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Posts posted by tuneup

  1. Sounds like you're looking for a chin implant with wings but good luck trying to find that in Seoul. So many surgeons there don't even carry that implant type as it's such an unrequested thing (for guys an girls).
    Light fat grafting along the lower jaw combined with a regular implant can create a similar effect tho (which is what I did).
  2. This sounds seriously overambitious for 9 days, to be honest. An ethical doctor will not let you do all of this in one go, so please bear that in mind. (And as K says, V surgery is 10 days recovery).

    It's very rare for celebrities/anyone to have 10+ surgeries in one go. There may be one or two examples out there, but if you're thinking of who I'm thinking about, she later admitted that she almost died in the process.

    If you plan on doing all of these procedures in one trip, I would allow yourself up to 3 weeks. Even better (and I'm sure you won't like thesound of this) would be to split your cosmetic work up into two trips.
  3. I wish I could help but I'm not all that familiar with eye surgeries so much.

    I would say, just in my opinion, that the third guy in your Japanese examples is too extreme of a case. You would look too surprised all the time!

    You asked about my nose options... I'm looking at Regen and Wannabe for my revision rhino. Probably Wannabe. I had a consult in November and liked what the Dr. had to say.
  4. Glad to hear the recovery is going well.
    Recovering from rhino requires a lot of patience. I don't think I saw my final final results for a year. (I spent the first three months or so thinking it was too big and regretting being so conservative with the type of change I wanted).
    Am planning to have revision rhino this summer and am not looking forward to the slow wait again, lol
  5. You can't do fat for aegyosal. It's too thick and lumpy. 90% of clinics only do it with hyaluronic acid fillers. Some offer permanent solutions with Alloderm, but that option is slowly disappearing due to sometimes unsatisfactory results.
  6. I'm about to hit three months and so far so good. My forehead has retained about 45% of the FG and temples about 38-40%
    The other areas of my face I had small amounts of fat injected were more hit or miss. Had a bit put in on the corners of my nose (where nasolabial folds start) and they have retained about 50%. But the fat put above my chin implant (to make the dip between the implant and my lip look less defined) didn't hold any of the fat at all. It disappeared in about 3 weeks. (I put this down to it being an area of the face that moves a lot, coupled with the fact that I had just had surgery in that area and it was healing so the fat survival chances were low anyway).
    While not that necessary, I'm going back for a top up in these areas (minus nasolabial) in a couple of months. Just because I'm a bit fussy and I initially assumed I would have to go twice anyway, so I just want to finish the job.
  7. Generally, yes. But you'll find that some of the more bone-focussed docs will push for sliding genioplasty over chin implant. Make that decision yourself though and don't let anyone push you. Unless the case is severe, chin implant will suffice.
  8. Sorry for the late reply. The grafting has settled nicely and it's exactly a month since I had it done.
    For the first week or so I definitely had a stupid Barbie forehead but it quickly went down and looks exactly like a guys forehead should (although smoother and better aligned with my nose and chin now).
    My doctor (at Wonjin) was on the same page as me when I described what I wanted - fullness and more projection but without the girly rounded look that I saw in so many before and afters. He did a good job - no lumps or bumps.
    The final result is subtle but noticeable when you do a before and after. (The only thing I don't like is because I did botox before the procedure [highly recommended as the lack of muscle movement won't compromise your grafted fat] my lack of movement up there looks a little... fake. But that will soften over time).

    It's possible I might need a slight top up in a few months time (because the volume could go down more over the next couple of months) but I was aware of that before I had it done.

    Happy to answer any other questions. Not as much guy-specific info on here.
  9. There's a model called Francisco Lachowski who has very prominent smile bands (search on Google images).
    Those pictures of Tao from EXO look really overfilled.

    A little warning to anyone doing this via fillers/surgery - it will stretch the skin a little if you keep doing it for years. Mine were overfilled last year (the fourth time I had it done) and I had to have them dissolved and the skin under my eye looked a little different to the last time I saw it without filler in. It kinda snapped back after a while, but I still feel like it looked a bit different. Anyway had them re-filled moderately last month and they're fine now .
  10. Stitch will dissolve but it's a slow process and could take up to two months to disappear. Not worth it when it's something sitting in your mouth that long.
    I had my stitch out yesterday (waited an extra week just to be sure) and it didn't really hurt at all. A tugging sensation but that's about it. My wound had healed so its not the same feeling as when you get stitches removed 5-7 days after an operation (such as rhino).
  11. Yeah there isn't a lot around on chinplants here. You can definitely choose the shape of your chin with this procedure -- just make sure your surgeon is going to use the right shape implant.
    It's true that in the US chin incision is more common, but having spoken to doctors all over about this, I came to the conclusion that neither was more popular than the other. Each surgeon has their own preference.
    Some argue intraoral is better because the pocket the implant will go in will be more accurate and some say chin incision is better because it carries virtually no infection risk.
    Don't forget about the scar. It's almost impossible you won't have a small scar after the op if you do chin incision, even years later. That was what swung the vote for me. Plus my surgeon said he didn't want his work or the clinics name attached to a visible scar on a patient.
    If you're sensible (don't smoke post op, eat the advised foods and keep your stitches clean with antibacterial mouth wash etc) you shouldn't need to worry for a second about infection.

    With regards to clinic recommendation, I'm not at a point where I can fully recommend my doctor yet. I'm only 3 weeks post-op and still have swelling left. Chin shape changing every day. But I can suggest that you make consultation appointments with Regen, Life, Wannabe and Wonjin.
  12. I would 100% for for chin implant over FG on chin. It's permanent and the size and shape is guaranteed. FG is too hit or miss for creating a shape, IMO.
    It's not as invasive as you would think. My FG took two hours but the chin was just 30 mins, they make an incision in the bottom of your mouth and slip the implant in through there. Done under local.

    Temples are the the sides of your head, on the same row as your eyes. With aging or weight loss this area can lose volume. Filling this area along with the forehead is a really great way to shape the face. It's one of the most ignored areas when people plan surgery as it's not as instantly obvious as chin, nose, eyes etc. Makes a huge difference tho.

    Smile band is not done via FG. Fat is too thick/too heavy. I initially wanted to get it done with Alloderm (which is permanent) but it seems most clinics are moving away from that and almost exclusively do it with hyaluronic acid fillers now.
  13. For FG takes about two hours to harvest the fat (usually from inner and backs of thighs) and then inject it everywhere. You'll be asleep but only locally anesthetized.

    Implant on forehead always seemed like a super extreme procedure to me (and there have been rare instances of the implant showing through after time). Fat grafting to forehead and temples looks natural and usually comes out really well.

    It's best to make sure you do PRP or stem-cell type FG (which will cost a little more) as this is prove to have a higher chance of surviving in the body (the blood supply taking to it).
    Expect about 50% of the fat to survive, but your doctors should try to counter this by over-filling the desired areas (so don't be alarmed if you end up with a bit of a Barbie forehead for a few weeks after the op). After three months the remaining fat in your face is likely to stay for good (provided you don't dramatically lose weight). It's also recommended not to smoke or drink for at least a month after the op (and some docs say three months).

    Because a lot of the fat dies, it's likely that you'll need to return for a top up 3-6 months later to finish the job. Some clinics offer to store your leftover harvested fat for free until you return (within a certain period of time), but this is mostly a marketing gimmick IMO, as freshly extracted fat will always be better and have a higher chance of survival than fat that has been stored (usually cold) for months.

    I had fat grafting done to my forehead, temples and a little on my chin (just above a chin implant I had put in at the same time) about 16 days ago. Happy with the results so far. Forehead looked like a baby's forehead for the first 10 days but it's looking good now and not overfilled (which is something, as a guy, I wanted to avoid).
    My doctor mentioned that temples are likely to need a top up in the future (I'm planning to go back in March/April) as this area of the face sees a lot of movement.

    Don't know much about FG on the nose bridge, sorry.
  14. Not at all feminizing. Possibly a little on the "cute" side, but men and women both natural get smile bands under their eyes.
    Obviously it depends on your face type (it's more likely look better on someone with a naturally plumper/firmer face than skinny/angular) but give it a go. Restylane can easily be dissolved, so if you hate how they end up looking you can fix it instantly.

    Warning tho: it doesn't last for very long (3-4 months, in my experience). Regular top ups will def be needed.
  15. I feel like a bigger jaw on a guy is just not something that is aesthetically aspirational to most of the surgeons in Seoul.
    If you're after jaw implants and such, I would imagine the US would be a better bet. It's something that many surgeons do on a regular basis and have more experience in.

    That said, part of the reason I recently did my chin implant is because I wanted my face (which I've sometimes been told looks about 16 years old) to look a little more man than boy and a lot of surgeons in Seoul were able to understand that (although I did get chuckles from one, who couldn't comprehend me not wanting to keep my face as young looking as possible).
  16. Please give it two weeks rather than doing it on the day of operation or day before.

    When I had Hyaluronidase injected under my eyes, the skin went very thin (almost like stretchy crepe paper!) for about 48 hours and the color changed. My skin in the area also got very dry and my eyes were really dry too. It took about 6-8 days for everything to return to normal.

    Some of this may have just been my own unique reaction (plus it was also a delicate area), but my doctor said that it's quite common for the skin to go through a few changes briefly before returning to normal.
  17. KCouture, you're amazing for doing this! I should have read this thread before panicking and posting a new thread with my FG questions in.

    Feeling a little less bothered by my beady puffy eyes now lol.
  18. Sorry for starting a new thread but really want to get some experienced fat grafters to weigh in on a couple of things and help put my overactive mind at rest...

    I just had PRP fat grafting done on my forehead, temples and nasolabial corners (by the nose) almost 5 days ago. I didn't do any in my cheeks as they didn't need extra volume. The fat was injected from 6 different sites in total (through the hairline by my temples on both sides, two at the top of my forehead in the hairline and two through my cheek area, not sure why).
    (FYI: I also did a chin implant on the same day as the fat grafting and Lipt mouth corner lift the day before. Needless to say, I've experienced a lot of swelling).

    Anyway, my questions...

    - Swelling is normal, I know. But is it okay that I've experienced swelling all over my face, not just the injected areas? Although I had no grafting done around my eyes, there appears to be some sort of fluid build up underneath them and also around them. Top of cheeks turning a bit yellowy too. Both eyes look super puffy. I know fat doesn't migrate under the skin, but what could the explanation for this be? Some sort of waer retention from the fat in my forehead?

    - My doctor and I both agreed that I would want just a subtle look to my forehead, nothing too rounded or dolly-like as I'm a guy. He said he would overfill a little as a lot will disappear, but (as I prepare for returning to reality [and friends] in about five days) I'm starting to worry a little at just how big my forehead looks right now? I kinda look like... a baby, lol. An adult baby forehead :-/ Am I just worrying over nothing?

    Thank you in advance :smile:
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