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Posts posted by rememberme123

  1. Hey flame.. have tried to pm you but seems like i can't do it.

    Could you please update the forum here about your consult and experience with Dr Shah?

    He is one of my top choices for rhinoplasty too.. but i can only do the surgery next year... Hopefully all goes well for you..! :biggrin:

    Would really appreciate it if you could update.. THANKSSS!

  2. Why do some of you all think that Dr Rizk produce unnatural results for asian patients? I thought his results were rather impressive... the natural roundness still preserved.. Check out http://www.drsamrizk.com/mps-photogallery-nose-women.htm

    He was actually one of my top choices.. cos he's also rated as one of few best surgeons to go to by Tatler magazine.. Does anyone has experience with Dr Rizk?

    Also, does anyone has experience with Dr Jung in Korea?

    Hopefully we could help each other out in this forum.. thanks!
  3. Heya John1.. good that you are healing well and liking your nose :biggrin:
    Do you mind posting before and after photos of your recovery phase?? can box out the eyes... etc..

  4. i was given a choice because for my surgery, the surgeon normally uses L.A. but I can choose general if i'd like to be completely unconscious..

    Thank you soooooo much for the reply!! :biggrin:

    It is really tempting me to go to korea and check out more..

    Anyway, all the best yea... and enjoy the good results of your surgery!:yahoo:

  5. hey! same..! I think korea should be the experts of cosmetic surgery.. judging from how all the korean actresses' cosmetic surgery turn out to be. but i never have the courage to go there as it's a really FOREIGN country to me...

    i am from singapore though.. if you are doing it next year, i would be doing it at the same time as you.. :biggrin:

  6. Sorry for asking so much.. really hope you could help me out!

    As for my case, i also have moderate nose bridge height.. just needed definition on my tip as my tip is round and bulbous as compared to my entire nose.. and i have a small bump on my nose bridge..

    I went for consultation and my doctor explained what he's going to do for me and it's similar to urs.. but i wun be doing silicon implant as i am satisfied with my bridge height..

    Just like to ask you some questions..

    Did your doctor explain explicitly what he's going to do for you too?

    Are you from korea or did you fly over to korea to get the rhinoplasty?

    What makes you choose grand plastic surgery clinic in the end?

    Did you do open or closed rhinoplasty?

    Did you undergo LA (local anaesthesia) or GA (general)? I am given a choice but i dunno which to choose.. LA is cheaper though. haha.

    Right after the surgery (in day 1), is there lots and lots of swelling that you could barely recognize yourself?

    Also, when u said you had the bones on the side broken and pushed inwards... are you referring to the portion of bridge that is closer to the tip or the portion of bridge that is just beside the eyes?

    How long did your surgery take? (if you can remember).. My surgeon told me that it'd take around 4 hours!

    Frankly speaking, I am really envious of your surgery results! It's natural and a subtle/ convincing change... and i think that's really impt. :biggrin:

    Btw, I am most likely getting my surgery done next year (Jan-Feb).. intended to do it this August but decided to postpone it. patience patience patience patience. (chanting to myself)

    Sorry once again for asking so many questions.. but really hope you could help me out! thankss..:biggrin:

  7. :nuts: Great results simply jake!! :biggrin: and thanks for sharing the photos..

    May I ask if you did tip-work (cartilage modification with cartilage graft) and bridge..? Which surgeon did you go to? The results are really natural! :biggrin:

    Thanks in advance for the reply!

  8. Yep, me too.. I am going to wait.. probably doing at the end of this year, or beginning of this year! :smile:

    Let's wait patiently to improving our nose!!

  9. Hey, thanks for the advice..
    the problem here is that there isn't much feedback on message board about the surgeon i am going too.. most people in singapore either go overseas for surgery or go to other surgeons (partly because this surgeon charges very very high price?)
    and there are so far only 2 good reviews about him in singapore's message board.. and i can't contact these people. :sad:

    Maybe I should ask the nurse whether it's possible to speak to patients who have done rhinoplasty with my surgeon.. hym...
  10. Thanks sandra!!
    I am asking my surgeon too.. let's update each other on this forum.. haha. :smile:

  11. Just some general questions to forumers here.. would really appreciate if you could share your thoughts...

    I think getting a good surgeon is really the main determinant of the success of a rhinoplasty...

    But how do you know you have chosen the right cosmetic surgeon then?

    When you all get rhinoplasty from a surgeon, have you all seen the patients whom the surgeons have operated on in person before deciding on the surgeon?

    Or do you just make your decision after consultation after seeing the before-after photos on the surgeon's computer?

    Unfortunately, I do not have any close friends or relatives who have gotten rhinoplasty so I do not have any referrals.. :sad: so i am feeling rather insecured by my choice of surgeon now as it is based merely on the consultation..
  12. thanks john1..! May I know who are the prominent surgeons whom you have consulted that actually gave the green light regarding accutane? Where are u from? And what dosage of accutane are/ were you on? (sorry for the flood of questions!)

    Think I'd double check with my surgeon again and I might wait a few more months.. not sure yet.. but according to the surgeon's nurse whom I am close to.. she actually told me that there are patients who are on LOW dosage of accutane getting rhinoplasty and they recover just fine.. maybe it's the dosage..

    it just worries me to see so many different views regarding the risk involved (or if there is any, pertaining to rhinoplasty). Some say one must wait for 1 to 3 years (that's freaking long!) before surgery while some say that there is absolutely no link. My surgeon told me that so long as one does not do laser resurfacing/ dermabrasion.. it'd be fine.. I am super confused!

    For alar base reduction, I have actually done it before. Just alar base reduction alone. (I am getting tip work on my nose next and that's all!) I did it last year, during May and I would consider it a success as the results were really natural and subtle.. no one knew i had something done.. they just thot i look like i lost weight? The surgery for alar base reduction alone only took 15 mins.. like a mole removal.. haha. I did not do tip work then as i thot they are different surgeries that involve different incision.. wanted to see if i'd be contented with just alar base reduction alone first.. haha

    I think it's not so much about measuring how many mms was cut off but whether the reduced alar width still has the natural flare to it. (refer to the website url that i have shown u earlier on).. and whether the reduced alar fits your face.
    The most unnatural result would be resultant nostrils that is triangular in shape... (the cut-off look), the nostril rim should still be intact.. with the natural curve..., if you can visualize what i am saying.

    Maybe you can request for a digital imaging from your surgeon to see how you would look like from the amount he's going to trim off, for the amount of mm he's going to remove? Also ask about what technique of alar base reduction is he going to use... <- super important!

    Looking forward to your reply... All the best!
  13. hello john1, recently you told me that accutane should be avoided when one is contemplating rhinoplasty..
    I have searched the internet and they reflect the same results too.
    However, when I asked my plastic surgeon and my dermatologist, they told me it is actually not a problem since i am on a low does of 20mg per day...
  14. Think you could ask or PM some of the forumers here who have actually had personal experience with Dr Charles Lee to make a better decision? (can look at previous posts)
  15. Hello.. would just like to ask people around here for your advice or views on this...

    Do you all think that it is unethical or irresponsible for one to deny / hide that he or she has undergone cosmetic surgery when he or she has actually done it?

    I have been grappling with this issue for a loong time and this issue has been troubling me for quite sometime. Personally, I am keen on getting a nose job (rhinoplasty) this coming August... However, I am going to hide my nose job from friends (hoping that they won't find out) and if they ask.. i might just deny it/ shrug it off.... i really admire people who have the guts to tell everyone that they have had something done to their nose...but i don't gave the guts to do so.. i am not trying to imply that having a nose job is something shameful.. but I am just uncomfortable that people would know and this might invite gossips.. or people who might not know you well will think differently of you if they knew u get a nose job.

    I have communicated this issue with my doctor for quite a number of times and he said that he would give me a change that is subtle... (that's my personal preference, don't want something dramatic.. i just want an improvement)

    I am doing this surgery for myself as I really do not like how my nose look.. but I don't want people to know about this (except for my family members and boyfriend)... do you all think that it is possible?

    Any advice on how to conceal/ hide a nose job too?

    would really appreciate if people here could give me their advice / views... i am really troubled over this issue.. i wonder if people contemplating a nose job or have gotten a nose job feels the same way that i do... (the irony of wanting an improvement and yet afraid that people would know you have had cosmetic surgery.)

    i hope you all would know where i am coming from... thanks. pls give me ur views! thx thx..
  16. Heya Nissy, you can read the earlier pages in this forum... i read that quite a number of people had surgery done with Dr Chuang... maybe can read their posts.

    Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year everyone... (even if u're not celebrating CNY) Wanna wish you people all the best in the upcoming year and may all our wishes come true! =D

    Anyway, i was reading a blog entry by Xiaxue on her experience of rhinoplasty... she had alar base reduction, tip work as well as bridge augmentation. You might want to read as she also talks about her recovery period... Her blog entry is super entertaining!

    Here is the url: http://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2007/01/diary-of-nose.html

    She took only 2 weeks to look unoperated... and she had open rhinoplasty. Can I ask people who have had nose job done (or people who have relevant experience / knowledge)... Is her recovery faster than average or is it about the same as what you all have experienced?
    Mkyru, Asin... you all mentioned that it took around 3 weeks or up to 6 weeks for you all to look unoperated on... But I don't see her nose is visibly swollen (maybe i can't tell from the photos) after merely 13 days... is it what I should expect too cos i am most likely going to the same doctor... or is it safer to give myself at least a month?

    Just to ask... when you all have decided to get rhinoplasty.. do you have to wait for some time before you can actually undergo the surgery when you don't feel like waiting ANYMORE? (i.e.have to wait for summer break or holidays to come to get the surgery.. which is like half a year away) I have planned for rhinoplasty more than 1 year ago but I can't find anytime to do it only until August this year... and I am really getting impatient and distracted by this issue.. I can't wait! What should I do? Any similar experience?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.
  17. heya jadedjessica... sorry for asking, but why can't one go for open rhino if he or she has thick skin(all asian typically has thick skin though...)?
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