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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi which dr you going for that proceture ? Thank you
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Hi Black Cavier ,

May i ask if you did undergo neurectomy ? i am looking at 1-3cm reduction so may want to consider neurectomy instead of partial muscle resection . It seems that result is unpredictable for neurectomy .. Can i have your email add as i do not have enough posts for PM ..
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Hi shinyglittery

Wow! 32.3cm circumference is really small for calves. Pls don't go anything.

If you read thru the cases here, most if not all have more than 33cm to start with.

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Hi sszz

I think I would most likely opt to go for Neurectomy.

Actually I have done online consultations with 2 Korean clinics - Grand & Hafis n both said that because I don't seem to have much muscles on my calves (as I seem to have more fats there) they don't think I would have very ideal results :sad:

But because I really want to avoid anything invasive if possible, I think I might just go for neurectomy. I read the info n it seems that if you have bulky or protruding muscles on calves (like men), neurectomy seems to be able to yield quite good results.

I have so much fats on my calves that I might not seem to have good results - probably partial resection would have better results. But if I can lose 2cm from each calf via neurectomy and both calves evenly, I would be happy!

I learnt that Hafis in Korea is specialised in Calves surgery - neurectomy - their website is in Korean & Japanese n it seems that they have done thousands of neurectomy cases.

If I do the surgery I might do in January.

Is anyone keen to go to Korea to do neurectomy procedure??

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Hi Baby Angel ,

Thanks for your reply . did you undergo liposuction before ? If i remember well , you shared that you have lumpy calves after lipo ... I am looking for ways to fix the lumpy calves and most of the doctors advised fat graft .

Do share with me if you find a way to cure the lumpiness . Can I have your email add ? i can't PM yet ..
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Hi sszz

Yes you are right - I did liposuction on my calves many years back n results were bad :sad:

In fact it looks kind of lumpy n saggy now n I don't see any loss of circumference at all! So disappointed & furious! :pout: I think it looks worse than before lipo. I really regretted the operation n would certainly discourage anyone from having lipo on their calves. Please DONT do it.

And because there is like a "dent" on one of the calves - fat graft is advised to "fill up" that "dent". I wrote to Dr Park & Dr Jong before n I think 1 of them said he would also do the fat graft at the same time when he does the partial resection of the muscles.

But im so weary of any surgery that is invasive now (the lipo on calves was invasive) that I really kind of dread having to go thru especially the post-surgery care & also the recovery period. I take a long time to recover from surgeries n I hate it.

My email is sweetielove3399 atyahoo dotcom

Im thinking of just maybe settling for Grand or Hafis for neurectomy. Of course I suppose partial resection might be the best choice but when I think of having to stay 2 weeks in Korea n taking around more than 1 month or around 3 months to recover kind of discourage me :sad:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone,

I noticed the thread is quite dead :cry:

Anyways, I still wanted to update you guys on my recovery so anyone (especially those who did surgery) can use it for future reference.

4.5 months post op!


They are ranging around 30-32cm. If I don't compress them for a day (not recommend), they will be around 33cm.


I just try not to scratch them whenever I take bandages off. They definately are still itchy.


The scars are still visible, but the line is getting shorter and shorter. There are a bit of bruising around the scar area. If I take off my bandages, my calves will look flat right away. But they will look normal after an hour or two.


According to Dr. Park, he said I am ready for snowboarding. I am going to snowboarding next weekend. I will update you guys how my progress goes.

I emailed Dr. Park 2 weeks ago (exactly 4 months post op) because my calves were still feeling stiff. He said I should stretch a lot more frequently because I should not be feeling any stiffness. I used to stretch around 5 times a day. But after his warning, I got so scared and paranoid and started stretching for around 10 times a day. It is so difficult for me because I need to stretch my calves in public or else I won't be able to stretch that often. Again, this is a very serious surgery. You have to ask yourself if you are determined to do frequent stretches everyday for 6 months. I believe this is the hardest part of the surgery. It is very frustrating especially when you get up every morning and your calves are feeling stiff.
My calves are finally not feeling stiff anymore when I wake up. But I still need to continue stretching or else the stiffness will haunt me back. THIS IS SOO FRUSTRATING!

I need to continue taking glucosamine or else my knees will hurt.

I still compress my calves with bandages. But I notice my bandages are quite worn out. Dr. Park said inappropriate compression can lead to shape irregularity. Wrapping my calves every night with care is another annoying thing to do.

I still feel heel pain whenever I stand for a while.

The outside of my feet still feels numb whenever I press into them.


Right now, my recent concern is rather or not I am able to snowboard like how I did pre op. Would my calf shape change if I'm too active because I want to go snowboarding every weekend? Dr. Park said I should be fine and I really hope so too.

My calves look really decent now and I totally forgot how my previous calves look like.
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Ffxlulu !

I wrote a few days ago, but it didn't go through! I'm so glad you gave us an update! You legs sound amazing! I'm so happy that you are going to try to get back into snowboarding! Please please please let me know how that goes. I am hoping to have the surgery done in April.
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Hi Ashlotte ,

I have booked my calf reduction with Dr Park in Dec and am considering having cheeckbone reduction together .

Do you mind to share your recovery experience as i am concerned if i will be able to take care of myself after these surgeries .
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Thank you for your detailed update.

I see that you pretty happy with your circumference, but I am personally want only couple cm off and worry that will cost me too much. Please, tell me honestly how do they look overall? Is the contour of your calves looks somewhere perfect or not quite? I wander if you can share picture or two with me? I think I am booking for January... :-s
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Hi Nikisha247,

Did you book for December? I am thinking January, so if you didn't do yet want to do next month let me know..
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