it be uncomfortable?

    Would really appreciate it if people who have been thru GA or LA to give their advice and share their experience.. Thank you so much. My threshold of pain is not that high but I can still bear with some pain... lol:wlae:
  4. thanks asin for the reply! =D
    anyway, just to ask.. i'm just wondering how do you get rid of blackheads on your nose after having a nose job.. do you all face problems of blackheads starting to grow on ur nose when ur nose is bandaged up since you can't clean ur nose properly... cos i am constantly plagued by the problem of blackheads on my nose.. wondering if it'd hinder me from clearing my blackheads after nose job.. any advice from ppl who had a nose job?? thanks...
  5. heya sushi town.. since you only knew english.. why don't you consider doctors from Singapore since english is a functional language there and there are really good surgeons there.. just my suggestions but i think dr jung is a good choice too.. did hear good reviews about him..

    By the way, are there any reviews for Dr Martin Huang, plastic surgeon of Singapore??

  6. thanks mkryu for the reply! so none of the people whom you know knew that you had a nose job? they just feel that u looked more attractive but couldn't pin-point what had changed? :tup:that's great!

    hym.. i guess i have a very slow healing rate.. 6 weeks is the maximum that one would take right?

    did you increase ur bridge height substantially? did you refine ur tip as well? in addition, may i know did you do an open rhinoplasty or a closed?

    thx! and sorry for posing so many questions!
  7. Hello people.. I have been wanting to get a nose job since 2 years ago but I haven't done it as there are still some issues I am trying to grapple with... and I would like to ask people who have done rhinoplasty (or intending to get rhinoplasty) some questions.. would really appreciate it if some kind souls could give me a reply! thx

    I would like to request for subtle refinement of tip and increment of nose bridge height such that the change would be subtle and no one could really pinpoint the difference but myself...I really can't imagine being questioned and having to explain myself to my friends when they spot a dramatic change in my nose.. so i'd just request for a subtle and natural change. i really do not want people to know that I have actually undergone a nose job (since my friends are people who generally still can't accept cosmetic sugery)... do you all think that it's possible that people can't tell if i request for a subtle and natural change? (or people can definitely tell since nose is the central feature of the face?)

    I have actually seen many before and after nose job photos and I notice that the change is actually quite subtle and not dramatic... I really hope to achieve something like that as I am not going to tell anyone that I am going for a nose job other than my parents.., not even my bf.. what do you all think of my decision? Is it unwise..? I don't know if it's weird of me.. but I am still not comfortable with telling people I got a nose job if I were to do it.. Do you guys feel the same?

    In addition, how is the recovery time like? How long will it take for one to look normal and as though "no surgery has been done". Is 3 weeks enough? cos i have only 3 weeks of leave to spare before I "return back to my social life"...

    Hope people who have gone thru the surgery could share with me what they think... a million thanks...
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