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Posts posted by tuneup

  1. At Grand (where I plan to go) they use Lipokit, which I read is one of the few FDA-approved machines out there that combines fat grafting and PRP.
    I think quite a few of the other clinics using this machine too (as it's Korean invented).

    How about you?
  2. I knew October 1 was a holiday but completely didn't think about 3rd and 9th until I saw the reminder in the other thread (the clinics I have been speaking with made no mention). So, yes, I'll be changing my travel plans and hotel booking to arrive on the 10th or 13th.

    The Juvederm equivalent to SubQ is Juvederm Voluma. I haven't used it but they seem to be pretty much the exact same product.
    Just my own opinion, but I think at this point the difference between Restylane and Juvederm products are probably like Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Little difference (they're both just hyaluronic acid) but people like to remain loyal to one over the other, lol.

    Some people say Juvederm is smoother (or at least, that's how it's marketed), but I also read that Restylane is more cohesive (i.e. better at staying in place). TBH, I think any patient would probably be fine with either. It's the experience of the physician that will get you the result you want, not the micro differences between the two brands.
  3. Sub-Q is meant to last for about 18 months as it's thicker than other Resty products but, yeah, somehow filler often lasts longer than expected in me (not sure what that means!).

    For tear trough, I would only recommend Perlane. It's light but lasts longer than regular Restylane, very mouldable when injecting and very much a worldwide favourite for under eye area. Sculptra is far too dense/heavy for such a delicate area!
  4. Just my opinion, but...
    I've tried it with Restylane Perlane (twice). The first time looked great (lasted about 8 months) but the second (through no one's fault but gravity) after about 4/5 months it appeared that some of the product had migrated. I chose to have both sides dissolved.

    Obviously fat graft is different to filler, but I just want to avoid a situation with a possibly unpredictable result (especially because fat grafting is not reversible).
    I've seen two people in person who had Alloderm tissue done about 12 and 18 months ago and I liked how it looked. So it feels like the safest route for me.

    (Also, if you look closely -- love/smile band done with filler is usually thicker and less defined looking than when done using Alloderm).
  5. Hi davincci,

    The reason I had fillers in my mid-face and jaw area is because while my cheekbones are a decent height/shape, my face had a habit of looking a little on the gaunt side (regardless of my body weight). I had consults at various clinics in Seoul -- some recommended fillers and others recommended FG.
    To be honest the reason I went down the filler route is because FG seemed so severe at the time and I liked the fact that fillers could be dissolved should they not look right.

    I went to a clinic in Seoul called Before&After for my Sub-Q (bnaclinic.com) and the doctor there used 8cc (four syringes) in my cheeks and jaw. I looked a bit chubby for a few days but as the swelling began to settle everything looked great! I looked like myself but just firmer/fuller faced. (The doctor actually suggested 12cc at the time but I wanted to take a step-by-step approach)
    Back at home I had so many comments about how well I was looking and (vain alert) I found selfies looked great from any angle under any lighting, lol.

    After about 10 months I did start to wish I went for the extra 4cc's the doctor recommended and so I went back to the clinic for more. Since then the results have lasted about 21 months or so. (I'm going back in October for a top up -- probably need 4cc).

    So, in short, the reason I haven't gone for FG yet is because I really love the experience I'm having with Sub-Q and don't want to mess with a good thing. (Saying that, I am going to have FG in October for my temple area and forehead).
    Plus, now that I'm in the cycle of fillers, I would have to let them completely disappear (which could take AGES!) before getting a FG.

    RE: Resty for aegyosal/smile band. FG is obviously not even an option for that area. There are just two options -- Alloderm tissue or filler.
    Because the smile bands are such a specific target, it's only natural that filler can sometimes migrate. I loved how it looked when I got it done, and when it started to disappear, I had more Perlane injected. But the second time around (after 4/5 months) the smile bands lost their definition and it just started to look like I was super puffy or retaining water under my eyes, so I had it dissolved. I'm going to get the Alloderm done in October. Have seen a few people get it done and results are super natural (and as it's a natural tissue, there's no risk of rejection etc).

    As for under the eye (tear trough). I have used a little Perlane over time but barely any (perhaps 0.3cc each side?).

    Hope that's answered some of your questions!
  6. Not sure if this helps... The first time I went to Seoul for treatments I was told to bring cash to get discount, which I did (admittedly, it was only for 2.5million KRW of Restylane Sub-Q), however the second time I went to the same clinic (Before&After) and used my card, paying pretty much the same rates. I think it just depends on the clinic and asking them when haggling over prices.
  7. I'm one of the very few guys on here but still find the information posted really useful.

    I'll be going to Seoul in the second week of October for nine days to have the following procedures:

    - Alloderm love band surgery, forehead fat graft, alar base adjustment and chin augmentation (implant) at Grand.
    - Lipt lift at AOne

    I had rhinoplasty about six years ago and first started using fillers then too, but this is definitely the biggest batch of surgery I've ever (and will ever) go through. Would be great to know if anyone else is headed over at that time!
  8. I'm new here but just checked this thread out. I'm a 30 year old guy (Eurasian mix) and have been using fillers for about six years now (tried it with some of the best clinics in LA, NY, London and Seoul). Here's what I have done and what I liked and didn't...

    - Restylane Sub-Q along jaw and deep beneath cheeks. Lasts for ages (more than 18 months I have experienced) and perfect for those who are naturally on the skinny side (it's the closest injectable to fat grafting I would say). I'm getting fat graft in forehead and temples later this year but (should I ever need a top up in my mid-face area, I'll stick with Sub-Q -- really love it).

    - Restylane Perlane in chin. This is good if you need just a small boost in the area but doesn't provide enough volume if you have a very weak chin. Only really lasts for a few months (think of the amount of movement that area does). I would recommend it if you want to try enhancing your chin once before investing in an implant, but don't waste your money on any more than that (which is what I have stupidly done for over two years -- should have just got the implant in the first place! Oh well - getting that done in October now)

    - Perlane for aegyosal / smile bands under eyes. This looked brilliant initially and I stuck with it for about 18 months (even getting a top up at the 10 month mark) however it takes too long to break down if you're unhappy with it and, unfortunately for me, the product started to migrate below my smile bands and ended up making the area look puffy. Had to have it dissolved with hyaluronidase.

    - Sculptra for temple area. This is great and has lasted a couple of years for me, but I will do a proper fat graft next time as there are risks with lumpiness (on my right temple I can feel -- but definitely not see -- a little grain-sized bump of the stuff under the skin when I rub it). You also don't get instant results with it. I had to build it up over two sessions to make my temples smooth.

    - Perlane for nose. I've had rhinoplasty (about 5-6 years ago) but still get a little Perlane on one part of my nose bridge to make it perfectly straight. Lasts for ages and is a brilliant product for tweaking.
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