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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Does anybody know why this forum in calf reduction is kind of dead now?! Obviously there had been a peak of posts in a period o time and now they are silent. It seems that no one has done this surgery recently and those who have done many months ago are sick of posting more!:biggrin:
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Hi Princess 9998,

How are your calves going now? Have you noticed a reduction yet from the neurectomy?

Looking forward to your response!!
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hi i hope that you are okay since the op - did you have an epidural or general anesthetic - also how did you pay dr jong - cash, bank transfer? I am seriously considering having this done and will be travelling some distance, i would not want to be carrying this amount of money in cash
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Hello Darakuku,
It is too late now but congratulations!:smile: It is so cool when someone sounds satisfied with her surgery. The best thing is that you got rid of aspiration:yahoo: I wish that you had get it done with Dr.Park so that I could ask more questions:P
I have a very basic question: Did you do a detailed research about this surgery before convincing yourself to do it?! Have you ever find somebody with the persistent side affect after this surgery? The only thing that scares me is the permanent side affects...I am not talking about just 1 cm asymmetry (even natural legs are rarely asymmetric)...I am just afraid of pain after long walking or running normally...
I am looking froward to your answer.
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Would you also update us with your current situation? Do you feel better now?:smile:
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Hello christy2,

When are you planning to do this? I am gonna do it but i still need more self confidence!
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Hi Joojoo274

Are you planning for the calf reduction surgery by Dr Park or Dr Jong OR are you planning for the partial neurectomy that Princess went for? When do you intend to do it?

Im keen in this surgery too but would like to explore how are the results like for partial neurectomy first because the recovery period seems to be shorter than the former??

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Hi babyangel11,

You are the fist member talking with me in this forum. I was thinking maybe my posts are just visible for myself;)
I'm planning for calf resection with Dr.Park. You are right; the recovery course of neurectomy is shorter but as I found, partial resection is safer cz the nerve injury is less probable. People are different. I myself prefer the safer one although it is harder.
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Hi OneTrackMind,

I am planning to do it in January. I wish I could do it early but I don't have time till then. Are you going to update your posts after your surgery frequently? How much have you studied about this surgery?
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hi joo joo
Glad that people are still using this forum, I think that it is important to do lots of research. I have been looking into calf reduction/ partial resection since summer 2011. Although the recovery is longer, i feel satisfied that this is safe and that i will achieve the right result, and that there are no long term adverse side effects to having this done. I have spoken to lots of people on here who have had the surgery and been very pleased with the results. I have had a lot of contact with dr jong and plan to do the surgery with him in taiwan although it is miles from home. I think that maybe people don't bother with the forum so much once they have done the surgery and made a full recovery, or possibly just send private messages rather than posting to everyone.
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I think that it is understandable to worry about the scarring however to wear skinny jeans must feel great! I so wish i had known when you were going as i have been looking out fo ages to time my visit with someone else also going for the op - i think that it will be hard going by myself because not only have you got the op to consider but all the travelling that will be involved and length of time by yourself in a foreign country. Which hotel did you stay at?
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Hi christy2,

Thanks for your answer. It is cool that you are keen in this subject. My concern is just about persistent undesirable side affects. I am still searching but it seems that the patients had been satisfied with their results. I found just one girl not satisfied ( Her calves have developed more muscles after) in another forum. I don't know with whom she had done it. I wanted her to give me more details but I haven't receive any answer yet.
You are right about private massage but initially, I didn't have this option cz I didn't have a full account.
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Hi Christy,
I'm a bout a month post op now and I'm pretty happy with the result, the scar has healed it's just a dark line now, sticking beauty tape to make then lighter overtime. I brought cash because the rate is much better if you exchange rather then withdraw from ATM. Every time I withdraw $600 I get charged about $25-$33 which is a lot!! But I recommend withdraw from ATM if you're gonna travel heaps. Make sure you have a friend or someone to take care of you the first week. And think twice because this is a very serious operation... I had an epidural anesthetic and woke up a couple times during the op no pain but you feel you legs being worked at. A bit scary...
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hello :smile: i think calf resection is actually the more dangerous, operations on legs have a way higher chance of blood clots. nerve injury could cause pain if it's damaged but that can be fixed with nerve ablation, other than that i don't think it could be life-risking. Also you should consider the risk of flying, but i think the compression stockings help with blood flow a lot. I guess it is just weighing up your options :/ no other method can match the reduction that resection gives
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