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Posts posted by ashly117

  1. @papermoon12 Hey, I've also picked Jogak as my choice as well. I'm impressed with their before and after and another purseblog member recommended me to see Jogak (his friend had a positive experience apparently).
    I also received the same quote that you got as well. Not sure why its become ridiculously expensive if it used to be $3500 USD. Demand perhaps? I don't see any US doctors offering the PMMA procedure. They all want to put in silicone implants.

    I'm a bit concerned about your experience with Dr. Eppley...I've heard bad things about him. There's a lot of complaints on him online if you just search. Apparently he's caused a woman to commit suicide after performing a horrifying facelift on her (Luicille? But she's had other issues going on with her as well...). Someone also said that the reason why he's made so many websites is because of some law related issue(?). And he's also received a letter of warning from the FDA

    How did you find the courage to let him operate on you?
  2. This thread is meant to be a bit sour, so I apologize.

    I notice that most foreigners that go to Korea for PS happen to be an Asian female and some mixed with white. That's fine. But I'm male and I'm not...traditionally Asian. I'm Middle Eastern and I have dark skin. I'm hoping if anyone (especially hoping for input from ME, Indian, or Black people) has any experience with PS in Korea.

    My mom is against me going to Korea. She is a bit crazy and she thinks Korea is racist. Once I get sedated, the surgeons may not perform their best to give me the most optimal results...I obviously don't want to believe it, but I can see where she's coming from.

    Any inputs? Thanks and sorry for offending anyone. I'd ask the same question no matter which country I'd have to go to. Opting for surgery puts me in a position of weakness, and I need to be sure that I'm in safe hands.
  3. @ryanthelion Hey
    My 3 GA procedures:
    Orbital decompression on right eye (Oct 2016)
    Septoplasty (Feb 2017)
    Zygoma on right cheek + Buccal fat removal on both cheeks (Sept 2017)

    I was fine the first time and second time I was also better, but I could notice that I was a bit more tired and my throat was messed up. The third time, I felt like I was run over by a truck and my throat was screwed up for a while, and i lost my voice, but I recovered by day 2-3. GA puts a lot of stress on your body. You need to be in good health/conditioning to go under GA imo. I would avoid it if I can.
  4. I think its based off of what you think is right for you. In my case, my chin isn't super recessed. I just need a subtle yet strong change. I don't mind removing the implant when I'm 50yrs old tbh. It's just something I feel that need in my 20s-40s.

    For such a subtle change I can't justify going for a bone cutting surgery that requires major downtime (I cannot afford this as I'm an athlete. I cannot just take 2 months off from the gym). I've also been under 3 general anesthesia surgeries...and the recovery is a so stressful for me and that I would never want to go through something like that again unless I absolutely have to.

    Again, do it if you feel like you absolutely need it. That's my advice :smile:
  5. Not sure if this is true...where did you find this information? I was told that implants can last a life time. Or else why do some surgeons offer, say, medpor chin implants that cannot be removed easily as they adhere to the tissues?
  6. Dr Yoo is amazing. He and I went to the same college and we had a good time reminiscing. But he is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. His rhino can easily start at 18,000.

    Personally, I've heard great things about Dr Charles Lee in Beverley Hills. I had zygoma with him. He specializes in Asian PS. He's Korean I think. Try him? He's a lot more reasonable with prices and his results are solid. I'm happy with the zygoma and buccal fat removal.
  7. @chlak5 Hey! I've done Zygoma reduction/cheek reduction. But my case was a bit different in that I only did my right side because it was protruding out a lot more. I wanted my right cheekbone to match my left. My doctor shaved a bit from the 45degree angle and pushed the bone inwards from the side.

    My surgery was done 12 days ago and already I'm liking the results. The recovery isn't bad but it was a bit worse than usual because I also elected for buccal fat removal on both sides of the face. But the zygoma itself was a piece of cake for me. Days 1-2 were the toughest because I was feeling the full body soreness from the General Anesthesia. And my face looked like a square hamster. Also, just be sure to not get on a plane within like 5 days after the surgery because the air pressure caused some pain but it went away after I landed. Luckily my flight was just an hour long.

    I may be different because apparently I heal like Wolverine ;) 90% of my swelling was gone by day 9. The incision site on the sideburn/hairline is a bit sore/sensitive to touch. That's really about it. Good luck with this surgery! The recovery is relatively fast imo.
  8. Ok, so it's Sunday now. I think about 95% of the swelling is down. I look like no surgery has been done on me or at least no one can tell. I can see the effects of the zygoma. I'm pleased, but I'm wondering if there's still some residual swelling or if what I see is what I get? I wish the zygoma arch reduced a couple more millimeters so hopefully I'll see some more reduction but its looking way better before surgery.

    The buccal fat results I haven't seen yet, but really its been a week and 3 days post op. I can't expect results until month 2 for buccal fat.

    I really am tempted to start working out, but I'm a bit scared. Not sure what to do as 2 weeks haven't even passed by, and the doc did suggest me to wait for 3 weeks...no way am I doing that tho. I want to go lift weights NOW!!! :mad:
  9. I'm thinking of doing a procedure that won't require general anesthesia at SKorea. It looks like I may have time to fly out on the Thursday before the Christmas/New Years week. Is this a good time or is it rush? Should I make plans now?

    Thanks in advance.

    Also, if anyone else plans on doing this procedure around this time, please PM me so that maybe we could support one another! Or point me to a group for support and I'd really appreciate that. Thanks!
  10. @CecretS Hey! Thanks. I'm a guy btw, so healing for a guy is slightly different from the way girls heal. Apparently it has something to do with higher testosterone similar to how people use anabolic steroids for healing injuries. I still look a bit swollen for sure, but at least I don't look like Tweatie Pie or a square hamster anymore.

    It's now currently post-op 1 week. I slightly look better, but I still can't open my mouth fully. I always feel a bit of pain when I yawn and forget I can't open wide fully. It's my left side that hurts. The incision area is a bit sore to touch. I need to heal more. I did some pullups and some hanging leg raises just enough to keep the blood flowing without truly exerting myself. I wish I can get back to the gym right now, but I'm going to wait another week. If I do, then I'd essentially be hitting the gym 2 weeks after surgery. I hope this won't screw things up since doctor recommended 3 weeks, but I just can't wait that long!
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