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Posts posted by tuneup

  1. I'm afraid I didn't do that kind of nose job. I made mine smaller, not bigger - smoother bridge and tip refining. It was done under GA, not in Seoul.
  2. Thanks :smile:
    Yeah, I did rhino in 2006. It wasn't perfect but I've learned to be happy with how it is and trying to not to let revision be an option for me (I think it's easier for guys to not worry about a perfect nose compared to girls, no?). The only thing I want to do is minor alar base reduction on one side for total symmetry but I wasn't able to do it at the same time as my fat graft so I'll do it some other time.
  3. As in change the shape of the lip? Cupids bow etc.? I'm not sure actually. I didn't see anything like that in before or afters.

    The reason I went is because I had a bit of a complex about my lip corners turning down a little (and more on one side than the other). It wasn't a deformity, but I felt like my resting face looked glum, which is totally the opposite of my positive personality.

    I had looked into changing the mouth corner before but other clinics (in the world) mostly just cut the corners and stitch them up, ignoring the muscle and just focusing on the superficial layer. It doesn't last long and doesn't have a dramatic effect. When I discovered Dr Kwon's technique of actually altering the muscles that turn corners up and/or down, I was fascinated.
    It excited me even more when, only during my actual consultation, he explained that he can actually make width of the mouth look smaller too (because the line of my lips extended out past the actual lip on both sides, if that makes sense). Was actually blown away when he showed me the PhotoShopped version of my before and after on his computer.

    Still recovering now and I can't really smile much or talk without sounding drunk (this is probably also because of the other work I did the following day at another clinic - chin implant, fat grafting, love band) but hopefully when I get my stitches out next week I can start to get an idea of what it will be like. Trying not to judge anything this early or freak out that my mouth is super crooked looking, lol
  4. Lipt doesn't necessarilly have to involve turning the mouth corners up past a horizontal state. That's mostly a female choice for the surgery.
    On a male it more commonly involves turning downturned mouth corners to straight ones. Have a look at AOne's before and afters.
    You can also can also shorten the width of a wide mouth with this procedure.
    It's muscle manipulation, so there are literally dozens of outcomes available for the patient to choose from.
  5. I had my Lipt smile lift with Dr Kwon earlier this week. In person he was attentive and considerate to my needs. In terms of the clinic and staff, I'm going to wait until I have finished there (removing stitches etc) so I can share a complete opinion. It's a nice building tho.
    I don't know about the results yet as I've had major swelling around my mouth and lips (something I was naively unexpecting). Look like a fish or something! Lol. Stitches look very neat tho and a couple of times I've been able to detect a quick glimpse at the difference when changing the wound sticker in the mirror.
  6. I've had it topped up at four different clinics over the years in London and Seoul and all have been great as its a pretty easy area to do. I found that by not rubbing my nose too much or aggressively scrubbing while washing definitely helps. The filler I currently have in the top of my bridge has not been topped up since last July and it still looks solid and smooth!
    The place in Seoul I did it was B&A (Before&After). They're great with fillers IMO.

    (I know this sounds weird but it's also worth noting that filler generally lasts ages in my face - maybe double what the docs say. I don't smoke or drink and eat a healthy diet. I'm v active but don't do running [which ages the face and also wears down fillers]. I also don't get any aggressive facial treatments or facial massage [unless I know I'm going for a top up soon).
  7. I have a consultation and surgery booked in for Lipt smile lift with Dr Kwon next week. However I must admit that some of the comments make me a little nervous.

    I can't comment on his other procedures as I'm not so familiar with them, but so far, I'm happy with what I see of his Lipt results. (I realize scarring is a risk, but that aside, the actual upturn of the mouth corners etc always appear to look good, especially in the male patients).
  8. Susaki, obviously check with your dermatologist before using any new product, but have you incorporated Aloe Vera gel into your after care routine? It's really great for mild burns and abrasions after an aggressive skin treatment like this. Also feels great if you put it in the fridge before using it. Very cooling.
    I was advised to use it after some laser treatments a couple years ago and it really helped with the recovery.
  9. Haha :smile: Thanks for getting back to me.

    Did you have the option to have it put in externally if you want? (I ask because some surgeons don't mind which way and some have a preference. I'm having a mouth corner lift the day before my chin augmentation, so my preference is external incision for the implant as not to disrupt my mouth corners).

    When do you have to have your chin implant scars removed? Or are they dissolvable?

    Did they screw the implant in place or is it just secured by the pocket they created?

    Did you ever think about sliding genioplasty at all? Or were you always set on silicon?
  10. I love that you're back online an hour after surgery!

    Hope you're recovery will go well. How are you feeling?

    Did you get an internal or external incision for your chin implant? Did they give you the option or discuss it? (Just curious because I'm getting my chin done next week).
  11. I think a subtle smile band under the eye suits many ethnicities. I've seen lots of caucasian model-types and actors with aegyosal.

    Saying that, it does definitely depend on the face. Each case is individual.

    I sent you a PM about my own experience with aegyo sal via Restylane filler (I'm a mixed Eurasian guy). Next week I'm getting it done permanently with Alloderm.
  12. Most honest surgeons will admit that it's a waste of time and money. The effects don't last long. To properly lift a face you need to pull up everything (muscle etc), not just superficial tissue.
  13. After a slight delay, I'm heading to Seoul this weekend. Looking forward to getting everything done and focussing on recovery :smile:

    My list of procedures are:
    - Silicon chin implant
    - Forehead and facial fat grafting
    - Alloderm love band
    - Lipt smile lift
    - Alar base reduction (although I'm not 100% sure this one will happen as some surgeons have told me I don't need to do it and I'm not going to ignore that if it's said to me again)
  14. It might not be any of my business what you want to do, but in my opinion why not look into some smaller procedures first? Cutting and shifting bone is nothing to be taken lightly. And you're still so young! You do know that as a man your jaw growth can continue into your 20s?

    Do some local online research and find the best orthodontist near you and see if he has any recommendations for any retainer work they can do to help your jaw alignment. They really can work wonders sometimes!
    My friend had a slightly protruding lower jaw and after a year of retainer work he saw a huge improvement.

    You can also get botox in your jaw muscles if you want to create a little more more of a V-type shape to your face.

    As for your eyes and nose... I don't know the shape of your face but perhaps it's worth having a consultation for fillers? Restylane/Juvederm can sometimes work wonders on concealing a bump on a nose. Same for dark circles under eyes (if they're caused by sunken tear trough etc).

    Just my two cents ;)
  15. Hope you heal well and comfortably!

    Would love to know more about your chin work at life. What shape implant did you get? I had them on my top list but didn't include them in the end as I found the communication with them to be very slow.
  16. Before&After (bnaclinic.com) is definitely worth checking out. I've had filler work done there on three occasions and always been very happy. (If it's of any help - the Sistar girls and lots of male and female celebs do their fillers there too, lol).
    And Petit Noble (petit.co.kr) has a great rep, but you'll need a translator. Dr Koh is considered one of the best tho!
  17. I'm not getting my chin implant until October (I had been using fillers in recent years), however deviation in a chin implant is supposed to be pretty rare as they heal against the bone.
    Chin implants are slightly sturdier than nose. (I think because nose has to be securely placed in a proper pocket [[is that the word?]] and under tip cartilages. It's still secure but faces a little more risk with it being in a more delicate space).
  18. Tell me about it. I paid 4000GBP/6900USD for my rhino here in London. Now I'm looking at spending the same about on about five different procedures in Seoul lol. Total difference!

    I've had consults in Seoul before (about a year ago) for these procedures. I'm almost decided on Grand, although I'm going to go to Dream as well just for a second chat as I also really liked their approach and surgeons.

    I'm a little concerned about alar scarring too (probably more than any other procedure I'm getting) but I was happy with the B&As I've been shown. And I've proved to myself over the years that I recover from scarring pretty well. Finger's crossed!
  19. Me too. We're two of just a few I think, lol
    I've had consults at a few clinics before -- am going with Grand for forehead fat graft, chin implant, Alloderm smile band and alar base surgery. And Lipt lift at Aone clinic.
  20. I'll be getting in on October 9 and staying until 18th. Are you travelling in alone?
    What are you getting done?
  21. I did it in London with a surgeon called Dr Grover. I considered going to Korea for but wanted to be close to home as it was my first experience with anything surgical (or even non surgical). I had a deviated septum.
    Grover is the president of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

    I'm happy enough with the results (it's been six years now) but wish I narrowed it a little (was scared of scarring). That's why I'm getting alar base in October.
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