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Posts posted by zaza13333

  1. Ok but don’t don’t break other dreams.. I agree some girls are totally stupid because they go to a clinic for vline without even checking if the surgeon is a maxillo facial specialist or not.. which is silly in korea or other countries..
    But some of us like me or other girls are not even into korea because it’s korea trend, it’s just because they are used to do some surgeries like vline or fatgrafting, in some countries this is really not usual to do this.. I didn’t even know about korea before doing my own ressearch on my surgical Needs.. and tbh airbrushed or not , because yea some korean clinic sont airbrush their pictures, American results are always less impressive than korean ones. I considered USA because it’s closer for me, and I contacted some surgeons, they are not as available as korean ones since they don’t have consultants and their answer when I get one.. idk it was weird lol. A surgeon advised me chin implant and cheeks implants, and it was not at all what I asked for..(maybe just because it was more expensive so more money for him lol )..
    So sorry girls I don’t want to go in USA just to consult if those surgeon don’t even dare to answer me through email.. when you are a foreigners it’s hard to travel just to consult a surgeon which you are not even sure about. I’m speaking with my korean surgeon and consultant since 6 month and they always answered me.
  2. Not really girl.. I totally see korean can be fishy with foreigners. Do you think most of us are silly ? We are not going to Korea because we think Koreans are the best people, we just seek for specific surgeries that most of surgeons don’t know about in our own country.. stop being so arrogant about your knowledge.
  3. But I think you are right about a point
    Waiting for real humans results rather than being cheated by fake pictures. That’s what I’m doing..I’m waiting for a girl results (hoping she will share with me) before doing any deposit for the clinic I’m considering. I want to be sure of my choice and I’m ressearching since 6 month, still waiting for girls results tho.
  4. So weird..
  5. I agree ☝️You can’t make a generality based on one experience or personnal experience with some asian people.. a lot of girls has been very happy about their surgeries in Korea
  6. Yes im aware of this and that’s why i only consider dental clinics with maxillo facial surgeons
    I already did a surgery in Europe you know and honestly I don’t find those surgeons very skilled. They are into medical things not aesthetic thing.. I know some pictures are cheated but I’m going to dental clinics not plastic ones
  7. I did.. thanks. But honestly after watching their review and results on internet I don’t see results I wish to have. It’s not so dramatic and also assymetrical.. I don’t understand the trend about this guy. I also contacted some surgeons in USA, prices are crazy and the guys disn’t Even understand my expectations. I’m not from USA so going there for crazy prices and none results is not in my interest
  8. I agree. I’m not from USA but I choose korea because they are the only one to know a lot about vline from my opinion. For other surgeries I would prefer Europe or USA as well. But vline is very specific to korea I think.
  9. Im also considering tfd for twojaw and vline would you share b/a please ?
  10. Based on your picture and smile you need twojaw surgery. I have almost the same face shape as you and doing it soon
  11. I speak french so I didn’t even ask if they had translators since it’s not a bordering country
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