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Small clinics vs. big clinics for safety and v line dramatic results?

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Hi I am just curious about your opinions. Ive looked through some posts but haven't decided on banobagi or the smaller clinics yet. I heard that in smaller clinics you have less of a chance of getting a ghost doctor because there's not that many patients to rush though but in bigger ones its more like a factory.
Also would anyone know if v line results are more dramatic in bigger vs. smaller clinics? My face is very wide and i want a big change but scared of the nerve damage.
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I would like to recommend Faceline Plastic surgery clinic where I had a V-line surgery.
This clinic is no bigger than ID, Banobagi and Grand hospital but has a lot of repetitive guests here.
Well I was worried too before getting the V-line done... but here there was no ghost doctor and they had an in-house anesthesiologist and eng speaking interpreter. During the consultation, they told me their doctors have experience more than 16 years without accident so I think that's why I chose this clinic :smile: The possibility of permanent nerve damage is about 0.001 percent but you need to take this in consideration before getting the surgery done. All surgeries have a possibility of side effects.

I got V-line with Dr. Jinsoo Lee, specialist in facial contouring and two jaw surgery.
You can have a look at my post here: https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1012581-finally-i-got-fc-and-nose-revision/

Please choose a clinic after searching a lot of information~! Hope you find a good clinic :smile:
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Thank you !! I am looking towards getting v line at Faceline in the future!! No ghost doctor is comforting !!!
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Be careful! it's possibly a promoter of the clinic, don't trust such recommendations, search online yourself,take good reviews with a grain of salt and be smart.also it's not about clinics but about doctors.stay safe
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Hi thanks I'll be aware :smile: it's so hard find a clinic that's not as popular (so no ghost surgeries) and reliable too
There so much information but i dont know where to start and some people have discounts or are beauty influencers so i find it hard to know what's realiable
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