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Posts posted by fixedsister

  1. 3 months Update
    Since my last update, I can say there are quite a lot of improvements. I'm no longer swelling in my gums at any circumstances. My lower face is not as swollen anymore. I can laugh and talk properly without feeling stiff. Overall, I think there's still some swelling but nothing I can point out... I think it looks cute, like baby fat. I can open my mouth wide to eat anything and everything. My numbness has all went away, I can feel every bit of my chin, gums, lips. I mentioned that the right part of my chin was numb but now I can feel it 100%.
    When water drips, I can feel it, when food sits on those areas, I know it's there. I stop sleeping elevated at around 2 month-ish. I can turn and lay on the sides of my face and it's fine, feels normal, no soreness. My cheeks, and jawline is very smooth looking, no dents. No sagging or double chin so far...
    I don't ever exercise so I'm not sure how my face will feel if I lift or run or get my heart rate up. I haven't eat spicy food, kind of hesitant to try it cause I got traumatized from swelling after eating it before lol. Salty food, all day everyday, without a problem. Zygoma incisions have all faded and no longer red lines.
    Daily life activity... Haven't change much since surgery. I stop taking small walks at the end of 1st month. From that time, I didn't care for my swelling anymore since it was okay to go out in public without looking like a beestung dog. I'm privileged to not have to work or out go out often so I'm like, pretty much home all the time unless I go travel. Maybe if I had a normal life like everyone else, I may deswell faster for being more active.
    I've been drinking birdnest every morning since Chinese new year's, not sure if it helps but I heard taking regular collagen boosts help with recovery of skin and muscles. After my bird nest run out I'll prolly buy collagen powder supplements. The end. P.s not sure why my pics are gone but feel free to DM for it.
  2. Hi, just wanted to say, hang in there! You're still swollen and double jaw is indeed much more invasive than facial contour hence the slower recovery. I would like to ask though if you got it to improve your bite? If so, how is it now? Do you see an improvement ?
    Keep in mind, everyone heal at different pace~ A friend of mine did facial contour but her swelling was really bad for 1.3yr. Swelling even went down to her neck...
    She tried everything, from vitamin pills to dieting... Even her surgeon found it strange but now she is fully healed 1.3yr later without any sagging (yet?) She does a lot of face lifting mask (I believe it's called Avajar V). Feel free to look into it, heard it works wonders.
    Stay positive! 3 months is still early in the recovery :smile:
  3. Deciding your face shape- best to consult this with the doctor as they can see how much they can take away according to how low your nerve lays. With that being said, you can still collect pictures of face shapes you like (make sure it's reasonable tho...)
    I'm on my 2 month-ish facial contour post-op and I can kind of answer your question. Pretty much the major swelling has all went down but the type of swelling that still remains make you look puffy. I would compare this puffiness to... eating really salty food(instant noodles, high sodium chips) before bed and wake up with a bloated/puffy face. It's similar to that. There are days where I'm more puffy than another however it still isn't noticable for other people so you can go on with your daily life without a problem. The swelling sensation at 2 month-ish point has almost completely disappear. It appears when I move my face too much, smile/laugh too much or talk too much but quickly goes away when I rest my face.
  4. If you really don't want silicone implants then I would highly suggest rib cartilage. Stay away from Gortex as it is almost impossible to remove and can cause warping and other difficulties in the future.
  5. Hello, by non-invasive surgery, do you mean something like acculift? (Face lipo). If you have proportional facial structure AND you don't want to touch your bones but still make your face smaller, try looking into acculift. I never done it but I know a family member who did it for slimmer face. In Korean, it's called 얼굴 지방흡입 (face fat lipo), feel free to search it up.
    And yes, I can pm you her contact details :smile:
  6. Is that so ? Well I suggested it because I went there for it and had a great experience. Even wrote a detailed journey about it with pictures. Don't earn anything from them at all either...
  7. 40 days post op update:
    Sorry if my update is all over the place and not monthly based. Because I heal much slower than normal people, I feel better sharing when my progress is prominent.
    I have improved a lot since my last update on 24th day. Food doesn't get stuck in my gums anymore. When I eat, mostly my lower front gum swell but not enough for food to get stuck. My swelling has migrated down to my chin (before it was all along my cheek, jaw and chin as if I had marshmallow in my mouth). I can eat solids very well, I can chew soft bone (joints) from chicken wings without a problem. My jaws don't feel tight on my first meal. I can open my jaw to 2 fingers vertically. I'm still practicing to open my mouth wider~ I want to be able to eat a burger without an issue hahaha. My faceline is much smoother although I'm still puffy looking. The sensation on my lips have returned fully. I can feel my lower lips 100% without any numbness. A small portion of my right chin is still numb. I can feel the sensation coming back~ before I couldn't feel anything when I lightly brush my finger over it but now I can feel some static feeling. From time to time I get tingly sensation there which is a good sign because it means that the nerves are rejuvenating. I must mention, I'm not worried if I have nerve damage because my doctor mentioned that my nerve is much higher than normal people which gave him a lot of room to cut. My CT also shows that he didn't cut too much since I asked for something natural and not overcut. So yea, I'm confident that I'll be able to gain all my senses back!
    I am more confident when I brush my teeth now and not scared to brush my gums. Brushing my teeth used to be kinda scary because I could feel tightness and numbness but now it feels normal. I'm using a normal size toothbrush as well. I still can't eat spicy food (I tried and swell a lot the next day). I still sleep elevated. I try to avoid salty food but sometimes I can't help it so I try to drink a lot a lot of water when I eat something salty. So far salty food dont make me swell as much as spicy food.
    My alars are completely healed. There's no sign of scars or any incision at all. I looked up "how long does alars settle completely after the reduction procedure" and most say in 1 month but can deswell more through out the year.
    Here are some before and after pictures~ I finally feel like my results are prominent enough to share. Didn't do makeup for all pictures to see results more accurately.
    Just note that I'm barely 2 months so there's still a lot of swelling.

    Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be delighted to share!
  8. So it's been over a week since I have been experimenting with whether the band was helpful or not and my conclusion is... Sorta.
    2 days without wearing my band, I can feel my swell moving around. Before it was a bit on my lower cheek and it gradually move down to my chin. I can say for sure that the deswelling process is much quicker without the band. I wake up everyday to my swell at different places or just really getting much better than a day before.
    I still use it after I eat for around 30min to 1 hr. I feel most swollen after a meal so the band helps me feel better. Other than that I don't use it at all.
    I was also concerned about if wearing the compression band help prevent sagging and to my brief research, it doesn't because sagging depends on the elasticity of the skin.
  9. Hmm if you were to do otherwise I think try wearing it for short period to see how you feel or how the result is. If you feel it causes more swelling, then you can omit it completely.
    For me, I only wear it when I feel super swollen, example would be after eating, I'll wear it for 30min-1hr and take it off. Other than that I don't really wear it... I'm 37 days post op currently.
  10. You should try and check Airbnb around the area your clinic is at. Airbnb is usually very specific about locations. There's an option you can filter to your budget. Korea is big on Airbnb so there are plenty you can choose from. Depending on living condition, it can go as low as 30 a night. Hopefully this helps as I don't know what your budget is to direct you to a specific accommodation... Plus Gangnam is a big area too
  11. It is normal to still be experiencing swelling at 2 months. It is way too early to tell if it's the final result.
    For some people it takes 6months to a year to completely deswell. Have you been avoiding spicy, salty, oily foods? Have you been sleeping 40° elevated? How about going for walks everyday? Ice packs? Face compression bands?
    It is still important to follow those instructions to keep deswelling. Don't worry!
  12. You do not need to declare in China because you are just overlaying and not entering china.
    You should however declare it at the Canadian airport few days before you fly just so you have time to come back to resolve any problems that may occur.
  13. Wow I'm sorry you had such a hard time with your consultations. Thank you for writing your experience in such great details. I think you chose a good clinic at the end because I've seen so many good reviews about them. BTW, as for the CT scan, I don't think they tried to take some money off you. It's common to be charge for CT scan. Only difference is each clinic charge differently. I got charged for mine too. I asked if I was able to take a copy and apparently they charge per copy. I asked out of curiosity though. Don't worry, at the end of your surgery, they will show you your CT scan on the computer; before and after. You are free to take pictures of your scans at every angle so be prepared or remember to ask~ good luck with your surgery! Gambate
  14. From day 1-4 ice a lot!! I think I would ice my face 4 or 5 times a day. I wore my band 24hr on those days until I got the instructions to take them off only when I sleep. (Every clinic gives different instructions so I guess listen to your nurse/doctor)
    Compression band controls swelling but I realize it's also important to let the swell migrate and move down (thats how you deswell faster... You will also notice that bruises travel downwards aswell)
    I had pumpkin juice and pumpkin congee thingies they sell at convenient store for the first week but idk if it really help? Can't confirm... just bought it for the heck of it lol
    You will need to ice everyday until you feel like you dont need it anymore. I iced for around 2.5 weeks to speed up my deswelling. I had my doubts on if ice really works but from all the articles and research I read... all says it does lol
    From day 5 onwards try to walk for atleast 1-2 hour... It really helps so much. I take pics twice a day; morning before breakfast and evening before shower. [Before breakfast because eating causes temporary swelling. Before shower because hot/warm water causes temporary swelling] just wanted to add in that detail for reason why I chose those times.
    Theres a drastic difference if you walk. Seriously. It's crazy how swell goes down by just walking. I had days where I lounge around watching Netflix and I barely deswell at the end of the day lol.
    Ask your clinic for deswelling treatments!!!!!!! You really don't feel anything when the light is on your face (from the treatment) but I can confirm it helps because like I said... I take pictures twice a day. Difference is quite drastic. So before you agree on any clinic, ask how many sessions of deswelling treatments or ask about the aftercare in detail.
    I got 4 deswelling treatments in total so you can take note of that to see how many your clinic offer. Some clinics give them to you everyday~ really depends.
    Sleeping elevated also helped me with swelling. First week I slept sitting up cause I was desperate to deswell and didn't want to accidentally slip off my pillow and lay too low. Second week til now, 35 days, I'm sleeping on 3 pillows elevated. I haven't completely deswell yet, prolly need another 3-6 month so that is all I can share with you so far. I tried to be as detailed as possible so you can have it easy after your surgery~ let me know if you have anymore questions and I'm happy to share
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