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Posts posted by lia_heart

  1. I
    Im interested in those clinics as well! I want a natural rhino + des surgeries, my favourite clinic is jk however, their before and afters honestly look the most natural but theyre so expensive :sad:
    if possible, id love to chat with you!
  2. Hi! Im researching this clinic as im interested to do fat graft+ rhino+ eyelid surgery. their before and afters look sooo good and natural which i want! however people have blacklisted this clinic does anyone have any info?? :sad: why did they get blacklisted?

    also does anyone have recommendations for clinics with a really natural look? so far I have Jk, Apgujeong Seoul, Hyundai, Nana, etc
  3. what errors did he make? where did you find any of that?
  4. Hello! how do their methods for zygoma reduction differ? Could you elaborate? I'm set on TFD :smile:
  5. Goodluck!! I personally liked your results (I guess I don't really mind the hooded look as I just want bigger eyes) but we all have difference preferences, good luck on ur revision!
  6. LOL YEAH I agree hahaha but also, I think they realize that when you type in gng hospital in the search bar, if people don't dig deeper enough the good reviews are the ones that pop out first. That's what I noticed but I'm someone who tries to dig deeper.
  7. DON'T GO TO GNG, I honestly believe most of the good reviews on this forum are fake as hell. Yo, I was on the /r/plasticsurgery subreddit on reddit and I see their comments on people's posts referring to this forum. Proof they're marketing and making fake reviews!?!??! scary
  8. Ah, I see, yeah I agree but based on the results ive seen they look really natural??? and it says its government approved and the surgeon only does 2 surgeries a day
    I think its good, yeah? but not sure since I can't find anything :sad:
  9. I see, thanks!!
    on which day were you able to breathe well and properly again?
  10. hello, I have a question: did you do rhino first before your facial contouring??? if so how long did you wait between these surgeries?
    also, did you undergo local anesthesia for your rhino?

    I want to get des + rhino + facial contouring and i wanna do my eyes and nose first, then fc but im not sure if its a good idea as i dont know about the anesthesia. going under GA 2 times in a month sounds...dangerous
  11. Hi! thanks for sharing. I plan to go to tfd too! I have a question, is it better to have v line surgery first before des + rhino? I plan to get 3 procedures done however I'm not sure if its better to do v line first or the others first.
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