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Bargaining Prices?

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Hi everyone,

I'm currently looking into getting revisional rhinoplasty and fat grafting done in Korea.

What was everyone's experiences with bargaining prices and how much should I bargain down to?

So far I've consulted with several clinics (DM plastic surgery, Thank you plastic surgery, BT, Very Good, Hyundai, Miho, AB, TS, Nana) and they have quoted me a range of prices (between 5 mil to 18 mil)

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What are the procedures you're going for? Pretty much every clinic has a price list. And they can offer discounts if you let them use photos or write reviews etc.

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I'm looking to get revision rhinoplasty and fat grafting done

I've had surgery done in Korea about 6 years ago and I am aware that clinics tend to charge foreigners almost double the price. Back then I was able to negotiate prices down quite abit but that was a while ago.

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