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Posts posted by BlossomPetal

  1. Yeah, I also heard there can be complications with being ‘bumpy’ with using cartilage. So maybe I’ll try to avoid making it higher. Haha. I just want it thinner. :sad:
  2. Oh I see. Haha. Well I hope doctors say I don’t need to raise the bridge so I can really avoid silicone. And still get a bit of a narrow bridge.
  3. @C.S.H Thank-you for the useful information! I am also looking into ENT clinics since I have somewhat of a deviated septum, and I didn't want foreign materials either but I also want a clinic that also does revision des. So it's a bit tricky to find clinics that have both.

    Also, did you do an online consultation with ThePlus? (Sorry if you answered this question already or if I missed reading it.)

  4. Hello everyone, 

    I'm BlossomPetal. I'm in my young 20s, and I'm a mid-lurker. I recently joined the Kakao group chat for eyes and nose.

    I have gotten des twice, in 2011 and 2012 in Kuching.

    I visited Korea twice already(as an exchange student and for travel), I have gotten 3D eyebrow tattoo done in Korea.

    I planning/wanting to get des revision (third time, and hopefully last time) with ptosis correction, primary rhinoplasty + septoplasty, flat mole removal/laser for sunspots and pigmentation. I am considering maybe v-line injections or fat dissolving injections for the cheeks. And I am planning to go to Korea in mid-April to May.

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  5. Hi Pinkjanss, I was thinking of doing the similar procedures as you. I saw on Hanabi website on the online consultation they have an option of des. But I don't know if they do it since I know Hanabi is know for nose. :-s I wonder if they do offer des, if you know please let me know!
  6. Hi ladybugz, I was wondering how your f2f with Uvom and Hanabi went if you don't mind sharing. I was thinking of Hanabi but there is not many reviews online that I can find. Thank-you~
  7. Thanks Stephanie for the in-depth details! I'm glad I found a post about rhino without silicone, cause I too don't want silicone in my nose. I was speaking with Namu and they mention that it cause a sunken area if i did tip projected and no silicone for the bridge.

    Maybe I missed it while reading but did you get the bridge width slimmer as well?
  8. I was just wondering if you don't mind sharing your experience with your consultation with Hanabi from last week~
  9. Oh, I didn't know that. I'll add that to my list of research, haha. I do prefer going to a ENT clinic so that's really good to know.
    If you don't mind, if you could let me know how the consulting goes with them in November. ><
    Thanks Honeyjello for the information!
  10. Oh, I never heard of that clinic, but I'll definitely go research them. That is pretty cheap, considering I want to remove multiple of them. Thanks Wondermuffin for letting me know!
  11. I was also considering Hanabi too. But I still am researching more other places, I'm considering also Namu, Uvom and Dream. I just started to research more about the procedures and places, I plan on going to Seoul in the middle of 2019.

    The procedures I want are: osteotomy, alar reduction and bulbous tip reduction. I don't want to make my nose bridge higher nor I don't want silicon or any material added (I dunno if that is possible or not).

    My main consider is finding a place that also focuses on the "function" including the "aesthetic" since I have a deviated nasal septum.
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