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Posts posted by sheonlylooks25

  2. My nose implant is now around 35 years old, both times done in the Philippines. My implant is fine but I want it replaced as I am definitely sure it is the L-shaped implant that is no longer used. I also want to refine my tip, an option that was not available then.
    My BA has been done about 4-5 times in Australia. I started when I was 20 but had to have the implants replaced several times over due to encapsulation. The doctors these days tell you massage but it doesn't help if you body treats the implant as a foreign object and keeps rejecting it no matter how often you massage. I need to have mine replaced but I'm going for saline. I had some pain in my left nipple and left armpit several months ago and decided to have my first mammogram. The newer mammograms are more effective for patients with BA. The results came back saying there are minute bits of silicone floating in my breast. I think I have what they call a silent rupture as my implants are now too old and need replacing.
  3. Silicone breast implants increase arthritis risk 600%, stillbirth risk 450% and skin cancer risk 400%, study claims

    Researchers looked at nearly 100,000 women who had breast implants. The team, from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, says its study is the largest of breast implant outcomes to date and the findings are important to help women choose the implant they feel is right for them.

    Women with silicone implants had a risk of arthritis six times higher than the general population

    They also had a 4.5-fold increased risk of stillbirth and a risk four times greater of developing melanoma

    Compared to women with saline implants, those with silicone implants were almost twice as likely to have scarring around their implant
  4. Hey Dr Cho according to FromB (formerly BAUM) says they have just hired Dr Cho!!!!!!!!!!
  5. We changed our clinic’s name from “Baum” to “FromB”. This is the abbreviation for “From Baum”. Our new clinic is larger and located in Sinsa subway station(7th exit).
    Furthermore, “FromB” clinic recruited Dr. Cho from other plastic clinic. He has creditable skills in eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, fat surgery and other surgeries.
    All of these are parts of our expansion plans.
    Below nose revision. Bridge is Goretex and tip is donated costal. Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 8.01.01 pm.png
  6. Yes all the best. You are so lucky to have found Dr Lee. He sounds incredible and so honest.
  7. Dr Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics. That was his third SMAS in one week. He also does bullhorn lip-lifts. Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 9.06.17 am.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 9.02.49 am.png
  8. Woo Hoo! Amaze Balls.
  9. @jsorchids as you are contemplating Rejuran, those injections are supposed to help healing as well. Just ask them to inject some into your scars.
    @Hautelady no facelift will get rid of your nasalabial lines 100%, it will help. Read up on facelifts and see how your muscles are draped. There is a separate procedure for that your nasalabial lines but they have to go through your lower eyelids and pull vertically. Once you have your facelift you will probably still need fillers but not as often, or you may find you can live with what's remaining of the folds. Maybe 7 years down the line (when your fl starts to lose it's effects) you can have a thread lift which will be very effective as you have built a good foundation with your SMAS.
  10. You are looking good for major surgery and you are only 9 days post!
    You were told incorrect info about how long Rejuran lasts. At 6-9 months you need a top up for maintenance! Wish it wasn't so.
  11. Hate it. The other term is Love Bands. It ONLY works on the VERY, VERY YOUNG when your skin still has the glow of youth. I have seen it naturally on young children and even then I am unsure about the look.

    In your 30's and older it will look like EYEBAGS.
  12. If your neck needs lifting the cut behind your nape. If you are starting to have bands in your neck, if you pull your skin up to the nape you will see your neck youthful again.
  13. Hello, please clarify in your before pics you look Caucasian but your close up of your stitches you look Asian. LOL.
  14. WOW, WOW, WOW. Beautiful stitching. Even I wouldn't be able to do embroidery in such a fine manner! You said you were a smoker, just beware that this could impact on your healing.
  15. Agree. Yes SK is far better than even the US. However, I do disagree with your comment that "over a decade ago, Asian rhino in Aust was unheard of". My Asian friends had their noses done back in the 1970's before you were born, probably. The results were quite good but they went to the best. Off the top of my head in Sydney for nose jobs would be: (LOL a Korean doctor) Dr Andrew Kim,
    But again I do believe SK is far more skilled.
  16. Just be aware the scars probably won't show clearly on an iPhone pic. You probably will need good lighting too.
    I know Dr Lee, VIP's stitching is amazing and almost invisible but again different people heal in different ways. For example if you have a tendency to have hypertrophic scarring.
  17. Aha! I just clicked on the link you posted for ASPS and it does have b&a of their facelifts. How odd I haven't been able to get this site before. Thanks for that. But still good if you can find more in their photo albums to post. Thanks in advance.
  18. You are so lucky with so little swelling, especially after an SMAS facelift. Can you surreptitiously
    take some photos of before and afters of the clinic's facelifts. On their website there isn't any! So thanks for the one you posted on this thread. If you can get more that will be most appreciated. Good luck with your healing.
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