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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I am exactly 1 month post op and my walking is normal, and I feel good but maybe a bit fragile and cautious about doing too much. I don't think anyone has mentioned on here but the operation takes a bit out of you emotionally, mentally and physically so it would be nice to go on holiday at this point so I'd say go for it.

I am still stiff in the mornings but once I've stretched I am fine, I am stretching about 4 times a day at the moment for 3 mins at a time. I'm not having to elevate anymore and the swelling has gone right down.

The shooting burning pains have gone for the time being but I do feel a bit of contracting going on in my bad leg occasionally when I walk which gives me pain for a few mins. I'd say you will be fine to go on holiday at 1 month but just take it easy and only walk for 30 mins at a time, don't overdo it, take it a step at a time and listen to your body.

I worked on Monday and was on my feet for 6 hours flat and was fine but I came home and crashed out, felt more tired than normal, so that gives you an indication of how I'm doing, I can do everything I usually do (apart from jog or run) but tire easily.

Keep me posted on what you decide. Have you got your before and after simulated pics back from Dr. Park? I'm excited for you:biggrin:

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My swelling is almost gone now just a little around the back of the ankles but not noticeable.

My bruising is hardly there now you can achieve that by taking arnica tablets. I took them every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks and the bruising went quickly.

I still have the steri-strips on the cuts at the back of my leg which need to remain for 3 months post op but Dr. Park has said I can swim so swimming in the sea and all beach activities should be ok to do.

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Hi everyone,
I'm having the surgery with DR Jong in Taiwan in less than 9 hours and I'm so scared as well as excited that I can not sleep! I shall post the process and recovery to share with you all. I chose DR Jong because its easier for me to come to Taiwan and also I liked his before and after photos better. They were more curvy and sexy and not just straight like Dr Parks ones. And that's the look I'm after. The clinic is small and disappointed me a lil, I would prefer to be in a hospital but too late now! Wish me luck guys! Fingers crossed!!!
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Darakuku, good luck with your surgery! Let us know how it goes and how Taiwan is. I was thinking of going to Dr. Jong, but for precisely that reason -- that it's a small clinic -- I was advised against it. I personally don't see anything wrong with going to a clinic, but parents are very conservative.

I'm getting mine done in a few weeks, but i'm doing selective neurectomy at a hospital, not with Dr. Park or Dr. Jong. I've read a few studies about the procedure and they all say it works, but that there's a chance of "compensatory hypertrophy" in a few years. I'm willing to just do this for now and see what happens, even though I initially really wanted to get partial ressection. But my parents aren't supporting partial ressection, because they think the trauma is too severe and apparently doctors say the same thing? Does anyone have more info or stories about selective neurectomy?

My calves are 40 and 39, and i can barely fit into boots -.-.
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Hi guys I went into surgery at 11 am and came out at 3. The operation room and recovery room look quite old. Not really up to international standard. When I had my boobs done in phuket, I was in an A grade hospital with really good after care and a hospital room. I felt much safer there. Anyways, before my calf reduction, I had anesthetic injected into my spine to numb my lower body and something else into my iv to keep me drowsy. I woke up a couple times during the surgery and could feel my legs being worked on. No pain whatsoever yet except the spine injection which is like any other injection but the whole thing was a bit traumatizing and I'm glad it's over. Now the dreaded recovery.
Update again soon! xo
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Hi, i think with selective neurectomy sometimes the nerves recover and so the muscle starts regenerating back to the original shape which is why people opt for the resection. what date are you having the surgery?
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Hi when are you planning on going? I am hoping to go to dr jong around may 10?
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Pcc1 -- thanks for your insight! I haven't gotten my virtual simulation from dr park yet because I haven't found anyone to take pictures of my calves for me yet! With your advice, I hope to go on my vacation one month after my surgery. It does seem emotionally draining :/ so a vaca sounds like a good idea. My main concern is-- being able to take the stockings off during the day and also making sure my cuts behind my knees don't scar in the sunlight. Do you still have your compression stockings on all day? And how are your scars looking?
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Hi teenagedirt,
I had my operation with dr Jong on Monday and today is my 7th day post op. My wounds look horrible and and so worried of the recovery as I can only limp around even my high heels and definitely can't wear flats at the moment. Dr Jong has not prescribe any swelling or inflammation meds, nor recommend any exercise. What was your experience with dr Jong and how was your recovery? I really wanna hear your story and any others who have had surgery with dr Jong! Please give me some insights and make me feel better! As I am really emo at this stage:sad:
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hi i'm so sorry you're having a difficult recovery, are you feeling any better now? From past posts it seems most people have a low-point around day 5-7. Aspirin is anti-inflammatory so maybe try taking 2 a day (or whatever the box suggests). For stretches maybe try lowering your heels as much as you can so soon you can walk on flat feet, and also stand a foot away from a wall and lean your stomach towards the wall to stretch the back of your calf. keep us updated on your recovery! How long until you fly home? how long is the flight?
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Hi lil tiga,
My right leg is very swollen, I have called to ask dr. Jong for a follow up and he said he's very busy and won't be able to see me until Wednesday which is 10 days post op. So I'm kinda not happy with him lol my friend who dresses why wounds said that the stitches were very badly and quickly done, so I'm depressed cuz I really don't want gross scars. Thanks I will try those exercises you recommend. I feel an electric shock on my numb feet when I try to flatten them. That's pretty weird? I fly back home on Friday and its only 8hrs so should be ok...
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oh no that's really bad that Dr Jong wouldn't see you :sad: have things improved at all?
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