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Posts posted by fixedsister

  1. I got mine at DA 29 days ago to be exact. I did jaw, zygoma and chin.
    My result is very natural, and they prefer natural results just like what you're looking for.
    Dr. Lee dong chan performed my surgery ^^ they have in-house translator. Mine was Stacey and she was so nice and helpful, very genuine. aftercare was good too ~ highly recommend! You can read my experience in my posts~
  2. Hello, your experience seem to be a lot worse than mine since I didnt throw up or cough at all but everyone react to anesthesia differently. I was very cautious from the 2nd day and was able to function properly however I just stayed at my hotel until 3rd day since the pills made me sleepy and my hair was too messy to go out in public. By 4th day I was out and about shopping around my hotel (had my hair shampoo service by this time along with other swelling treatments). After 4-5th day, that's when I start to deswell drastically.
    Since you had different procedures done, i can't compare my swelling exactly to yours.
    I did zygoma, jaw and genio all together so my swelling was slightly worse than yours on 5th day. Im guessing you don't have to worry because rhinoplasty also cause swelling to the whole face (swell migrates downwards). Fat melting injection (kybella, belkyra, deoxycholic acid ) causes swelling which will settle by 2-4 weeks.
    As to your eyebrow ... That's something I never heard before. I didn't experience that either. I think it's still too early to determine whether it's nerve damage or not because sensation return mostly after 3 months and could take longer. The only sensational loss I had was my lower lip and small portion right side of chin. My lips is starting to gain the sensation back now at 29 days. I'm still very early so I'm not so worried. I suggest you ask why you can't feel your brows. Could be hairline lowering that's causing it ? I read from people who get forhead reductions lose some sensation around that area but will return eventually. Hope you get your answer~
  3. I personally haven't been there but I know for a fact that they are affiliated with Seoul Guide Medical (a plastic surgery agent). This means they may charge more than non affiliates even though SGM denies it but nothing is free~ I consulted with SGM before and Mina's quote was tiny bit higher than the rest that was suggested which was all situated in the same building, beside McDonald's on exit 12. I believe SGM is affiliated with all the clinics in that building. So even if you don't use SGM services to contact them, Mina will still transfer you to SGM representatives either way~
  4. Wow results are amazing! I heard facial lipo can have lumps, did you experience any of it? How was the downtime? Could you eat well?
  5. Ahh it makes me feel sad you're having such a hard time :sad: it gets better from 7th day on~ be sure to walk a lot.
    Btw I don't think your discount should matter with the aftercare... If you're writing your experience, they should cater towards you more isn't it? The "original price" compared to your "discounted price" is just physiological trick to make you feel like you're getting a lot off... tbh nobody really pays the original price... I don't think you should regard this with how they treat you~ I'm sure the price you paid is still a lot of money^^ make sure you know what you deserve :heart: if you have any questions about recovery, you can pm me. I'm almost 1 month post op and maybe I can share what I experienced during recovery and current recovery.
  6. Wow your surgery turn out great! Looks beautiful !! And don't worry, I was also swollen on my lip recovering from FC. It was really swollen on day 3-4 like it was about to pop! I was wearing my band 24hrs from day 1-3. I had check-up on that day and my nurse told me that I can take time off using the compression band (1 hr on 1 hr off, take off when sleeping/going outside). After doing that, my swelling went down drastically especially my lips. So maybe if you have been wearing your band often that could be the reason why... My theory is that the band is preventing swell to go down and compressing it to the lips and cheeks area. If that's not it then perhaps it's just normal to swell on the lips since I know another person who also experience the same thing. Her swelling on the lips deswell around 2 weeks ^^
  7. Yes it was silicone. I believe was small size because she naturally has a very small face already. (It's so small that any face slimming filter on camera apps makes her look like an alien haha)
    I think the best way is to go to consultation and see what's best for you~
  8. Ah.. I understand. To be honest, don't rush if you feel like you're going to be emptying your bank out for the surgeries because you need emergency money for things like revision... Always be prepared for worse case scenario since plastic surgery always has a risk. Ofcourse there will be a time in between to heal and work but i think for me... If something went bad, I'd prolly be too depressed to do anything or face anyone so don't empty your bank. Research about revision prices or follow up surgeries/treatments.
    Imagine you already got your surgery, research what you will be googling while you're healing. Example would be "why is my nose still numb after rhinoplasty" "how long does it take to deswell after x surgery" "why am I having x syptoms" "can x surgery give you x side effect?" These questions will help you prepare for what's coming next. What I realize after getting surgery is that you will find more information you didn't find before and there will be so many different answers online which will make you panic... Extensive research will also help you in consultations so you can ask doctors very specific questions and concerns for your case. Don't be like me where I was barely prepared to ask my doctor and later found controversial questions online.
    So it is best to also prepare for the future and don't rush. Better be safe than sorry
  9. I got my alars at DA and had absolutely no scars or visibility that it was touched and I'm only 3 weeks post op.
    Now revision may be different but I'm sure you can consult with them about it. I saw they recently post pictures about alar reduction on Instagram, if you're curious you can look. Idk how B&a pic can help for a revision tho... But it's there. Anyways I'm happy with my result. Very natural and exactly the way I wanted it. (My incision was hidden perfectly inside the natural fold of the alars)
    There's no way else I can say it without sounding promotional because I'm not but I truly am happy. Even my boyfriend is surprised with the result haha
  10. Hi. Perhaps I can help maybe...
    My best friend also has a short inward chin. Her concern was the side profile.
    The doctor suggested her 2 different procedures.
    1) genioplasty- cut and move chin forward
    2) implant
    She chose implant because it's less invasive and can be taken out if not correct size or style. It turned out well and she looks very natural. I touched her chin lol and it feels normal. No loss in sensation, healing was quick and very minimal swelling but I think that depends on individual... I literally saw her next day after surgery and she looks same lol. No swelling, just a chin bandage haha.
    Oh yea, she paid around 1.5k-2kUS for it... Don't remember what clinic. Was a local Korean clinic though
  11. Hi! I guess I'll be the first to share how I did it. First, some background story. I'm early 20s. I undergo my surgery without my parents knowing lol. They aren't completely against it but the procedure I wanted is quite severe (facial Contour), and I know they will be strongly against it. I came from a very fortunate family so my parents paying for it wouldn't be a problem but due to my morals, I didn't feel it was right for them to pay a single penny for it or even for the trip because they gave me my features and a beautiful life, I don't want to use their money to change what they gave me. I felt better using my own money. I feel terrible not letting them know I did it without their consent. They have every right to know and they deserve atleast an explanation (I thought about this for a loooooong time) but I knew even if I hinted it, I was not able to go to Korea or travel alone, ever. Which means it will delay my chance of fixing my insecurities. I'm very close to my parents, they literally pay for everything in my life (I'm spoiled, blessed, but not a brat) which means they have more control over my life than I do even though I'm in my 20s.
    So how did I save up?
    Like I mentioned, my parents pay for literally everything in my life, from food, transportation, bill, phone... You name it, it was all covered. They also give me allowance or money to spend...
    So saving up wasn't very difficult. I would save up almost 100% of my earnings. I would slip sometime and shop but it's very seasonal. I work part time and slowly save up. I would calculate how much money I need to earn depending on the average cost of each procedure, nights in Airbnb, flight cost at certain season and screen shot the calculation so I can see it everyday. That was my biggest motivation to save up and work. Took me a year to reach my goal and I booked my trip :smile:

    When I told them I was going to Korea with my friend, they offered to pay for my flight, accommodation but I told them I got it already with my own money. They handed me some money to shop and eat, I took it incase of emergency but didn't use a single penny of it and didn't intend to use it either. So I really was determined to pay every single thing myself. Hope this helps.
  12. That's terrible, very sorry to hear... Hope the rest of your healing goes well
  13. Just wanted to hop on and post some thoughts and updates.
    I'm now 24 day post-op, I am still swollen around my chin area and the area below the edge of my mouth. Other than that everything else went down drastically. I'm able to eat solids although food still gets stuck around the gums due to swelling. I'm starting to practice opening my mouth wide. It usually gets tight in the morning (1 finger wide) but throughout the day, it loosen up to around 2 fingers vertically wide.
    Im still sleeping elevated. Deswelling is now starting to slow down compared to first few weeks. I'm starting to get my senses back on my lower lip. In the beginning, food pieces would be sitting on my lower lip while I eat and I wouldn't know but now I can feel that it's there. I can mostly feel my chin now. Still a little numb but that's normal. There's no scar on my alars. If you look very very close, it's a naked line, but really not able to tell that it has been touched. The zygoma incision is a tiny red line but doesn't look like it's going to scar. It's covered by hair so can't really see it. When I check on it, I have to peel the hair away to see it... So that can give you an idea of how well hidden it is.
    Since we are talking about scars and incisions, I was having a casual chat with my best friend. She did chin implant and also had the incision inside the mouth. I asked her if she has any sign of incision inside her mouth because when I was looking inside my mouth, I coundnt find where the incision is... And she pulled down her lip and showed me. She has like... A scar ??? I really don't know how to explain but you can definitely tell that it has gone through something. It was pinched ? But also has a line. The closest way I can describe it is that it looks like the top of a mandu (dumpling) pinched together roughly.
    We both agreed it looks nasty lol. She got her procedure 2 years ago so she's all recovered. I was really really surprised. I showed her mine and she couldn't find the incision either. I'll attach the inside of my mouth, lips pulled down here.
    I know it might not matter because it's hidden inside the mouth but I still thought that was interesting. Didn't know everyone had it different. I'm happy even the inside of my mouth looks untouched~ lol. If you had inside mouth incision, is it visible? Please share if you want because nobody really talk about this lol.
    Hmm oh yea, another thing. I asked the nurse at DA before I left if I should continue wearing my compression band and she said "no don't need it" but I saw many other people who suggest wearing it at home for another 2 weeks. I tried to wear it more often, although it feels good but I *THINK* I feel more swollen after taking it off. I heard it controls swelling and it does, after wearing my band whenever I'm home, I can see my face has been compressed/toned but feelsmore swollen around bottom lip and chin. I think the band is compressing the swell upwards and not giving it room to deswell properly? That's my theory.
    I'm going to try to listen to the nurse and not wear the band for few days and see how the swelling goes. I don't know if it's the band that's making the deswell process slower or it's just normal to start deswelling slow from now on. Anyways~ that's all for now. P.s swelling isn't bad, I can go out in public and nobody will notice I got surgery. My hair stylist told me she can't tell at all. She said I look like I gained little weight but that's it.
    Anyways, that's all for now. Will share more when things get interesting again lol
  14. I don't get why I can't post a positive review of a clinic without being attacked for being a promoter. Are negative reviews the only legitimate reviews? I was just sharing my experience and if people on here believe I'm a promoting then I'll stop posting updates of my own journey. I've been a long time lurker on purseforum and I only recently made an account to document my journey. If I was a promoter I would have made an account years ago. I saw many reviews and people sharing their journeys and found it very helpful so I wanted to do the same.
  15. Thats a terrible reference because that's really not how the skin or a human body works lol.
    An article I read by Dr. Richard - https://www.carolynsfacialfitness.com/faq/skin-change-lose-weight-affect-skin-face-neck/ states that body and face/neck react differently in weight loss. If you're fat all your life, as suggested in your example, slow weight loss + exercise can help your skin adapt to your new body without sagging. If you were to gain weight really quickly, skin gets injured,stretched and stretch marks form, losing weight will not remove your stretch marks or sagging because damage is done (ie, pregnancy). The article also mention about obesity and weight loss. He writes that many people go under tucking procedure after an obesity weight loss BUT if you are patient enough, the skin is still able to retract however it can a very long time... years. All that said IT IS NOT THE SAME CASE FOR FACE.
    Face and neck react differently to weight loss. They react in a special way because these areas don't store as much fat compared to the rest of the body. So face most likely will not distort during weight loss due to the natural elatisticy of the face. Neck however is less forgiving because large changes in neck do occur...
    Main point is, Sagging skin is primarily the cause of loss of elasticity and the aging process. If your skin elatisticy isnt good then you may have to consider more procedures after FC.
  16. Obviously he can't be liable because it's a surgery and there's a risk,so saying IF my skin stays this way is already promising enough for me. He is just a surgeon and not a fortune teller. What are you expecting him to say? First of all, sure sagging can occur IF the case was drastic and the surgeon had to take a large amount of bone away BUT that's not my case. What you believe and experienced will not be the same for everyone because we are all different and the surgery process is different. You know how gravity works but you don't know how human body works. The human body is so complex that even a doctor can't guarantee anything about how body will react post surgery. This is more than gravity. Let's take pregnancy as an example. Not everyone gets extra skin and sagging or stretch marks after being pregnant. There are people who don't experience any of that. Skin, muscle and fat adapt when a change is made that is not too drastic.
    You said "Your skin and muscles will shrink back to a certain extent but never to the firmness it was before surgery"
    You can't use the term never or always when it comes to surgery.
    I agree with you doctors who guarantee no sagging should not be trusted because when it comes to surgery, there are no guarantees. Now you commenting on here saying sagging IS guaranteed is doing the same thing the surgeons you tell people not to trust is doing.
    You and I are not doctors. I am not here to guatantee anything and neither should you.
    What people on here can do is research extensively about how much facial contouring they need, the conditions of their skin, as well as post surgery preparations.
    Thank you for your wishes, I'll keep posting and updating.
  17. Each time I visited the clinic, I was offered a deswelling treatment. I honestly thought I was only getting it once but to my surprise they offered it each and every single time.
    3rd day when I went in for my checkup, I got my hair shampoo service and deswelling treatment. When I went in for stitch removal, I was offered another deswelling treatment. My translator asked me if I wanted shampoo as well but I decided not to since it was quite busy and I had to wait. I was in no urgent for it. After taking off my stitches, I was able to shower and wash my hair myself anyways. When I was removing oral stitches on a separate day, they offered again and also gave a complimentary treatment for my friend which I mentioned in my post.
  18. Today marks my 12th day post-op. I was going to update when it hits 14 days but since I got my oral stitches out today, I decide to write my journey while it's still fresh in my head.
    My appointment was at 1pm so I decided to sleep in and skip breakfast because I realize eating causes the inside of my mouth to swell and things get stuck on my stitches. Ofcourse I'll have to goggle and rinse, brush my teeth before going to get my stitches off but I thought just not having any excessive swelling would be easier both for me and the nurse.
    My English translator would always remind me that I have an appointment a day before or the morning of which I thought was nice.
    Before going for my appointment, I wanted to get something small for my translator since she was so helpful and kind throughout my journey. I bought her bubble tea at a near by store that I thought was pretty good :biggrin: if any of you are looking some good bubble tea near Gangnam yeoksamdong, try Machi Machi! Lol anyways~
    When I arrive, I let my translator know that I'll be at 10th floor waiting for her. 10th floor is the treatment room where you get stitches off ^^ upon arrival, 10th floor desk ladies already expecting me so they told me to take a seat while I wait for my translator. My translator arrived shortly and I was shown to a room to get my stitches off. I thought it was going to hurt because I read a lot of reviews from other people but for me it was barrable. Didn't hurt enough to shed a tear. It felt like a pinch? I don't know how to explain but it hurt enough to clench your butt lol but nothing more hahahaha. I'd rate the pain 3/10. I heard if you don't goggle often and eat well then it'll hurt more so make sure to eat well and goggle often~
    After taking out my stitches, I was taken to get my post-op CT scan and result pictures. Then I met with my surgeon, Dr. Lee dong chan. He showed me and explained to me again what he did. He evened out my uneven chin+jaw and pushed my zygoma in. He showed me all the screws and said they are all nicely secured. Since I still have a lot of swelling, seeing my bone gave me some relief because one of my concern after surgery was my chin being too pointy. my CT shows that it's not pointy, it's exactly what I asked for. It's the swelling that's going downwards thats giving me an illusion of a pointy chin. Dr. Lee dong chan said most of my swelling will go down in 3 months and asked me if I have any concerns. I asked him about sagging again just for verification because I've been browsing this forum a lot and it was one of the biggest issue I found some people have when it comes to fc and zygoma. He touched my face and skin and assured me once again that I will have no sagging IF my skin remains as it is before my surgery and now. You realize he said IF? That IF makes a lot of difference because he is certain. He said my skin elatisticy is excellent so don't worry. A lot of people who experience sagging get it from aging, poor skin elatisticy or doing fc at later age. Keep in mind I'm just in my early 20 so yea... I thanked him and told him I was satisfied with my result.
    After meeting the doctor, my translator gave me medical transcript of all the medication I was prescribed just in case I have any inflammation or pain when I return to my country which was thoughtful. Don't think I'll need it but it's reassuring to known that they've prepared for any possible scenarios :smile:
    After my care, I stayed a little bit because I had some financial things to resolve and the machine had an error. While waiting, the clinic offered me another complimentary deswelling treatment also one for my friend who accompanied me which was sooooo nice :angel::angel: I was taken down to the 6th floor, which was the dermatologist. My friend chose black head and deep moisturizing treatment and I had a few I can choose from which was lifting, brightening or deswelling. Lifting was my first choice but I couldn't because I was barely 2 weeks post op so I went with deswelling hehe. My friend and I was led to a room with 2 spa beds (yay same room!) And my translator heated the bed up for us. Seriously... The aftercare is soooo good :sad: I question myself a lot like... wait why? Why are they offering this to me? Why are they so nice? idk why people say it's not. I don't understand! I swear I receive better aftercare than my friend who went to another clinic. I feel thankful for everything DA offered and provided and every little thing my translator did. She didn't feel like just a translator. It's like a personal nurse at your presence. I swear I'm not a promotor or a affiliate or sponsor or anything at all! My experience is 100% honest. You can find good and bad experience in my reviews and other clinics I considered.
  19. Not a promoter and not sponsored either. I paid a lot for my surgeries. I'm just sharing my experience which happen to be good. If you are to assume every positive experience from a person is a promotor then why are you on this forum if you are only going to believe negative reviews.
    In my opinion, reviews are all subjective. Positive reviews, there's not much to say because the patient is satisfied with the result but for negative review, it's hard to tell what went wrong. There's so many variables to work with because it's not all the clinics fault. There's a lot of proof that the reviewer has to provide in order for everyone else to conclude if it's really the clinics problem or the patient's. (Example would be how realistic your ideal is. If the clinic gave you further health concerns...etc). If anything I think negative reviews should be taken more lightly IF there are no hard evidence. Just like how a good review is more pursuading with evidence.

    Since you can't even answer gmcnm's question about how sagging works I question if you even did your surgery at DA or at all.
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