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Posts posted by yunggrandpa

  1. Heyya, I've seen lots of threads about that on this forum like this one. There are some ideas such as thread lifting there that you can research on.

    Btw, in that thread I linked (or another one like that, but it wasn't hard to find), there are some users who shared realself profiles and on there, some "reverse" zygoma reduction was a success. Just look around a lot on this forum and you'll find documented revision experiences with imagery. One girl even had custom implants placed over her jaw area to put back volume in her face and get rid of the sag.

    I'm sorry you're going through all this. I went through something similar from a surgery also in 2016, but eventually finally found a solution this year - so I am sure you can figure out something as well :smile:
  2. That girl whose photo you posted is a popular Youtuber/influencer, along with her twin, and their rhinoplasty is unfortunately known as a botched job on various websites. You can see the incision work etc. yourself in more clear shots, like here and here. I love them, but I do believe their procedures (particularly the scar/cut placements, incision style and septum shaping) could have turned out much better had their doctor had the right experience with different ethnic noses. As always, I say to do lots of research and take your time :smile: There are definitely doctors out there who are masters at any nose type you can think of. Best wishes.
  3. Those prices do not rival what you'd be charged in Beverly Hills, these prices are a lot more expensive! I had my own rhinoplasty in BH. It hasn't been too long and I went to a rather famous doctor who openly works on celebrities as well, and even then my total was $11K USD. I would really look around more! $15K, unless it's some complicated revision, sounds like a huge rip off. And believe me, I had a disaster of a nose and now it's amazing - you really can reach all of your desired changes at a fair enough price if you look hard enough :smile: My hotel, right at the heart of Beverly Hills, costs about $70 a night. Just minutes away in walking distance from the bougie Rodeo Drive. You can always find what you're looking for if you're thorough enough!

    You are of course absolutely free to choose Korea for any reason, but just know there are always many options! Including in Korea - I know there are far better prices and deals. Best of luck to you ♡
  4. I know what that's like :sad: But by now, I'm confident the swelling/upturned-ness will go away as it usually does. Do your best to remember it'll take 4-6 months to truly see a visible difference. When I look back at my recovery photos, it's shocking how obviously swollen and "un-healed" I was, but I really couldn't notice it back then and thought my life was over. All that helped me at that time was to not look at it like crazy and just compare photos every 2 weeks instead.
  5. Mine was super upturned for the first 4 months. I cried about it almost every night but after that time period, it was completely fine. I’m sure you’ll be okay too! Also, this girl’s nose used to be upturned like this but now it looks great :smile: And apparently, swelling from revision is worse than a primary so I can’t comment on that
  6. ^ True, but at the same time, I've seen professional consultants and doctors say all kind of bs in order to get the patient to go through with those expensive procedures.

    Personally, I think your face is proportionate. I'd maybe consider removing the slight bump on your nose but that's just being nit picky lol. Plus the front of it can be contoured with bronzer. Your face is fiiine. And always keep in mind that a bunch of things can go wrong. My rhinoplasty (though it's all great now) was such a disastrous roller coaster and only just a few days ago did I finally have the scar from it successfully removed. I'm finally super happy with it and it looks fantastic, but I really did go through a lot (plus my original nose was a mess). At the end of the day, whatever you do, just make sure it's for yourself :smile: Do lots of research, watch lots of videos, analyze plenty of before and afters, put on some cute makeup and maybe grow out your hair I dunno - whatever you do, make sure you go into it confidently. Take your sweet time girl. A last note I'd like to add is to strongly consider the sagging that accompanies zygoma reductions. Right meow, your face is really symmetrical, healthy looking and functional.
  7. Idk if you asked me or OP, but I've seen alar plasty results withs scars that are basically invisible and I can only tell they had the procedure because their alars' size got reduced. If I were you, I'd look at various YouTubers who've had the procedure done and judge for yourself the different results, as well as tons of before and afters on PS surgeons' websites (though these can sometimes be photoshopped so be careful).

    A great result I recently saw was this. That's what her alars look like now. They used to look like this. Of course, there are some devastating results too out there. Just really take your time with this until you come to a decision on your own based on everything you research :smile:
  8. I would just be very careful with selecting your surgeon of choice. Yes, plastic surgery may be better in Asia, but generally with respect to noses of Asian ethnicities or similar features. I've seen cases like this where I can tell the skill level of the surgeon was not up to par with different types of noses. The girl I linked there is a popular influencer along with her twin, where they outlined the entire journey on YouTube.

    On the other hand, I have for sure seen good results on someone with a unique appearance who travelled there for rhinoplasty.

    Basically, I'm not discouraging you to go to PS in Korea, but just wish to share some potential warnings (picking a surgeon with vast experience). :smile: Best of luck to you!
  9. I would wait a few more months in case there is residual swelling. Afterwards if these scars still persist, you can try CO2 resurfacing or ablative laser sessions. They really can make a huge difference! I tried both yesterday and the part where I had extra scar tissue (on my columella) is completely transformed to normal, and the indented chicken pox scar on my forehead from my childhood is already reduced. A few more sessions should fully do the trick.

    I live in a small city and am impressed that even here there is a lot of laser technology, so I'm sure you can find a lot of good information and resources as well :smile:
  10. It's okay, there will always be people who are intimidated or inexperienced when it comes to certain conditions. Don't give up :smile: I 100% believe this can be corrected.

    Yes! As soon as I saw your photo, what came to my mind first was facial filler, and not a reduction. Go for a non-permanent filler and see how that looks. I have a wide face (not bad but not worth an entire surgery imo) and I just use my hair on the sides to easily conceal it. That + facial filler should really help do the trick for ya! I'm happy your eyes, nose, lips - all of that is great! The main focus.
  11. Hey! I saw your photo and was like wowww. You have great lips, a good nose and basically it's just your bone structure that would really improve your overall look (which makes sense, due to your acromegaly condition). Normally I don't care to make edits but I felt concerned you may end up having too much of your zygoma reduced. It's more about balancing out your shape!

    The first edit is with facial contouring (some zygoma reduction which would really help, and maybe a bit of a v-line though v-line is not so necessary imo). Also note that *any* kind of bone reduction will lead to a bit of skin sagging in the deep future when you get old, but that can be cured with a face lift or thread lift when that happens.

    Second edit is with a brow reduction (not necessary either imo, but just so you can see the change)

    Third edit is with facial filler. This would really help fill out the hollowness and balance out your face with your cheek bones. I think this would be beneficial.

    Best of luck. Again, please be careful to not let anyone over-do the shaving, which may lead to other imbalances (forehead being much wider than the lower half, or face looking too long, etc.)

    *Note: whatever you end up doing, I highly recommend to bring photos of your desired result to the surgeon (bring any edits you like, you can even make your own of course), so that both of you guys will exactly be on the same page. It's what I did for my own surgery, and it's how I got the result I wanted.
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