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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Aren't you gals afraid that you'll have balance issues as you age when your muscles atrophy at different degree depending on how much of each muscles the surgeon cut out? Wish you all the best but please think of your future not just now.
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how is your recovery - i have heard positive things about dr jong from both teenagedirt and cutesnoppy?
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Hey I actually just got off the phone with Dr. Liu from the clinic in LA. He does both Selective Neurectomy and partial resection, but is not as experienced as Dr. Park. I think I will go to him though given the current tension between north and south korea.

Recently, I've been thinking more about Selective Neurectomy... just because the recovery is so much smoother. What negative side effects or unsatisfactory results have you guys heard about Selective Neurectomy? Also what bad news have you heard about radiofrequency? Please let me know!! Thanks :smile:
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Hello, i am really worried about Dr jong now, because of the bad stitches and also on another thread a person mentioned they went to taiwan for calf reduction and now cannot stand for more than 2 hours. Actually i am reconsidering whether to get neurectomy instead of resection. Dr park says he is one of the only PS who does resection because it is a difficult operation, but i think other plastic surgeons are not keen because it is a more risky operation. I emailed Grand clinic in Seoul and they offer muscle resection as well.
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With radiofrequency i think there is not definitely a reduction. Neurectomy i heard sometimes the nerves repair but i think that is with the old method where they were cut in one place only. I am considering neurectomy as well :smile:
Could you message me Dr Liu's email address? I emailed the clinic but they didn't reply. How much did he say it would cost? I am concerned about going to America though cos i think South Korea has better quality plastic surgery
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Hi there

I am new to purse forum. I have been following this thread for some time and have looked into the many options of reducing calf circumference. I also have large calves and have used botox for some time now, but feel the effects are now noticeable enough.
While I did consider the partial resection, I have since been researching a less invasive technique known as neurectomy performed by Dr Liu in the US. I have been in contact with him over the last few weeks and feel confident with his surgical method. He has quoted $6500 for the procedure and is confident I can loose between 4-6cm's of each calf.
This procedure is less invasive and has only 2 days downtime.... much less in comparison to the partial resection.

Has anyone had this procedure done from him?
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Hi lil_tiga

I did look into this option too but learnt that the nerves can regenerate so the result may not be long lasting and you may need to have it done again because this is a "blind" procedure. I found that the neurectomy specifically cuts the two nerves that supply the gastrnemius therefore will produce more predicable results.
Are you going to Dr Liu to do this?
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Hi Creative Flower,

I am looking to book in for a selective neurectomy with Dr Liu. I have emailed him asking to have a phone consultation so I am just waiting to hear back. Has he sent you any before/ after pictures?
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I think it is due to the proportion of your ankles to calves. Don't get mad, since I don't have first hand experience and this is just a suggestion, but perhaps you could actually build up the muscle in your calves with pilates thereby making your ankles seem slimmer in proportion. Platform heels in bright colors and in nude help draw the eye upward. Wear shoes that have a lot of volume and avoid pointy-toe shoes or kitten heels. I'd stay away from Botox, because using it on the calves would be an off-label use and could be potentially fatal considering the quantities needed.
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Hi Kkliby,

I agree with what you are saying in terms of shoes if ones calves were on the slightly bulky side, but when ones calves are extremely bulky size where their calves are ,much larger than their thighs, your theory doesnt work. Botox in my view, just softens the bulky line that the calve creates when elevated. Plus it has been proven that there is no real danger in using 150-200 units, given children with cerebral palsy have amounts up to 800-900 injected to assist with muscle spasticity.
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Hello i am thinking of having the radiofrequency that directly burns the muscle not the nerve. I was considering Dr Liu but i think his prices are too much for me :sad: when are you planning on having the surgery?
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I'm looking into having this done around July/ August. Who is performing your radio frequency?
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I think i'll go to Grand clinic in seoul, hopefully in may, as long as there's no trouble with north korea. actually i discovered radiofrequency muscle ablation is not permanent so i am back to radiofrequency nerve ablation!
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