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Everything posted by stciv

  1. 2 Jaw is a really invasive surgery. I wouldn't recommend getting both 2jaw and rhino in the same trip.
  2. This is really helpful! I'm also interested in going for DES and rhino primarily and have been having a hard time deciding whether silicone IS inevitable or if rib grafts are okay. I follow Dr. Yoo occasionally and he says with the right doctor, the changes (warping) is predictable. Not really sure what that means..but every day I stray further and further from doing a rib graft and just giving into silicone LOL. I love the list that you have made and kind of wanted to compare notes. Wannabe is also very high up on my list, but I also want to make sure to consult at Item and Mate. What was the deciding factor for not going with Item? and what have you heard about Mate?
  3. Hey! I was wondering if you ended up going to Wannabe for under eye fat repositioning and then going somewhere for FG. I might be interested in doing the same , how did that work in re. to swelling? Did you wait to completely heal from the under eye repositioning to then do fat graft?
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